
In plain English - in what ways are Bayes' Rule and Popperian falsificationism conflicting epistemologies? 2021-04-02T21:21:23.865Z


Comment by Sandro P. on In plain English - in what ways are Bayes' Rule and Popperian falsificationism conflicting epistemologies? · 2021-04-05T23:43:46.664Z · LW · GW

Thanks for the recommendation. To the sequence I go!

Comment by Sandro P. on In plain English - in what ways are Bayes' Rule and Popperian falsificationism conflicting epistemologies? · 2021-04-05T23:39:54.345Z · LW · GW

Thanks for your generous reply. Maybe I understand the bailey and would need to acquaint myself with the motte to begin to understand what is meant by those who say it's being 'dethroned by the Bayesian revolution'.