
Self-experiment: A supraphysiological dosage of testosterone. 2023-06-26T10:26:50.951Z
How could I measure the nootropic benefits testosterone injections may have? 2023-05-18T21:40:53.704Z


Comment by shapeshifter on Self-experiment: A supraphysiological dosage of testosterone. · 2023-06-26T17:40:33.162Z · LW · GW

Hey Isaac, I appreciate your concerns but, quite frankly, I don't care that much about potential risks.

If you are curious as to what effects can be measurably observed after a single injection, I highly reccomend reading this study: . It's sort of a meta analysis and includes various examples of experiments involving single testosterone shots.

I corrected the concentration and amount. It is 300mg/ml and 1ml of testosterone. I am not too worried about any of the classic side effects (estrogenic/LH/FSH/spermatogenesis related) as I am not intending to take testosterone for any longer then 3 weeks - which should also leave me minimally suppressed.

Comment by shapeshifter on How could I measure the nootropic benefits testosterone injections may have? · 2023-05-19T07:30:27.865Z · LW · GW

You're right, I fixed it.