

Comment by snirda on Environmentalism in the United States Is Unusually Partisan · 2024-05-28T16:12:26.984Z · LW · GW

Honestly, I can understand the republican side because I lost trust on the global warming issue from a political standpoint.

And we should very much differentiate the scientific side to the political side. They are not the same.

Is climate change real? That's a scientific question. The answer seems to be yes.

Will carbon tax fix climate change? That's a political question. The answer may be no.

But it appears that the democrats think the second question is a scientific question as well - so they do not allow any discussion around it without calling the other side "climate change denier".

What's even worse, is that we are talking about a MASSIVE amount of money, both in taxes and then in subsidies. There will be corruption. There already is corruption. The republicans who try to challenge some of the money spending, and its management, are being called anti-science bigots. That leads to no-where.

Now take all of that, add to it the fact that, for example, Greta became the poster child of climate change, and has since made sure everyone knows she's a communist - of course this will be political. Who the hell thought that giving a stupid little girl so much power and influence will do the cause any favors?