Comment by
Soenke on
Stupid Questions January 2015 ·
2015-01-04T07:10:52.260Z ·
LW ·
I have the following questions regarding the simulation argument:
Unless I’m missing something, it is always (?) talked about “ancestor” simulations. So, my questions are:
Why does it have to be an “ancestor” simulation?
Couldn’t it be also considered that there are civilizations that run simulations of civilizations that were never “real”?
I.e. couldn’t we be a simulated civilization that was never an ancestor to the civilization that is simulating us?
And sub-questions would be:
So, maybe consciousness is unique in our simulation, i.e. those who simulate us don’t have consciousness?
So, maybe death is unique/special in our simulation, i.e. those who simulate us don’t die?
Thanks very much in advance.