

Comment by T-rodactyl on 0.999...=1: Another Rationality Litmus Test · 2017-01-24T13:33:55.144Z · LW · GW

Thank you for the reply! I get that 1/3= 0.333... from just dividing 1 by 3, but I do have a lack of understanding for what it means to multiply an infinite decimal by some integer. I appreciate the explanation with the decimals to the left!

Comment by T-rodactyl on 0.999...=1: Another Rationality Litmus Test · 2017-01-21T10:29:39.851Z · LW · GW

I was able to make sense of this argument through the (rather unsophisticated) reasoning that 0.333...= 1/3, and multiplying both sides by three gives 0.999...=1. (I'm not sure if this actually adds anything, but it was how I made myself believe the validity of the argument)

Comment by T-rodactyl on Welcome to LessWrong (January 2016) · 2017-01-21T10:27:36.036Z · LW · GW

Hello everyone!

I am an engineering student from India and found Less Wrong through an article about 'tabooing' your words, which I was brought to through Slate Star Codex's description of Motte and Bailey arguments. I have subconsciously thought of my interests in cool logic problems and in the disagreements between social groups as somewhat tenuously related, and I find the content here very appealing and applicable to both areas.