

Comment by The Pnictogen Wing (the-pnictogen-wing) on Does life actually locally *increase* entropy? · 2024-09-25T17:31:56.473Z · LW · GW

I have no idea whether I can post anything here yet but I'll try to answer: all other arguments other than the one from basic chemistry are irrelevant. organic life may be easily construed as a controlled combustion of organic fuel, one drawn over a very long span as opposed to happening all at once like an actual fire, and that is a chemical reaction that proceeds in the direction of increasing entropy: all organic foodstuffs are in the condensed phase (liquids and solids) and their combustion processes are gases. Ergo, organic life increases entropy over all. Simple, right? ~Chara 

Comment by The Pnictogen Wing (the-pnictogen-wing) on Welcome to LessWrong! · 2024-09-24T19:45:22.636Z · LW · GW

All right! I thought I'd give this a whirl. I've had a few words for M. Eliezer S. Yudkowsky on Twitter, or on "X as envisioned by the deathless genius of Elon Musk" I should say. Of course I never got any response to the words but I was never expecting one so that's all right! I believe that my friend Monophylos (or Mono the Unicorn) can say much the same.

Is this place actually active? It looks like it might be, at a trickle; I can't imagine the popularity of this "dark intellectual" stuff has been doing so well lately, especially now that everyone gets to see what it's done to J. D. Vance. (Hoo boy there's something wrong with that kid.)

Anyway! Looking forward to the lively Debate™, or to getting summarily booted out. One of those two!

~Chara of Pnictogen 🔴