

Comment by vmkumar on The Landmark Forum — a rationalist's first impression · 2011-06-03T16:10:47.566Z · LW · GW

I was very successful before doing the Landmark Forum, and continue to be successful.

A course or a book does not transform any person - it is the commitment behind the action that alters the reality for anyone.

Books, courses [such as Landmark Forum], conversations with successful people, daily life etc all contribute in some way to mould people's personalities.

While I have greatly benefited from using the technology of Landmark Education [and continue to be, even 12 years later], I have also seen several others fail miserably. Therefore, it is a delusion to think just by doing a course will alter life circumstances. Opinions dont change situations - taking committed action does. My request to people is not to simply go by opinions, but try out [any new experience] by their own. And while you try, REALLY try it on - meaning, give it a chance, and see if it works.

If it does, great! and good for you. If it does not, wonderful! - you have just found one more thing that you need not pursue further! :- )

Comment by vmkumar on Generalizing From One Example · 2011-06-03T13:59:51.654Z · LW · GW

The Vedanta has said for a thousand years - Everything is created twice:

  • Once in the mind, and then in physical reality

For anything to be created in physical reality, it has to be first visualized, seen, experienced in the mind.

Comment by vmkumar on Feeling Rational · 2011-06-02T20:01:46.465Z · LW · GW

In my entire team of Engineers, the one common look I get is a Poker face. It appears that this kind of expression is "default", and showing emotion is something foreign. I wish people would be OK with just expressing themselves - how they feel about any particular situation.

Then, the truth would quite often be out on the table, and everybody can then deal with it [along with the consequences!]