Either way. I'm speaking for the group of people that 15 years ago would've been called lesbians. The young people AFAB who would've grown up to become lesbians 15 years ago are 1. Being medically abused - some call it mutilation and sterilization. 2. In an environment where it is taboo to note how bad this medical capitalism is affecting AFAB bodies and not helping depression-prone minds and 3. AFAB lesbians are now greatly outnumbered by the much stronger AMAB lesbians who mostly insist on being fully accepted sexual partners to the AFABs that definitionally are not attracted to AMABs.
So, it is definitely a double plus ungood time to be an AFAB lesbian. As one who experienced a better time I can attest to this based on what doesn't seem like a good time. Thankfully the medical capitalism that exists now was not available then and so my bones are not in severe osteoporosis at a young age, I am still continent, still orgasmic and still containing the body parts which have the best chance of attracting a genuinely mutually enjoyable partner. I don't think I would've continued to live otherwise. But AFAB lesbians are a definite minority in a group of highly intelligent world-shapers who tend to see things from the AMAB POV.
Basically, you're killing us. And don't like it being pointed out.
So many violent ladies lately. Terrible time to be a lesbian.
I obsess about this. Appreciate the ready made script!
Two thoughts:
Many with unusually high "g"appear to have a tendency toward social blindness and trouble with "theory of mind" and tracking others internal states. I wonder if many have reminded themselves to consciously track any cues to other's internal states. Example: hmm that person is exhibiting signs of boredom and body language indicating a desire to flee when I discuss the coding problem I've been struggling with.
As someone prone to impulsivity in youth I've come to appreciate a tendency toward intrusive terrible images or "intrusive thoughts". They dont require any conscious effort but if I'm engaged in something where a lack of attention or a wrong move could cause devastation my mind will happily flash a fully formed detailed image of an intense, exaggerated unpleasant potential outcome. Though I have had to develop ways to dissipate the images so they don't cling.
Evolution shapes a lot of behavioral tendencies in us all that we never chose. It's unfortunate that some commit the "naturalistic fallacy" and think that just because something is natural it's a good thing. IS does not imply Ought.
I have a friend who owns a business that they ran for years as a female then transitioned with hormones. Over a short time they appeared very obviously male to everyone they met. He said that people stopped questioning everything he said and just believed him. Like, he would make a reasonable informed statement and that would be it, people accepted it as the truth. I've heard this is a universal experience of transmen, which is interesting as they are often shorter and smaller yet still find this advantage.