

Comment by Yavanna on Open thread, Mar. 23 - Mar. 31, 2015 · 2015-03-28T03:49:39.777Z · LW · GW

Hi, anyone in Ithaca? I'd like to start some sort of Effective Altruism meet-up/club. The lovely people at the EA forum suggested asking here.

Comment by Yavanna on Before the seed. Intro · 2015-03-28T03:24:01.096Z · LW · GW

One time I was walking around campus carrying a fern and a kid asked what type of flower it was. I stifled my laughter. Does that count as being gentle?

Comment by Yavanna on Before the seed. Intro · 2015-03-08T22:59:24.022Z · LW · GW

I'm very much looking forward to reading this! Not only is it about plants, I also quite enjoy your writing style. Curious what non-plant-people will get out of it though, unless I've missed some introduction

Comment by Yavanna on Ithaca Meetup? · 2015-03-08T22:46:36.684Z · LW · GW

I imagine you two have graduated by now. For future people who search lesswrong for 'Cornell' or 'Ithaca' I'm here until probably 2018, and if I find other effective altruism-interested people I'm thinking we could start a campus club. Let me know that you exist!