How interesting,! Please allow me to share with you what just took place and with the usage of hindsight placed in this process , I guess one could say If hindsight were or is a true value, you would not be reading this right now truly changing cause and effect, It will always remain in the "what If/" category for me You see, I was the one that gave you the negative mark on this comment. WAS it intentional ? . No ,by no means, Yet this is a pure example of what one could consider to be hindsight...""" If I'd only Known SYNDROME" For some odd reason I use my cursor as a placement while reading off the Internet, , As the cursor was following my eyes, and my mind was contemplating on that phrase by you( " which is actually an inverted version of the truth, that still sounds plausible enough that people will try to explain it even though it's wrong.) "When out of Nowhere my finger accidentally clicked down on the mouse , I didn't realize what had happened until I was taken to the next page, And there I was, ,faced with your belief system in regards to your approach on dealing with your readers negative or positive feedback, I didn't want to read that! JESSEE almost felt like was punished for a mere slip of the finger... NOW this is a Funny thing , or is It mere coincidences? Who Knows, maybe it was some unconscious physical reaction on my behalf , just so i could respond now. Seriously Really I don't think so... Simply a mere accident on my behalf, However, the YES IF I"D KNOWN THAT WOULD HAPPEN... My Little mouse would have stayed put.! , because, you see I found your article quite interesting, It intrigued me and made me think (Yet still this happened ), There's weight to that subject of yours and I like to see views through another eyes , even if the absolute conclusion has yet to surface. Now In hindsight I would have kept my mouse still, To be honest, I was rather embarrassed! However, this brings me to the thought" Was this a subconscious reaction on my behalf? Honestly. I'll never know, Like I stated earlier, I liked your article., But in regards to hindsight , I would not be writing you right now If Id been prepared for this to have happened. I am a firm believer that there are those who once exposed to, or placed into extreme certain conditions In comparison to the other who wasn't, the exposed becomes stronger other and therefor can better cope. I believe most of us know this as" Born with a silver spoon in thy mouth" , In my personal opinion Ive seen the Non exposed have a much harder time getting through what ever challenge they are facing, Now of-course this does leave room for controversy, as it simply depends on just "What" exactly that is, You depicted War, In that sense there's many variables, Where do we derive our inner sterngth from? Is It Based on knowledge alone? Is It In our genetic make-up? Some choose to be Victims , while others simply Grin and Bear It... then there's even those that feel empowered, They're Stronger because of what they just went through,,, Thanks to Good OLE HINDSIGHT... We simply make what we project and to each of us, That is what becomes our own reality ... I played Victim in this scenario, But I'm leaving empowered... You can bet i'll never use my little OLE mouse as a guide again, especially while contemplating ones beliefs and just how they arrived at that conclusion. I still have much to learn. I want to Thank you, for teaching me something about myself today. keep up the good work, I enjoy your articles very much. In Hindsight I would have marked that a positive!!!!.