When Does Altruism Strengthen Altruism?

post by jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-01-21T18:50:05.424Z · LW · GW · 2 comments

Joey Savoie recently wrote that Altruism Sharpens Altruism:

I think many EAs have a unique view about how one altruistic action affects the next altruistic action, something like altruism is powerful in terms of its impact, and altruistic acts take time/energy/willpower; thus, it's better to conserve your resources for these topmost important altruistic actions (e.g., career choice) and not sweat it for the other actions.

However, I think this is a pretty simplified and incorrect model that leads to the wrong choices being taken. I wholeheartedly agree that certain actions constitute a huge % of your impact. In my case, I do expect my career/job (currently running Charity Entrepreneurship) will be more than 90% of my lifetime impact. But I have a different view on what this means for altruism outside of career choices. I think that being altruistic in other actions not only does not decrease my altruism on the big choices but actually galvanizes them and increases the odds of me making an altruistic choice on the choices that really matter.

(more... [EA · GW])

How motivation works varies a lot between people, but I think both of these models have elements of truth and elements where they lead people in less helpful directions, mostly depending on their current situation.

An analogy: say you need to carry important heavy things. If you only rarely need to do this, then an approach of 'conserving' your strength by avoiding carrying anything but the most important things would work terribly: your strength grows as you use it. You'd do much better to often carry unimportant heavy things, growing stronger, so that when it's important you're in good shape.

On the other hand, if you're carrying important heavy things most of the day and are about as strong as you're going to get, carrying additional unimportant ones can cut into your ability to carry the important ones. And if you overload yourself you can get injured, possibly severely.

This is still a pretty simplified model, and we don't know that capacity for altruism functions analogously to muscle strength, but I do think it fits observations pretty well. Most of us probably know people who (or ourselves have):

On the other hand, just as there are far more opportunities for carrying heavy things than you could possibly take on, there are also far more opportunities for altruism. Someone who just says 'yes' to every altruistic opportunity that passes their way will rapidly become overloaded, and need to prioritize.

This model doesn't give much guidance for how to do that prioritization. If you don't model the growth of your altruistic muscles then it's relatively simple: do the things that help others the most for the least cost to yourself, at a sustainable level. This is also what, for me, feels consistent and self-reinforcing: to the extent I'm going to make sacrifices I want them to be worth it. Given how far additional funding can go, when I 'exercise' it's usually in thrift (ex: DIY projects or cooking things from scratch). And I find engaging with the effective altruism community and my biosecurity coworkers to be very motivating.

If this isn't the way your motivation works, though, then if you want to be more altruistic it's worth exploring what kinds of activities increase your drive to help others.

One worry I do have with this kind of motivation-building, however, is that it's rarely cause-neutral. If you volunteer in a poor country you're probably going to shift your altruism in the direction of prioritizing global poverty, regardless of whether that's what most needs doing. And the same with going vegan and animal welfare, or protesting AI capabilities work and AI risk. If you're already pretty sure this is where you want to focus this seems fine, just like how when you choose to work in a specific field you trade flexibility for greater impact, but if you're still exploring your options it may make sense to focus on more general altruistic exercise options like comparing donation options to make many small donations.

Humanity has a lot of experience on what works for getting physically stronger, but comparatively little on getting altruistically stronger. Seems worth digging into more!


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by sapphire (deluks917) · 2024-01-22T18:56:13.048Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

A culture that denigrates being altruistic/nice in small ways makes it really hard to know who to trust. I understand their is an aversion to 'virtue signaling' but accepting rat/ea culture really feels like it disables my intuitive (and honestly decently reliable) intuition for who is trustworthy. Imo there is a good reason people check things like 'how do they treat waiters' when deciding who is a trustworthy partner or friend. That stuff cannot replace explicit logical altruism. But it seems like a mistake to jettison being kind in smaller ways throughout your life.

Replies from: pktechgirl
comment by Elizabeth (pktechgirl) · 2024-01-23T05:08:46.727Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I think is true but applies at least as strongly for a culture that disproportionately rewards small altruism. If tipping an extra 5% makes people much more willing to invest in your start-up, people will tip better.