Less Wrong Community Weekend 2022, open for application!
post by UnplannedCauliflower · 2022-05-01T18:52:28.462Z · LW · GW · 2 commentsContents
Less Wrong Community Weekend 2022, open for application! The tickets: The tickets: None 2 comments
Less Wrong Community Weekend 2022, open for application!
When: Friday 26th August - Monday 29th August 2022
Where: jh-wannsee.de (Berlin)
The tickets:
Regular ticket: 150€
Supporter ticket: 200/300/400€
Angel ticket: 75€
This year’s awesome keynote speaker will be Duncan Sabien whose talk is: “The moments that matter”. Duncan is the former director of curriculum at CFAR, the primary preparer of the CFAR handbook, and a regular producer of consistently interesting and thought provoking essays such as In Defense of Punch Bug, and Lies, Damn Lies, and Fabricated Options [LW · GW].
From Friday August 26th through Monday August 29th aspiring rationalists from all around Europe and beyond will gather for four days at the lovely Lake Wannsee near Berlin to socialize, run workshops, talk, and enjoy our shared forms of nerdiness.
What the event is like: On Friday afternoon we put up four wall-sized daily planners and by Saturday morning the attendees fill them up with 50+ workshops, talks and activities of their own devising such as Icebreaker games, Rationality techniques, EA community building discussions, Comfort zone exploration workshop, Polyamory and relationships workshops, morning meditation sessions in the Winter garden and many more.
This is our 7th year and we feel that the atmosphere and sense of community at these weekends is something that is really special. If that sounds like something you would enjoy and you have some exciting ideas and skills to contribute come along and get involved.
And of course if you want to spend some time relaxing and recharging on your own you can hike in the forests, sunbathe or stroll lazily along the banks of Lake Wannsee whenever you like. The venue for the event, Wannsee youth hostel, is nestled amongst the beautiful lakes and forests of South West Berlin and provides shared accommodation, a canteen, a selection of large and small seminar rooms and plenty of comfortable spaces inside and out for us to use as we please.
Application Process: There are usually about 20% more people who would like to come than we have spots for, so priority will be given to those who seem particularly interested, or who plan to make interesting contributions by running a talk, workshop or activity. However, everyone is welcome to apply. So apply now and tell us about why it would be awesome to have you as part of the group!
The primary ticket will be 150 euros, but if you want to be an unusually and exceptionally cool person, we also have supporter tickets that allow us to help people who need financial help, and improve this and future community events.
Also we are hoping that some of you volunteer to be an ‘on-site angel’ for a half priced ticket who will help us set everything up, keep things clear, prepare to make sure the snacks table is kept filled, and similar tasks. They will only be expected to work either before, after or during the event while joining sessions is still often feasible. If this sounds interesting to you, send us an email (lwcw.europe@gmail.com) and we’ll schedule a call to talk with you.
We do have funds to help people who would struggle to afford the ticket. If you need help, choose a regular ticket when applying and send us an email explaining your situation after your application has been accepted.
Also tell your friends about this event if you think they will be interested!
When: Friday 26th August - Monday 29th August 2022
Where: jh-wannsee.de
The tickets:
Regular ticket: 150€
Supporter ticket: 200/300/400€
Angel ticket: 75€
If you have any questions, please email us at lwcw.europe@gmail.com.
Comments sorted by top scores.
comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) · 2022-05-01T20:48:30.053Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Is there going to be any covid-related precaution? I assume it would be mentioned if so, but I believe an explicit statement is better anyway
Replies from: UnplannedCauliflower↑ comment by UnplannedCauliflower · 2022-05-02T05:41:15.583Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
We take the question of Covid safety seriously.
Currently Covid is on the wane, most people have been vaccinated or already infected, the event is to be held at the end of the summer, and Covid exhibits a strong seasonal pattern in Europe. While right now we can't declare anything with certainty and it looks like we won't need many precautions, we will monitor the situation closely and decide on the details as we get closer to the event.
In any case, such an event will involve taking more risk than some people are comfortable with, and I expect some people not to attend because they want to be careful. It's quite likely that it can lead to a few Covid cases among participants, which is may or may not be an acceptable risk to take depending on your personal philosophy.