
Impact of the rationalist community who someone who aspired to be "rational" 2021-03-15T02:54:55.735Z
Remembering people's name with Anki 2021-02-14T16:34:02.274Z
Low hanging fruits (LWCW 2020) 2020-09-15T18:15:54.745Z
Effective altruism and criticism toward activism: Answer to a paradox 2020-05-17T21:15:09.354Z
Advanced Anki (Memorization Software) 2020-01-14T02:25:18.989Z
Anki (Memorization Software) for Beginners 2020-01-14T01:55:54.670Z
AIRCS Workshop: How I failed to be recruited at MIRI. 2020-01-07T01:03:53.650Z
The trolley problem, and what you should do if I'm on the tracks 2019-03-29T01:24:43.655Z
How I use Anki to learn mathematics 2016-12-07T22:29:32.309Z


Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Project Lawful Audiobook: An Unofficial Fan Production with ElevenLabs AI · 2024-05-25T17:33:43.019Z · LW · GW

Thank you a lot. I can't read it. Mostly because using different face for the same character makes the text SO confusing. Having one voice by character makes it so simple to follow. I've been following for a few months thanks to you

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on 37C3 Hacker x Rationalist Meetup · 2023-12-30T00:25:21.189Z · LW · GW

Plenty of people. Find us on telegram

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on 37C3 Hacker x Rationalist Meetup · 2023-12-27T14:38:31.830Z · LW · GW

To anyone reading it, the event was moved

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on 37C3 Hacker x Rationalist Meetup · 2023-12-26T15:52:27.675Z · LW · GW

Where is the LW meetup room?

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Audition to perform in Bay Secular Solstice · 2022-12-08T19:55:22.332Z · LW · GW

Is there any way to buy a ticket?

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Less Wrong Community Weekend 2022, open for application! · 2022-05-01T20:48:30.053Z · LW · GW

Is there going to be any covid-related precaution? I assume it would be mentioned if so, but I believe an explicit statement is better anyway

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Lies Told To Children · 2022-04-14T12:45:30.711Z · LW · GW

I don't understand one thing about the universe. The test and the fact that this story wind "lies-told-to-children" storytelling night, seems to indicate that most children never hear those dirty-red lies. However, if that causes those children to be raised, to learn, differently than most of the planet, this only mean that the test checks whether those children are actually good, not whether the whole planet education system raises good children. This is especially important as I can imagine and fear that seeing this discrimination for years, then having to act yourselves, has an extremely strong impact on the later behavior of the person. Hopefully a good impact, because they have lived how conformity has been able to impact them for years and how it required an external event for them to do any action helping discriminated people. It's hard for me to imagine that civilization can be sure the remaining of the society is as good without having them actually tested in this realistic way.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Lies Told To Children · 2022-04-14T12:41:28.293Z · LW · GW

I've a regret that the requirement to write down thoughts only came once. Clearly, there was no way I ever could see where it goes at the time it was requested. However, later, as soon as Red was mentioned, I guessed the end, the tests. Still cried reading it. I suspect that if I didn't know who the author was, I would not have guessed, that seems to unusual for most author authors I love

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on The Sword of Good · 2022-01-25T02:25:24.559Z · LW · GW

Please not that the youtube link and Brin's essay are broken link

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on The LessWrong Team is now Lightcone Infrastructure, come work with us! · 2021-10-01T02:10:00.399Z · LW · GW

May I suggest indicating in this post already that it's in Berkeley? Lot of job goes remote, and I'd expect other people to want to find this information quickly as it's an easy decision factor.

Also, if I may ask "no longer seems sufficient". Did you thought it was? The sentence seems really strange to be honest, or otherwise I'd be curious if you have a text where you explained why you thought that, as it seems quite surprising

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Covid 4/9: Another Vaccine Passport Objection · 2021-05-15T17:45:15.149Z · LW · GW

Can you please provide a link to somewhere explaining why links to unvaccinated are higher than they appear.

My assumption is that the risk I take is proportional to the number of people which can transmit Covid that I meet. If vaccinated people still present the same risk of transmitting Covid to unvaccinated people and do not get tested, then your number makes sens. But it does not seem that it is what you have in mind.

I also understand that some people takes more risk as they know that a lot of people nearby are vaccinated. Or simply because the government restrictions changed, forcing them to go back to work even without vaccine.

If we want to track whether anything makes the virus more dangerous than it used to be, I understand that statisticians need to take the percentage of vaccinated people into account to measure the actual risk of transmission from an unvaccinated person with Covid to another unvaccinated person. So, clearly, if a new variant arrives and get dominant in my town/lander, the update I need to make about this variant is greater than the usual update I need to make about new variant. But this statement do not seem to be as important and far-reaching than the statement you made, so I suppose I missed something. Any help to understand what I missed would be greatly appreciated

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on People Will Listen · 2021-04-13T08:24:03.903Z · LW · GW

I believe the advice would be:

  • if some people you have some trust in argues loudly about an idea
  • that this occurs rarely enough
  • then it's worth putting 100$ into it (or whatever amount you're confortable, that would not make you tick if it's lost) just in case

Same thing as usual. If the cost is low, return potentially quite high, and there is good reason for you to expect the indication not to be well known, then it's worth giving a try. If it only works one in ten advice, you still make huge

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Anki decks by LW users · 2021-04-04T07:52:11.242Z · LW · GW

Some of those links uses the deprecated .anki file format. Import .anki files is an add-on I created for a Less Wronger, that will allow you to import those old decks

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Seven Years of Spaced Repetition Software in the Classroom · 2021-04-03T20:45:40.583Z · LW · GW


Thanks a lot for this detailed feedback. I had never heard of anki used to ask the whole room to review, interesting. I just shared it on anki subreddit

If I can, I'd strongly suggest you to edit slightly your introduction to add that you are the teacher and that it's an English class for US students. Personally, I was not sure at first you were student or teacher, and what kind of things you taught (I'd suspect that teaching math would be more complex than foreign vocabulary; even if I've never tested it with classes.)

You mention coding, you also mentioned anki. Did you think about reaching to the anki community for help? You probably know already that anki has quite a lot of add-ons. That means that dozens of devs know the codebase very well and could have created features and work with you to adapt the app. That may have added more freedom to your experimentation. I have little doubt that this concept of trying new stuff would interest enough people that, at least for simple changes, you'd have found devs offering some of their time.

For the context, I'm a maintainer of AnkiDroid, I contributed considerably to Anki's codebase and created more than 60 add-ons myself. So I'd admit I am extremely biased here.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Group house norms really do seem toxic to many people. · 2021-03-20T06:55:42.855Z · LW · GW

I am extremely confused. You mention that the situation preceded your arrival, however, I recall you arrived while I was living in DT and I can't figure out what you're talking about. I'm not extremely good about reading the room, so this is not surprising by itself, but I would have expected to notice if there were huge regular problem. The worst discussion I recalled was about finding out who was the owner of something in the fridge. As far as I know, we never figured it out and assumed it was left by someone who didn't live it anymore. Kind of gross, but clearly not the level of conflict you are mentioning here.

The only thing I can really think which explain that I didn't notice conflict is that I only stayed a month, so probably didn't have time to build real one nor to be taught big pictures of current problems. However, I must state that I really enjoyed this month, and I would have happily stayed longer if the room was not rented to somebody else.

I probably conflate DT and the Bay Area, after all I discovered both at the same time. I really enjoyed the bay area, and this probably reflected positively to my thoughts about DT.

I'd note that I was already confused before. I've discovered after moving in that DT was not just a shared house but was created with a purpose, and I never really understood why I was offered a room. Just "having someone paying one month of rent instead of leaving a free room" do not seems a good explanation, as there are probably other people that would have been helped far more with a cheap room than myself.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on How I come up with ideas · 2021-03-15T02:00:20.195Z · LW · GW


In case it interest you, I wrote an explanation about how to put an arbitrary scheduler in Anki to work also with mobile software Please let me know if it present any interest to you. I'm extremely interested in alternative scheduler

Disclaimer: I was paid to develop the add-on behind this post, am a mainteneur of ankidroid and am quite related to anki developement in general

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Your Cheerful Price · 2021-03-08T17:37:43.294Z · LW · GW

I'll try to be more specific. In itself, I would have happily billed them 50€ and think I made a profit. The job I rejected required to make a change to a code base that I know extremely well, and that would have been done in less than 30 minutes, including testing.

If I were to accept free lance client in 2021, I would need to declare this income. I have literally no idea how much work it would be to declare it in the four countries I have to do a tax income declaration. However, it would essentially be a one time cost whatever the number of job I got in the year.

According to French law, an error in declaration could cost 5000€ if I recall correctly, and I really don't believe I would not make an error if I did the tax myself. So I would need to hire an accountant. I didn't thought about billing 5000€ or an accountant to the client. I'll clearly also need an accountant in Germany, given that I don't speak German. I've yet no idea whether the accountant would charge more if, with my salary, I also got some free lance job.

I would find strange anyway to charge all of those one-time-cost to the first client; however I would not expect to have more than 5 clients either, so the cost would still be pretty high. And at this point, the bill would mostly contain the accountant costs and not the cost of my work anymore.

So yeah, I could clearly ask for 10 000€ instead of the 50€ I first thought about. It would clearly have been an happy price, covered both the fees if I made a mistake and the accountant fees. And just I'd be happy to know I can help people that much that it's worth this price for them. But I don't believe asking this kind of price would have make sens here.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Your Cheerful Price · 2021-02-18T01:35:23.936Z · LW · GW

A few practical remarks, that I believe should be resolved if this were to be implemented generally. How do you deal with people who are not cheerful to have spent the time thinking about their cheerful price, and having the deal not occurred. As you wrote, they may have imagined that the price will be pay and enjoy this thought, they probably need to do this to ensure that the price is cheerful, and so it may hurts a little bit. Worse, if you speaks to a room, then you are essentially asking a bunch of people to do a quote, that's actual work, because they need to be listen to you, consider the question, and know that whatever price they quote, there is plenty of chance not to be selected because someone gave a lower price.

I'd add that, if you want to obey the law, tax laws in particular, then anything you do for a price is going to be freelancing at least, to need to be declared to the tax authority, requires paperwork, potential tax service check, social security, retirement contribution... depending on the country. So, while I agree it could make sens to behave this way with friends who are also freelancers, it seems extremely hard to generalize todays, unless you accept to put those friends at middle-term risk. Maybe you know all of your friends can deal with any of those complication if required, if a tax authority asks why there are more money on their bank account, but if anyone fear hurting someone by accepting a price to low, then I would assume the same person would fear those consequences too.

I know for a fact I sometime rejected job I would have been able to do and was offered a correct price just because I need to do tax declaration in three or four countries and the few hundreds euros I could have made were not worth the added complexity.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Remembering people's name with Anki · 2021-02-15T23:35:29.318Z · LW · GW

Thanks. I only partially agree with what you quote.

In a part of hacker community, being able to remember who is Raymond or Graham may be the difference between being considered as a member of the ingroup or not. Of course, that's never such a binary choice, but it clearly may help to indicates that we have the same reading in commons, Hacker and Painter, The bazar and the Cathedraal. I can't state whether it'll save 5 minutes or less, because the question is not how much time it takes to remember the information, but the message sent.

Furthermore, it sometimes occurred that I met famous searcher in academic conference. Turing price or Fields Medal. I won't work with them quite probably, but I suspect that having known who they are, what they are known for, may potentially have been a lead to interesting discussion, and help me know where to lead the discussion.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Remembering people's name with Anki · 2021-02-14T18:53:30.164Z · LW · GW

Because I'm lazy.

More generally, usually, the path is: I see someone every week, then I don't see them at all anymore. This is usually the case when I move to a new country/job. That's the moment where the interval/setting should change. Even if I don't do it manually, the next time the question is asked and I press again, the fact that I forgot means the interval will become small again. In this case, the app will mostly deal with it by itself, even if it takes some time, so no reason to take time dealing with it myself.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 13 · 2021-01-23T14:44:33.311Z · LW · GW

I don't understand. I was quite intrigued about platform 9 and a half, about detecting things by explicitly ignoring everything of interest, really nice ideas. I'm usually able to read fics in English and understand most of it, but in this case, I fear I failed a lot. I do not know whether it is because some things were removed from history or whether it's because it 's a LL point of view. I can imagine that it's a really good point of view, but that's too confusing for me to follow. It's not even clear to me what occured at the end

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Hufflepuff Cynicism · 2021-01-05T21:54:19.501Z · LW · GW

FYI: the link is broken

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Local Validity as a Key to Sanity and Civilization · 2020-12-22T18:02:47.505Z · LW · GW

A small note, which would probably have been better before it get published. For someone not following US politics, the story of Doug Jones is hard to follow as I don't have any context about it. My first reading suggest that some people would have wanted to expel a senator, leaving the senate with one less member on the democratic side. But it does not seems to make sens, unless some party have the power to expell a senator from the whole senate

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 8 · 2020-12-22T01:00:19.762Z · LW · GW

I really like the whole feeling. I am just confused about the fact that "I can not confirm nor deny" is used so widely. I can get how Mad Eye could get it from HJPEV, not how Lockhart could, and especially why he would use such a complex formulation.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on The LessWrong 2018 Book is Available for Pre-order · 2020-12-03T06:37:43.624Z · LW · GW

Sounds quite cool!

There are quite a lot of interesting things, but it's hard to read less wrong as there are just so many links, and finding what to read next is computationally very costly. A book solve the problem! I may imagine buying the ebook version just for having this order simplifying the reading decision.

One question: do you have any plan to make an audiobook of it? I listen more than I read, and would really love to listen to it, assuming that some texts can be understood without the drawings. I assume that some textes from Scott Alexander may already exists in audio thanks to SSC podcast. A LW Best-Of podcast, similar to SSC podcast and to the RAIFTZ audiobook would be extremly wonderful.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Low hanging fruits (LWCW 2020) · 2020-09-17T04:46:25.151Z · LW · GW

The comment was not about having facebook or any big company/administration knowing your data. I admit there is little advice relevant here. Personally, I share often my notes and don't really check everytime what's in them. It would be too complex, so I avoid to put anything that I should not share in them (and warn the recipient that there may be some NSFW things)

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Low hanging fruits (LWCW 2020) · 2020-09-16T01:57:59.068Z · LW · GW

I am honestly not that sure. I know personally I won't apply all of those low-hanging fruit, and I doubt anyone will. Even if some "fruits" may be useful to me, there is so many fruits that it would take far too much time testing all of them. So in my opinion, I need to have a small quantity of fruits at once. A one-hour even with one fruit by person is nice, because it gives a clear time-frame. Going to read list of fruits seems too hard intellectually, since so many fruits are different I need to constantly context-switch.

Furthermore, a live even allow to see each person's enthousiasm, it allow them to explain in details. I have a hard time imagining how that could be done in such a big list, especially if it's one person's fruit.

To be honest, I don't expect this current list to be useful to anybody that was not here, but I expect it to be really cool for people who want to recall the details of what they heard.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Low hanging fruits (LWCW 2020) · 2020-09-16T01:28:27.082Z · LW · GW

I used to give (good quality) harmonica to people wanting to start playing without too much trouble. Tried twice. None of the receiver plays it (one I know because we know live together, the other I only guess, but they may be using it at home maybe. )

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Effective altruism and criticism toward activism: Answer to a paradox · 2020-05-17T23:47:32.848Z · LW · GW

thank you for your comment.

I think I don't understand what you mean by

Explain general effective approaches/how they are found

If you mean that they can convince someone easily that they could be cause-agnostic by explaining how to do research, I guess that you're technically right. However, this is really long, because doing actual research work is complex, long, and boring. The reason why I wanted to give a "detrimental" example is because this is a quick explanation. If you say "you need to interview dozens of people, ensure that your metrics and questions are not biased" is something that does not speaks to my guts. If you say "our methods are general, you could try to use them to defends traditional mariage and fight LGBT rights" that speaks really loudly to my me. I get the point that EA gives tools, and that those tools are general, even if they are mostly used by people caring about suffering and death

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on AIRCS Workshop: How I failed to be recruited at MIRI. · 2020-02-29T14:06:05.874Z · LW · GW

Thank you for your answer Davidad. For some reason, I was pretty sure that I did ask you something as "why did you try to do that if it could leads to AI faster, through em" and that your answer was something like "I probably would not have done if I already knew about AI safety questions". But I guess I did recall badly. I'm honestly started to be effraied by the number of things I did get wrong during those 4 days

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Anki (Memorization Software) for Beginners · 2020-01-27T09:13:42.521Z · LW · GW

I certainly do agree that it's worth spending time with anki. I'm not sure why you told it in a comment here. I might be the only person seing this comment (given that it was posted just before the event), and I don't really need to be convinced.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Anki (Memorization Software) for Beginners · 2020-01-23T00:45:51.140Z · LW · GW

I honestly state that I'm not in any way an expert in memory, nor in neuroscience. I am highly skeptical of your claim. In my experience, improving my learning process means that I remember more and more things. It's true that I probably discover new things more slowly, because know, instead of just reading a thing, thinking "how, that was interesting" and forgetting it a week later, I need to take time to add the thing in Anki and review it. However, here, anki means that I can discover things I was not able to discover before. Indeed, since I kept forgetting the fundamentals notions of a domain I wanted to discover, I have never been able to advance and discover more advanced notions. Now I can.

Anyway, I share @Pattern's point of view. Even if you were right, Anki will help you to prioritize and remember what you want to remember, instead of remembering what stayed in your mind for some unknown reason. And, whether you're right or wrong, anki takes time; which is some time you can't spend doing other things. So, you certainly need to decide what you will or won't add to anki, and how much time you want to spend on it. Given your worry, you might want to avoid following my advice about how to learn math with anki, since you believe it'll be useless. My job rely heavily on math, so I just adapted anki to my own priorities, and it makes a lot of sens to assume they are not yours

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on San Francisco Meetup: Short Talks · 2020-01-09T03:58:59.107Z · LW · GW

Do we register the talk in advance ? Is a talk about an app considered to be a programming related talk ?

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on AIRCS Workshop: How I failed to be recruited at MIRI. · 2020-01-08T06:09:59.227Z · LW · GW

You are welcome. I won't repeat what I answered to Buck's comment; some part of the answer are certainly relevant here. In particular regarding the above-mentioned "rule". While I did not write about «space» above, I hope my point was clear. You and all the staff were making sure we were able to process things safely. While I would not have been able to state explicitly your goals, I was trying to emphasize that you did care about those questions.

AIRCS [...] is not entirely a MIRI recruiting program I believe that I explicitly stated that a lot of people are here for different reasons than being recruited at MIRI. And that your goal are also to hope that people will work at other place on AI safety. I'm actually surprised that you have to clarify it. I fear I was not as clear as I hoped to be.

There is one last thing I should have added to the post. I wrote this for myself. More precisely, I wrote what I would have wanted to read before applying at MIRI/attending AIRCS. I wrote what I expect other applicants might find useful eventually. It seems safe to assume that those applicants sometime reads Less Wrong and so might looks for similar posts and fin this one. Currently, all comments had been made by LW/MIRI/CFAR's staff, which means that this is not (yet) a success. Anyway, you were not the intended audience, even if I assumed that somehow, some AIRCS staff would hear about this post. I didn't try to write anything that you would appreciate. After all, you know AIRCS better than me. And it's entirely possible that you might find some critiques to be unfair. I'm happy to read that you do appreciate and found interesting some parts of what I wrote. Note that most of the things I wrote here related to AIRCS were already present in my feed back form. There were some details I omitted in the form (I don't need to tell you that there is a lot of vegan options), and some details I omit here (In particular the one mentioning people by name). So there was already a text in which you were the intended audience.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on AIRCS Workshop: How I failed to be recruited at MIRI. · 2020-01-08T05:15:52.263Z · LW · GW


Thank you for your long and detailed answer. I'm amazed that you were able to do it so quickly after the post's publication. Especially since you sent me your answer by email while I just published my post on LW without showing it to anyone first.

Arthur reports a variety of people in this post as saying things that I think are somewhat misinterpreted, and I disagree with several of the things he describes them as saying.

I added a link to this comment in the top of the post. I am not surprised to learn that I misunderstood some things which were said during the workshop honestly. Those were 5 pretty intense days, and there was no way for me to have perfect memory of everything. However, I won't correct the post; this is a text explaining as honestly as possible how I felt about the event. Those kinds of misunderstanding are parts of the events too. I really hope that people reading this kind of posts do understand that it's a personal text and that they should form their own view. Given that it's a LW blog post and not a newspaper/research article, I feel like it's okay.

It's considered good practice to pay people to do work for trials; we paid Arthur a rate which is lower than you'd pay a Bay Area software engineer as a contractor, and I was getting Arthur to do somewhat unusually difficult (though unusually interesting) work.

I do confirm that it was interesting.

I guess that I do not know what is good practice in California or not. I spent hundreds of euros for job interviews in France, when I had to pay for train/plane/hotel to go meet a potential employer, and I kind of assume that looking for a job is an expensive task.

I think this is a substantial misunderstanding of what Anna said. I don't think she was trying to propose a rule that people should follow, and she definitely wasn't explaining a rule of the AIRCS workshop or something; I think she was doing something a lot more like talking about something she thought about how people should relate to AI risk. I might come back and edit this comment later to say more.

I mostly understand it as a common rule, not as an AIRCS rule. This rule seems similar to the rule "do not show pictures of slaughterhouse to people who didn't decide by themselves to check how slaughterhouse are". On the one hand, it can be argued that if people knew how badly animals were treated, things would get better for them. It remains that, even if you believe that, showing slaughterhouse's picture to random people who were not prepared would be an extremely mean thing to do to them.

AFAICT, my level of transparency with applicants is quite unusual. This often isn't sufficient to make everything okay.

Would it be a LW post if I didn't mention a single biais ? I wonder whether there is an illusion of transparency here. There are some informations you write there that would have been helpful to have beforehand, and that I don't recall hearing. For example, "my best guess before the AIRCS workshop was that he wouldn't be a good fit at MIRI immediately because of his insufficient background in AI safety". On the one hand, it could be expected that I understand that I would not be a good fit, given that I don't have AI safety background. That would makes sens in most companies actually. On the other hand, the way I perceive MIRI is that you're quite unusual, so I could assume that you mainly are looking for devs' wanting to work with rationalist, and that it would be okay if those people needs some time to teach themselves everything they need to learn.

Given that both hypothesis are possible, I see how it can seem more transparent to you than it actually was for me. However, I must admit that on my side, I was not totally transparent, since I didn't ask you to clarify immediately. More generally, the point I want to make here is that my goal is not to blame you, nor the MIRI, nor AIRCS, nor myself. I would hate if this post or comment was read as me wanting to complain. When I wrote the post, I thought about what I would have wanted to read before going to AIRCS; and tried to write it. While I do have some negative remarks, I hope that it globally appears as a positive post. I did state it, and I repeat it: I did appreciate coming to AIRCS.

First: they could mention people coming to AIRCS for a future job interview that some things will be awkward for them; but that they have the same workshop as everyone else so they'll have to deal with it. I think I do mention this (and am somewhat surprised that it was a surprise for Arthur)

I may have forgotten then. I don't claim my memory is perfect. It's entirely possible that I did not take this warning seriously enough. If at some point someone read this post before going to AIRCS, I hope it'll help them take this into account. Even if I do not think that what was important for me will actually be important for them, so maybe that'll be useless in the end.

I don't quite understand what Arthur's complaint is here, though I agree that it's awkward having people be at events with people who are considering hiring them.

I honestly can't state exactly what felt wrong. This is actually a paragraph I spent a lot of time, because I didn't find an exact answer. I finally decided to state what I felt, without being able to explain the reason behind it. Which by the way seems a lot what I understood about circling the way it was presented to my group the first day.

Arthur is really smart and it seemed worth getting him more involved in all this stuff.

Thank you.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on AIRCS Workshop: How I failed to be recruited at MIRI. · 2020-01-07T02:30:38.097Z · LW · GW

You're welcome. I'm happy to read that people find it interesting.

Regarding Ed, your explanation seems different than what I recall hearing him says. But, I'll follow my rule: I won't repeat what a person said unless it was given in a public talk. I'll let him know we mention him, and if he want, he'll answer himself. I'd just states that, honestly, I would have loved to collaborate with Ed. He had really interesting discussions. However, he already has an assistant, I have not heard anything making me believes he would need a second one.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Bay Area Winter Solstice 2019 · 2020-01-02T13:34:02.026Z · LW · GW

Oops. I took time to see your post. I've heard a lot of good about it. Really regret not being able to attend :s But MIRI's workshop was cool, even if it was at the same time. Next time hopefully

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Bay Area Winter Solstice 2019 · 2019-12-02T02:30:02.856Z · LW · GW


I do intend to be in California at this time. It would be the first time I go to a Bay Area LW event (I've been to European Less Wrong week-end; but I guess those are mostly not the same people in both areas). Would it be ok if I joined ? Or should I try a more regular event first ?

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Many Weak Arguments vs. One Relatively Strong Argument · 2019-06-14T06:27:20.979Z · LW · GW

I would like to signal that the link about Euler's argument is broken. I believe the correct link should be

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on "Other people are wrong" vs "I am right" · 2019-04-01T00:55:47.833Z · LW · GW

A question, are you/were you in Australia ? I've never heard anyone being proud of «made in Australia» stuff, so I don't understand this example, unless of course you are speaking of people living in Australia and thus proud of their country

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Is Clickbait Destroying Our General Intelligence? · 2018-11-17T01:48:00.362Z · LW · GW

Have you any idea about how to test your hypothesis ? How to test for difference between past and present ?

I am entirely convinced that some people don't try to go and steal other good idea from the outgroup. Even people from «progessive» group. I can easily imagine that it is a general tendency, and not just something I see in the people in my neighborhood.

However, I don't see anything convincing that it is actually getting worse. I'm not an historian, from what I have heard and understood of the past centuries, open-mindness was not generally an adjective which could describe most of the people who had to live in those time, even if they were some great exceptions. The time it took to switch from roman number to arabic number seems to show that "stealing good ideas" was not an applied ideal. Thus, I must admit I'm kind of sceptic about the content of this blog post. Or, to say it in an other way, it's strangely looking similar to an article in the recent trend about "how internet is creating a bubble around you", but rewritten with rationalist wording.

By the way, if there is an easy way to distinguish good idea from bad idea, I'd love to have a pointer to it. Which would be mandatory to know what idea to actually steal.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on European Community Weekend 2018 Announcement · 2018-07-12T14:22:23.238Z · LW · GW

Is there some place a description of what was done the last years ? It would certainly help new comers like me to decide what to do. For example, it would be easyer to know what I want to attend if I have a few ideas to start with

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on How to Be Happy · 2017-12-26T14:01:35.660Z · LW · GW

The link " is broken. While it seems to be a self help link, it's not fashion related at all. It seems to be just pick up artist trick

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on How to Beat Procrastination · 2017-12-26T04:58:21.828Z · LW · GW

For your information, Myrtle Young is now a broken link. (sad. Sounds funny)

Apart from that, thanks. Interesting article. At least because I had no idea so much research where done on those subjects.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on How I use Anki to learn mathematics · 2016-12-29T06:24:52.164Z · LW · GW

A first deck is shared on I may want to edit it more before uploading it on Ankiweb servers. But I'm confident that this deck have high quality compared to what is currently on ankiweb.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on How I use Anki to learn mathematics · 2016-12-29T06:23:46.867Z · LW · GW

Why the grain of common advice (never heard this expression before) says not to use Anki to learn programming language ? I find it useful in order to recall the order of the argument of certain functions, like List.fold_left and List.fold_right, that I often uses when programming.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on How I use Anki to learn mathematics · 2016-12-29T06:22:16.190Z · LW · GW

I am going to share my decks when I'm confortable with their quality. They will all be on Right now, there is only the deck from Linear Algebra done Right. Both as an anki package and as text

In both case, you'll need an LaTeX compiler to see them correctly. Sharing the compiled version of LaTeX seems to be hard for my computer. I don't really know, when I try to export with the media, the programs halts.

I do think it is useful to share decks. Because I don't think creating the deck helped me a lot. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that it's a bas idea to use the deck for parts of the book you didn't read yet. It is why I do advise to suspend the chapter you didn't entirely understood yet.

As @Gurkenglas says, automatically suspending chapters could be a useful anki feature in this case. I'm not sure it would be useful for many people in general.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on How I use Anki to learn mathematics · 2016-12-08T16:34:32.855Z · LW · GW

1- I hope it to works for long term memory. But I have been using Anki for 6 months now. Therefore, I can not say anything about remembering things for years. I can however, that it certainly helps remembering some things during a few months. It implies that it helps going through the book, even if it takes months to read an entire books. Because if I recall the n first chapter, it becomes really easyer to read chapter n+1.

2- It is really too soon for me to answer that. I can try to keep you updated in a few years :p I did not finish the deck of any text book yet since I began using Anki. Because I have 3 new cards by days, and hundreds of cards for some books. However, all decks are of the form «math::book». Hence I simultaneously see cards from a lot of different decks. I don't have any trouble with context, but it may be because I always write down all hypothesis. Therefore I always have all context in my cards. And if I think I have not enough context, I edit the card to add the missing information.

(For example, I currently read a book about group theory and a book about semigroup theory. After a few days, I understood I always must explicitely state whether a morphism is a morphism of group or a morphism of semigroup in order to have all context. Thus I edited 20 or 30 cards. And all was ok after that)

3-I will do it once I finished the deck at least one. I don't want to do it before that, because I can't know whether all cards are correct and makes sens until I tested myself all cards.

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on The Best Textbooks on Every Subject · 2016-09-06T13:10:46.634Z · LW · GW

I think you are supposed to tell which is the one you recommend. I would like to read a textbook on mathematical logic, and would like to know which one to choose. And you just give a list without any advice

Comment by Arthur Milchior (Arthur-Milchior) on Post ridiculous munchkin ideas! · 2016-07-14T08:17:50.777Z · LW · GW

Broken link and no copy on