Gemini modeling

post by TsviBT · 2023-01-22T14:28:20.671Z · LW · GW · 8 comments


  Two scenarios
  Gemini modeling and empathic modeling
  Gemini modeling vs. general modeling
  Features that correlate with gemini modeling, with examples

[Metadata: crossposted from First completed 17 June 2022. I'm likely to not respond to comments promptly.]

A gemini model is a kind of model that's especially relevant for minds modeling minds.

Two scenarios

We have some kind of mental model of the tree, and some kind of mental model of Alice. In the Cheerios scenario, we model Alice by calling on ourselves, asking how we would behave; we find that we'd behave like Alice if we liked Cheerios, and believed that today there weren't Cheerios in the cupboard, but then saw the green bananas and inferred that Bob had gone to the grocery store, and inferred that actually there were Cheerios. This seems different from how we model the tree; we're not putting ourselves in the tree's shoes.

Gemini modeling and empathic modeling

What's the difference though, really, between these two ways of modeling? Clearly Alice is like us in a way the tree isn't, and we're using that somehow; we're modeling Alice using empathy ("in-feeling"). This essay describes another related difference:

We model Alice's belief in a proposition by having in ourselves another instance of that proposition.

(Or: by having in ourselves the same proposition, or a grasping of that proposition.) We don't model the tree by having another instance of part of the tree in us. I call modeling some thing by having inside oneself another instance of the thing--having a twin of it--"gemini modeling".

Gemini modeling is different from empathic modeling. Empathic modeling is tuning yourself to be like another agent in some respects, so that their behavior is explainable as what [you in your current tuning] would do. This is a sort of twinning, broadly, but you're far from identical to the agent you're modeling; you might make different tradeoffs, have different sense acuity, have different concepts, believe different propositions, have different skills, and so on; you tune yourself enough that those differences don't intrude on your predictions. Whereas, the proposition "There are Cheerios in the cupboard.", with its grammatical structure and its immediate implications for thought and action, can be roughly identical between you and Alice.

As done by humans modeling humans, empathic modeling may or may not involve gemini modeling: we model Alice by seeing how we'd act if we believed certain propositions, and those propositions are gemini modeled; on the other hand, we could do an impression of a silly friend by making ourselves "more silly", which is maybe empathic modeling without gemini modeling. And, gemini modeling done by humans modeling humans involves empathic modeling: to see the implications of believing in a proposition or caring about something, we access our (whole? partial?) agentic selves, our agency.

Gemini modeling vs. general modeling

In some sense we make a small part of ourselves "like a tree" when we model a tree falling: our mental model of the tree supports [modeled forces] having [modeled effects] with resulting [modeled dynamics], analogous to how the actual tree moves when under actual forces. So what's different between gemini modeling and any other modeling? When modeling a tree, or a rock, or anything, don't we have a little copy or representation of some aspects of the thing in us? Isn't that like having a sort of twin of that part / aspect of the thing in our minds? How's that different from how we model beliefs, caring, understanding, usefulness, etc.?

This essay asserts that there is a difference between that kind of modeling, and gemini modeling. The difference can be summed up as follows. Let X be some thing, let Xp be some part or aspect of X, and let [Xp] be a model of Xp (for some modeler). E.g. the form of the tree as it affects how the tree falls, is an aspect Xp of the tree X; and caring about Cheerios is an aspect of Alice. Then:

Xp is gemini modeled by [Xp] when the thingness of Xp, as it shows itself in the context provided by X, can show itself through [Xp] as fully and naturally as it shows itself through Xp.

Or put roughly into an analogy:

Xp : the context of Xp in X :: [Xp] : the context of [Xp] in the modeler

An illustration of the special case where X is the same kind of thing as the modeler:

In the above formula, "naturally" is a pre-theoretic term meaning "easily, in the natural course, without obstacle, in an already supported way". "Context" is a pre-theoretic term meaning "the surroundings, local environment, relationships; the inputs, the support given, the resources available, the causes; the cybernetic couplings, demands made, constraints, combinations; the outputs, uses, role, niche, products, implications, effects". Here "context" also points at the theoretical concept of "founding" in the sense of "that which is necessary as a precondition for Xp to be fully what it is" (which is a subset of "founding" as discussed here); propositions are founded inter alia on deduction, in that if you don't have deduction then you don't have propositions.

Features that correlate with gemini modeling, with examples

Thanks to Sam Eisenstat for relevant conversations.


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by gwern · 2023-08-28T21:19:54.010Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

If you do more work on this, I would suggest renaming it. I didn't find 'Gemini' to be that helpful a metaphor, and discussion of 'Gemini models' is already drowned out by Google's much-hyped upcoming 'Gemini model(s)' (which appear to be text-image models).

comment by Mateusz Bagiński (mateusz-baginski) · 2023-08-28T16:28:59.152Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

My attempt to summarize the idea. How accurate is it?

Gemini modeling - Agent A models another agent B when A simulates some aspect of B's cognition by counterfactually inserting an appropriate cognitive element Xp (that is a model of some element X, inferred to be present in B's mind) into an appropriate slot of A's mind, such that the relevant connections between X and other elements of B's mind are reflected by analogous connections between Xp and corresponding elements of A's mind.

Replies from: TsviBT
comment by TsviBT · 2023-09-03T16:22:41.280Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Basically, yeah.

A maybe trivial note: You switched the notation; I used Xp to mean "a part of the whole thing" and X is "the whole thing, the whole context of Xp", and then [Xp] to denote the model / twin of Xp. X would be all of B, or enough of B to make Xp the sort of thing that Xp is.

A less trivial note: It's a bit of a subtle point (I mean, a point I don't fully understand), but: I think it's important that it's not just "the relevant connections are reflected by analogous connections". (I mean, "relevant" is ambiguous and could mean what gemini modeling is supposed to me.) But anyway, the point is that to be gemini modeling, the criterion isn't about reflecting any specific connections. Instead the criterion is providing connections enough so that the gemini model [Xp] is rendered "the same sort of thing" as what's being gemini modeled Xp. E.g., if Xp is a belief that B has, then [Xp] as an element of A has to be treated by A in a way that makes [Xp] play the role of a belief in A. And further, the Thing that Xp in B "wants to be"--what it would unfold into, in B, if B were to investigate Xp further--is supposed to also be the same Thing that [Xp] in A would unfold into in A if A were to investigate [Xp] further. In other words, A is supposed to provide the context for [Xp] that makes [Xp] be "the same pointer" as Xp is for B.

Replies from: mateusz-baginski
comment by Mateusz Bagiński (mateusz-baginski) · 2023-09-04T16:20:56.223Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Sounds close/similar-to-but-not-the-same-as categorical limit (if I understand you and category theory sufficiently correctly).

(Switching back to your notation)

Think of the modeler-mind  and the modeled-mind  as categories where objects are elements (~currently) possibilizable by/within the mind.

[1]Gemini modeling can be represented by a pair of functors:

  1.  which maps the things/elements in  to the same things/elements in  (their "sameness" determined by identical placement in the arrow-structure).[2] In particular, it maps the actualized  in  to the also actualized  in .
  2.  which collapses all elements in  to  in .

For every arrow  in , there is a corresponding arrow  and the same for arrows going in the other directions. But there is no isomorphism between  and . They can fill the same roles but they are importantly different (the difference between "B believing the same thing that A believes" and "B modeling A as believing the that thing").

Now, for every other "candidate"  that satisfies the criterion from the previous paragraph, there is a unique arrow  that factorizes its morphisms through .

On second thought, maybe it's better to just have two almost identical functors, differing only by what  is mapped onto? (I may also be overcomplicating things, pareidolizing, or misunderstanding category theory)

  1. ^

    I'm not sure what the arrows are, unfortunately, which is very unsatisfying

  2. ^

    On second thought, for this to work, we probably need to either restrict ourselves to a subset of each mind or represent them sufficiently coarse-grained-ly.

Replies from: nathaniel-monson
comment by Nathaniel Monson (nathaniel-monson) · 2023-09-04T16:48:45.460Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I don't think I've fully processed what you or the OP have said here--my apologies, but this still seemed relevant.

I think the category-theory way I would describe this is Bob is a category B, and Alice is a category A. A and B are big and complicated, and I have no idea how to describe all the objects or morphisms in them, although there is some structure preserving morphism between them (your G). But what Bob does is try to to find a straw-alice category A' which is small, and simple, along with functors from A' to A and from A' to B, which makes Alice predictable (or post-dictable).

Does that make any sense?

Replies from: mateusz-baginski
comment by Mateusz Bagiński (mateusz-baginski) · 2023-09-04T17:52:39.812Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Yeah, maybe it makes more sense. B' would be just a subcategory of B that is sufficient for defining (?) Xp (something like Markov blanket of Xp?). The (endo-)functor from B' to B would be just identity and the relationship between Xp and [Xp] would be represented by a natural transformation?

comment by Mati_Roy (MathieuRoy) · 2023-02-05T23:56:58.272Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

i just read the beginning

I thought Alice wanted bananas for a change, but they weren't ready yet, so ze went for the Cheerios :p

Replies from: TsviBT
comment by TsviBT · 2023-02-12T17:25:19.262Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Heh. That's a reasonable interpretation.