Zvi Mowshowitz at the SSC Online Meetup

post by JoshuaFox · 2021-03-03T11:17:38.444Z · ? · GW · 0 comments


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Zvi will talk about the new game that he is designing in the style of Magic the Gathering, integrated with an esoteric OCaml-based blockchain called Tezos. He'll also talk about his Covid updates and what he has learned doing that. After that, he will take your questions on any topic.

After the Q&A, we will socialize virtually.

Please register here and we will send you an invitation before the event.

Bio: Zvi Mowshowitz is a game designer, Hall of Fame Magic player, trader and rationalist writer. He currently writes the blog Don't Worry About the Vase which is also posted to LessWrong and includes weekly Covid-19 updates.

This talk is unusually at 11:30 PDT (because the US goes to Daylight Saving time on the morning of March 14, but some other countries do not). This is 18:30 UTC, 20:30 Israel Standard Time.


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