North Oakland: Group Debugging, Wednesday July 24th

post by Czynski (JacobKopczynski) · 2024-07-22T21:32:41.739Z · ? · GW · 2 comments


  About the Meetup

The mission of the North Oakland LessWrong meetup is to provide a fun, low-key social space with some structured interaction, where new and non-new community members can mingle and have interesting conversations. Everyone is welcome. Yes, that includes you, if you're reading this. We meet at 6:15, but the official topic doesn't start until 6:45 to accommodate stragglers, and even later arrivals are also welcome. RSVPs are never required.

This week's topic is Group Debugging. We’ll be meeting to solve each other’s problems! Here’s how it works: we’ll have everyone brainstorm silently for a few minutes, then go around and summarize what problems we might like to work on; then people can break up into smaller conversations according to problems they think they could be most helpful with.

(Suggestions gathered in this Google doc; feel free to add some even if you're not coming!)

We explicitly encourage people to split off from the main conversation or diverge from the topic if that would be more fun for them (moving side conversations into a separate part of the space if appropriate). Meetup topics are here as a tool to facilitate fun interaction, and we certainly don't want them to inhibit it.

About the Meetup

The North Oakland meetup is intended as a fun, low-key social space with some structured interaction, where new and non-new community members can mingle and have interesting conversations. Everyone is welcome, and RSVPs are never required.

We meet every Tuesday in Oakland at 6:15, with a rotating variety of topics but don't generally start the meetup topic until 6:45-7:00 to accommodate stragglers. Often there is a food delivery order that goes out before we start the meetup topic.

We explicitly encourage people to split off from the main conversation or diverge from the topic if that would be more fun for them (moving side conversations into a separate part of the space if appropriate). Meetup topics are here as a tool to facilitate fun interaction, and we certainly don't want them to inhibit it.


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by benjamincosman · 2024-07-23T03:25:29.692Z · ? · GW

This week's topic is Reading & Discussion.

should be changed

Replies from: JacobKopczynski
comment by Czynski (JacobKopczynski) · 2024-07-24T17:10:42.603Z · ? · GW

Whoops, fixed.

Someday the site will finish their API and document it, and I'll be able to automate this like I do everything else about posting meetups. But probably not this side of the Singulariy at current rates.