Othello-GPT: Reflections on the Research Process

post by Neel Nanda (neel-nanda-1) · 2023-03-29T22:13:42.007Z · LW · GW · 0 comments

This is a link post for https://neelnanda.io/mechanistic-interpretability/othello


  The Research Process
    Takeaways on doing mech interp research
    Getting Started
      Tangent on Analysing Neurons
      Back to patching
    Neuron L5N1393
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This is the third in a three post sequence about interpreting Othello-GPT. See the first post for context.

This post is a detailed account of what my research process was, decisions made at each point, what intermediate results looked like, etc. It's deliberately moderately unpolished, in the hopes that it makes this more useful!

The Research Process

This project was a personal experiment in speed-running doing research, and I got the core results in in ~2.5 days/20 hours. This post has some meta level takeaways from this on doing mech interp research fast and well, followed by a (somewhat stylised) narrative of what I actually did in this project and why - you can see the file tl_initial_exploration.py in the paper repo for the code that I wrote as I went (using VSCode's interactive Jupyter mode).

I wish more work illustrated the actual research process rather than just a final product, so I'm trying to do that here. This is approximately just me converting my research notes to prose, see the section on process-level takeaways [AF · GW] for a more condensed summary of my high-level takeaways.

The meta level process behind everything below is to repeatedly be confused, plot stuff a bunch, be slightly less confused, and iterate. As a result, there's a lot of pictures!

Takeaways on doing mech interp research

Warning: I have no idea if following my advice about doing research fast is actually a good idea, especially if you're starting out in the field! It's much easier to be fast and laissez faire when you have experience and an intuition for what's crucial and what's not, and it's easy to shoot yourself in the foot. And when you skimp on rigour, you want to make sure you go back and check! Though in this case, I got strong enough results with the probe that I was fairly confident I hadn't entirely built a tower of lies. And generally, beware of generalising from one example - in hindsight I think I got pretty lucky on how fruitful this project was!

Getting Started

There was first a bunch of general figuring stuff out and getting oriented - learning how Othello worked, reading the existing code, loading in the data and games, figuring out how to convert a sequence of moves into a board state and valid moves, getting everything into a format I could work easily with (eg massive tensors of game moves rather than a list of lists) and making pretty plotting functions. I also decided to filter out weird edge cases I didn't really care about, like games of less than 60 moves, or with passes in them. In hindsight, it would have been better to do some of this later when I had a clearer picture of what did and did not need optimisation, but *shrug*.

The most useful bits of infrastructure I set up (both now, and later) were:

I didn't have a clear next step (my main actual idea was taking one of the author's pre-trained non-linear probes and trying to interpret how that worked, but this seemed like a pain), so I tried to start gaining surface area on what was going on by just trying shit. It's easy to interpret the output logits, and so looking at how each model component directly affects the logits is a good hook to get some insight in any model.

The first actual research I tried was inputting an arbitrary game, and looking at the direct logit attribution of each layer's output on a few of the moves. Eyeballing things, there was a clearish trend where MLP5, MLP6 and Attn7 mattered a lot, other parts were less important. Interestingly, MLP7 (naively, the obvious place to start, since it can only affect the output logits). Example graph below:

Being more systematic supported this. This is a bit of a weird problem, because there are many (and a variable number of!) valid next moves, rather than a single correct next token, so I tried to both look at the difference in average direct logit attribution for the correct/incorrect next logit, and the difference in min/max contribution. The former doesn't capture bits that disambiguate between borderline correct and borderline incorrect moves, since most moves will be obviously bad, and the latter is misleading because you're taking the max and min over large-ish sets, which is always sketchy (eg it gives misleading results for random noise) - you get a weird spectrum from early to late moves because there are more options in the middle. I also saw that layer 7 acts very differently at the first and last move, presumably because those are easier special cases, but decided this was out of scope and to ignore it for now. I tried breaking the attention layers down into separate heads, but didn't have much luck.

I was then kinda stuck. I tried plotting attention patterns and staring at them, looking for interesting heads, and didn't get much traction (in part because I didn't really get how to interpret moves!). I did see some heads which only attended to moves of the same parity as the current one, which was my first hint for what was going on (not that I noticed lol).


Part of why interpreting models is hard is because they're full of different circuits that combine to answer a question. But each circuit will only activate on certain inputs, and each input will likely require a bunch of circuits, making it a confusing mess.

Activation patching is a great way to cut through this! The key idea is to set up a careful counterfactual, where you have two inputs, a clean input and a corrupted input, which differ in one key detail. Ideally, the difference between any activation on the clean and corrupted run will purely represent that key detail. You can then iterate over each activation and patch them from the clean run to the corrupted run to see which can most recover the clean output (or from the corrupted run to the clean run to see which can most damage the clean output), and hopefully, a few activations matter a lot and most don't. This can let you isolate which activations actually matter for this detail!

I knew that I wanted to try patching something, but sadly it was kind of a mess, because an input needs to be a sequence of legal moves. I wanted two sequences which had similar board states but whose moves differed in some key places, so I could track down how board state was computed.

I gave up on this idea because it seemed too hard, and instead decided to be decisive and do the dumb thing of changing just the most recent move! I picked an arbitrary game, took the first 30 moves, and changed the final move from H0 to G0 to get a corrupted input. This changed cell C0 (I index my columns at zero not one, sorry) from legal to illegal. This meant I could take the C0 logit as my patching metric - it's high on clean, low on corrupted, and so it can tell me how much my patched activation tracks "the way that the most recent move being G0 rather than H0 is used to determine that C0 is illegal" (or vice versa). This is a very niche thing to study, but it's a start! And the virtue of narrowness says to favour deep understanding of something specific, over aiming for a broad understanding but not knowing where to start.

The first thing to try is patching each layer's output - I found that MLP5, MLP6 and MLP0 mattered a lot, Attn7 and MLP4 mattered a bit. The rest didn't matter at all, so I could probably ignore them!

I now wanted to narrow things down further, and got a bit stuck again - I needed to refine "this layer matters" into something more specific. I had the prior that it's way easier to understand attention than MLPs, so I tried looking at the difference in attention pattern from clean to corrupted for each head (from each source token to the final move), but I couldn't immediately see anything interesting (though in hindsight, I see alternating bands of on and off!):

I then just tried looking at the difference in direct logit attribution (to C0) between clean and corrupted for every neuron. This looked way more promising - most neurons were irrelevant, but a few mattered a ton. This suggested I could mostly ignore everything except the neurons that mattered. This gave me, like, 10 neurons to understand, which was massive progress! Bizarrely, MLP7 had two neurons, which both mattered a ton, but near exactly cancelled out (+2.43 v -2.47).

Tangent on Analysing Neurons

Finding that there were clean and interpretable neurons was exciting, and I got pretty side tracked looking at neurons in general - no particular goal, just trying to gain surface area and figure out what was up. Looking at the neuron means across 100 games on the middle moves ([5:-5]) showed that there were some major outliers, and that layer 6 and 7 were the biggest by far. (The graph is sorted, because it's really hard to read graphs with 2000 points on the x axis with no meaningful ordering!)

I then tried looking at the direct logit attribution of the top neurons in each layer (top = mean > 0.2, chosen pretty arbitrarily), and they seemed super interpretable - it was visually extremely sparse, and it looked like many neurons connected to a single output logit. Layer 7 had some weird neurons that seemed specialised to the first move. Aside: I highly recommend plotting heatmaps like this with 0 as white - makes it much easier to read positive and negative things visually (this is the plotly color scheme RdBu, px.imshow(tensor, color_continuous_scale='RdBu', color_continuous_midpoint=0.0) works to get these graphs)

Back to patching

I then ran out of steam and went back to patching. I now tried to patch in individual heads and look at their effect on the C0 logit (now normalised such that 1 means "fully recovered" and 0 means "no change"). Head L7H0 was the main significant one, but I couldn't get much out of it.

I then tried patching in individual neurons - doing all 16000 would be too slow, so I just took the neurons with highest activation difference and patched in those - activation difference had some big outliers. I first tried resample ablating (replacing a clean neuron with corrupted and seeing what breaks) and found that none were necessary (this isn't super surprising - neurons are small, and dropout incentivises redundancy), though the layer 7 neurons matter a bit (they directly affect the logits, so this makes sense!)

But when I tried causal tracing (replacing a corrupted neuron with its clean copy) I got some striking results - several neurons mattered a bunch, and L5N1393 was enough to recover 75% on its own?! (Notably, this was a significantly bigger effect than just its direct logit attribution)

Neuron L5N1393

This was a sufficiently wild result that I pivoted to focusing on that neuron (the 1393th in layer 5).

My starting goal was the incredibly narrow question "figure out why patching in just that neuron into the corrupted run is such a big deal". Again, focus on understanding a narrow questions deeply and properly, even against a flinch of "this is too narrow and there's no way it'll generalise!".

To start with, I cached all activations on the run with a corrupted input but a clean neuron L5N1393, and started comparing the three. The obvious place to start was direct logit attribution of layers - MLP7 went from not mattering in either clean or corrupted to being significant?!

Digging into the MLP7 neurons and their direct logit attribution, I found that both clean and corrupted had a single, dominant, extremely negative neuron. But in the patched run, both were significantly suppressed. My guess was that this was some dropout solving circuit firing, and thus that MLP7 was mostly to deal with dropout - I subjectively decided this didn't seem that interesting and moved on. Interestingly, this is similar to how negative name movers in the Indirect Object Identification circuit act as backups - they significantly suppress the model's ability to do the task, but if you ablate the positive name movers they'll significantly reduce their negative effect to help compensate. (There it's likely a response to attention dropout)

It also significantly changed some layer 6 neurons, which seemed maybe more legit:

At this point I decided to pivot to just trying to interpret neuron L5N1393 itself, because it seemed interesting. And at this point I was pretty convinced that the model had interpretable (and maybe monosemantic?) neurons.

Looking at the direct logit attribution of the neuron, it strongly boosted C0 and slightly boosted D1 (one step diagonally down and right)

The next easiest place to start was max activating dataset examples - I initially felt an impulse to run the model across tens of thousands of games to collect the actual top dataset examples, but I realised this would be a headache and probably unnecessary. I had run the model for 50 games (thus 3000 moves) and decided to just inspect the neuron on the top 30 (1%) of games there.

I manually inspected a few, and then decided to aggregate the board state across the top 30 moves. I decided to try averaging "is non-empty", the actual board state (ie 1 for black, 0 for empty, -1 for white) and the flipped board state (ie 1 for mine, 0 for empty, -1 for their's) - this was kinda janky, since I wanted to distinguish "even probability of being white or black" and "always empty", but it seemed good enough to be useful.

I don't recall exactly how I had the idea for a flipped board state - I think a combination of doing a heatmap of which games/moves the neuron fired on and seeing that it wasn't a consistent parity between games, but it did alternate within a game. And inspecting the top few examples, and seeing that some had black at D1 and white at E2, and some had white at D1 and black at E2 (and already having identified that part of the board as important). I spent a bit of time stuck on figuring out how best to aggregate a flipped board state, before realising I could do the stupid thing of using a for loop to generate an alternating tensor of 1s and -1s and just multiply by it.

But now I had the flipped board state, it was pretty clear that this was the right way to interpret the neuron - it was literally 1 in D1 and -1 in E2 (here 1 meant "their's", because I hadn't realised I'd need a good convention). I looked at the max activating dataset examples for a few other neurons (taking the top 10 by norm in each layer) and saw a few others that were clean in the flipped state but not in the normal state, and this was enough to generate the idea that the relevant colour was "next" vs "previous" player (I only realised after the fact that "my" vs "their" colour was a cleaner interpretation, thanks to Chris Olah for this!)

This is literally written in my notes as (immediately after I briefly decided to go and do a deep dive on neuron L6N1339 instead lol)

Omg idea! Maybe linear probes suck because it's turn based - internal repns don't actually care about white or black, but training the probe across game move breaks things in a way that needs smth non-linear to patch

At this point my instincts said to go and validate the hypothesis properly, look at a bunch more neurons, etc. But I decided that in the spirit of being decisive and pursuing "big if true" hypotheses (and because at this point I was late for work) I'd just say YOLO and try training a linear probe under this model.

I'm particularly satisfied with this decision, since I felt a lot of perfectionism, that I would have normally pursued, and ignoring it in the interests of speed went great:

I somehow managed to write training code that was bug free on the first long training run, and could see from the training curves that my probes were obviously working! From here on, things felt pretty clear, and I found the results in the initial section on analysing the probe [AF(p) · GW(p)]!


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