AI Safety Outreach Seminar & Social (online)

post by Linda Linsefors · 2025-01-08T13:25:23.192Z · ? · GW · 0 comments


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AI Safety Outreach = Making more people better informed about AI risk, through any means that works. 

Who is this event for: 
Anyone who wants to help with, or might want to help with AI safety outreach. No qualifications required. 

Approximate Schedule: 
There will be a mix of talks, 1-on-1s with other participants, Q&A, some breaks and 2-minute lighting shares from the audience. Here's an approximate schedule, but expect it to be adjusted on the fly. 

The event (other than the 1-on-1s) will be recorded and shared publicly, but some parts may be removed on the request of the speakers. 



Collaborative note taking:
Shared notes for AI Safety Outreach Seminar - Google Docs 

Registration (optional):
Registration is not necessary, but if you sign up here you'll get an event reminder.


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