Alternatives to Masks for Infectious Aerosols

post by jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-12-08T14:00:01.670Z · LW · GW · 9 comments



This is a personal post: I'm not speaking for SecureBio or BIDA.

I help organize a contra dance that requires high filtration masks (N95 etc) at half of our dances. When we restarted in 2022 we required masks at all our dances, before switching to half in 2023. We just ran a survey of our dancers, and while there are people who would like to not have to wear masks there are also a lot of people who are only willing to come if they know all the dancers will be masked. [1]

Last week I attended a conference for work with a lot of people thinking about biosecurity, which has me wondering about ways we could have a hall as safe as one where the dancers are all wearing N95s but without the ways N95s make it harder to dance.

We're using N95 for two purposes:

Since the overall goal is to have a space where people can come and dance at a lower risk of respiratory infection, let's assume that regardless of how we change policy the people who are trying to protect themselves will continue to wear N95s for their own respiratory protection. Is there something we could do to equal the source control benefits of N95s but that's more pleasant for dancing?

If we moved our dancing outside (we can't), or managed to get equivalent ventilation to being outside (really not practical) we could potentially stop with source control entirely. With so much ventilation the aerosols would disperse extremely quickly, giving air that's much cleaner than the N95-filtered air we currently have. While the benefits for droplets aren't going to be as high, I think that's outweighed by the effects of the former.

Since that's not on the table, though, I think we'd need to stick with at least surgical masks for source control. These do a good job with droplets, but not much with aerosols. What would our options be for aerosols?

The first question is, how much clean air do we need? Ventilation is usually given in CFM/person: cubic feet of clean air, per minute, per person. This isn't perfect, since all else equal a larger room is safer, but it's pretty good. ASHRAE Standard 241-2023 ("Control of Infectious Aerosols") recommends 80 CFM in gyms, their closest scenario to dance halls. [2] Since the dance has a peak attendance of ~290 people we'd like 23k CFM.

We currently have two 42" barrel fans, each rated for 15k CFM. But that's their performance if unobstructed, and (a) their location isn't ideal in our space and (b) one is blowing in and one is blowing out. I'm going to guess we get about 8k CFM from the two fans. [3] This is above the 20 CFM/person ASHRAE recommendation for regular ventilation in a dance hall (20 CFM/person * 290 people = 5.6k CFM), but still leaves us 15k CFM shy of our 80/CFM infectious aerosol control target.

What are our options for covering the rest?

Overall, it looks to me like glycol vapor would be ideal, combining low costs and practical logistics. The main downsides are:

Since the efficacy is still somewhat unclear, I'd like to combine glycol vapor with another system to supplement the ventilation. I think the second-best option is UVC: if the lamps run for 1k hours before burning out then the system costs $7/hr to run, or $20/dance.

[EDIT: Vivian wrote to say that 1k hours is a very pessimistic lifetime estimate, and they would expect something like 10x that. This would naively bring it down to ~$2/dance, but at this point we're talking a hundred years worth of dances. Allocating the cost over 10y of dances it would be $19/dance.]

I'm considering suggesting trialing using far-UVC and TEG [8], and if that goes well would propose allowing surgical masks as an alternative to N95s.

[1] Sometimes I hear people complain about long-running covid caution, but I actually think its great. It keeps mask-wearing and other infection-reduction precautions normal, is insurance against the risk that the general non-cautious public is massively underestimating the harm of infection, and means that in the next pandemic some people will be protected even before we know there's something to protect against.

[2] We can also check ASHRAE 62.1-2022 ("Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality") which is general ventilation, not specific to infectious aerosols. It gives the same values for dance halls ("Occupant activity is high. There is considerable aerobic activity. There are often considerable quantities of open drink, creating high levels of space-related contaminants related to the people using the space.") and gyms ("Occupant activity is high. There is considerable aerobic activity. There are no significant space-related contaminants. Occupancy is variable, and the high area outdoor air rate compensates for the varying occupancy and local source.").

[3] Harris took CO2 readings at several of our dances. Combining his readings with mine from 2022-05-19, I see the following CO2 levels:

Recorded Attendance Peak CO2
171 1,400
214 2,200
174 2,100
180 1,100
177 2,000
74 900

Note that "recorded attendance" is on the low side, since it doesn't include the band and caller. This is especially relevant for the dance with 74 people, since that was an open band, adding another ~15 people.

The correlation between CO2 levels and attendance is pretty weak, but I think it ought to be possible to estimate our current CFM/person from this data?

[4] Which tells you that HEPA filters are overkill for this application. Instead of removing 99.97% of airborne particles on each pass you can use, say, filters that remove 95%, and your CADR will only drop by 5%. You can make up for this by filtering slightly more air, which is not hard because it's much easier to move air through a 95%-effective filter than a 99.97% one.

[5] Each doubling increases perceived loudness by 6dB, so if they were all in the same place going going from 1 to 36 would take you from 55dB to a quite loud 86db: 55db + 6*log_2(36). But they're spread evenly around the perimeter of the room, so the increase should be much smaller than that.

[6] He cited Gomez et al. 2022, Sultan et al. 2024, Ratliff et al. 2023, Mellody and Bigg 1946, and Styles et al. 2022. I haven't read these, but if you do please let me know what you think!

[7] TEG will have fully saturated the air when its partial pressure equals TEG's vapor pressure. The vapor pressue is very low, just 0.02 Pa. How many liters of TEG would give a partial pressure of 0.02 Pa? Dalton's law of partial pressures says that the partial pressure of a gas is the total pressure times the mole fraction of the gas. We're talking about 8k cubic feet, which is 225 cubic meters. A cubic meter of air weighs about 1.2 kg, so this is 270kg of air. The average molar mass of air is about 30g/mol, so ~9k mol of air.

  P_teg = P_total * Mol_teg / Mol_total
  0.02 Pa = 100k Pa * Mol_teg / 9k mol
  Mol_teg = 0.02 Pa / 100k Pa * 9k mol = 0.0018 mol

The molar mass of TEG is 150g/mol, so 0.0018 mol is 0.27g. The density of liquid TEG is 1.1g/cm3, so 0.27g is 0.3cm3.

[8] I would probably buy the devices personally and lend them to BIDA, since BIDA isn't the only situation where I'm interested in trying this sort of thing out.

Comment via: facebook, lesswrong, mastodon, bluesky


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by DanielFilan · 2024-12-08T17:52:40.594Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Would being in a room with people who are vaping have the same benefits as the fog machine? Obviously it has downsides of smell and other additives, but still - I think this should predict that people maybe don't get airborne illnesses at vaping conventions.

Replies from: jkaufman
comment by jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-12-08T21:50:36.324Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I think that's right! Not a reason to take up vaping, though.

comment by lemonhope (lcmgcd) · 2024-12-08T14:54:51.903Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Have you heard of Big Ass Fans? It's a company that makes what you would expect. Do you think your ceiling fan filter could work with a 30ft fan?

Replies from: jkaufman
comment by jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-12-08T15:11:36.099Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I do think expanding the ceiling fan air purifier would work well. You could make a frame that takes furnace filters, and purify a lot of air very efficiently and relatively cheaply.

If I were doing this again I would extend the filters down below the plane of the fan, now that I know more about how the Bernoulli principle applies.

Replies from: lcmgcd, lcmgcd
comment by lemonhope (lcmgcd) · 2024-12-08T16:53:36.832Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

If you wanted to take this idea to an absurd level, you could install a dropped ceiling made partially of furnace filters, and a grid of fans above it. Maybe have the outer perimeter of fans blowing up and the inner area blowing down, to try to get one large convection through the entire room.

comment by lemonhope (lcmgcd) · 2024-12-08T16:44:35.999Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

How do you figure out the optimal filter thickness? If you hypothetically had a very weak fan then it wouldn't push much air through even furnace filters. If you had a magic constant air flow source then you would want the thickest filter possible.

I guess I am just wondering if you could use something better-looking and cheaper, like semi-transparent paper with lights behind it or a washable sheet/tapestry.

Replies from: jkaufman
comment by jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-12-08T21:49:22.440Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

There's probably a way to do this with physics, but I do a lot with trial and error ;)

Replies from: lcmgcd
comment by lemonhope (lcmgcd) · 2024-12-09T18:06:39.647Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

How do you measure results?

Replies from: jkaufman
comment by jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-12-09T19:35:48.947Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Put particles in the air and measure how quickly they're depleted. ex: Evaluating a Corsi-Rosenthal Filter Cube [? · GW]