I Updated the List of Rationalist Blogs on the Wiki
post by sapphire (deluks917) · 2017-04-25T10:26:51.234Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 7 commentsContents
I recently updated the list of rationalist community blogs. The new page is here: https://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/List_of_Blogs
-Tons of (active) blogs have been added
-All dead links have been removed
-Blogs which are currently inactive but somewhat likely to be revived have been moved to an inactive section. I included the date of their last post.
-Blogs which are officially closed or have not been updated in many years are now all in the "Gone but not forgetten" section
-Categorizing the blogs I added was hard, its unclear how well I did. By some standard most rationalist blogs should be in "general rationality"
-The blog descriptions could be improved (both for the blog-listings I added and the pre-existing listings)
-I don't know the names of the authors of Several blogs I added.
I am posting this here because I think the article is of general interest to rationalists. In addition the page could use some more polish and attention. I also think it might be interesting to think about improving the lesswrong wiki. Several pages could use an update. However this update took a considerable amount of time. So I understand why many wiki pages are not up to date. How can we make it easier and more rewarding to work on the wiki?
Comments sorted by top scores.
comment by Jacob Falkovich (Jacobian) · 2017-04-25T12:37:35.115Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Can you please add my blog Put a Number on It to the list? As for categorizing, I started with a more of a focus on math, have recently posted a lot of pure rationality stuff and even book reviews, and my most popular posts are the ones that combine both. It could fit in "General Rationality", "Math" or "Extremely Miscellaneous", depending on how you defined those categories.
Replies from: CronoDAScomment by gilch · 2017-04-26T00:20:06.683Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
All dead links have been removed
Sometimes dead links don't stay dead. If you can't find their intended target, they should be marked as dead instead of removed. Often cached versions still exist in the Internet Archive WayBack Machine. Those in the know may want to look there, but the Archive is very difficult to search. You need to know what the old link was to find it. You can add a direct link to the Archive too.
comment by lmn · 2017-04-26T03:56:08.238Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
-Tons of (active) blogs have been added
-All dead links have been removed
-Blogs which are currently inactive but somewhat likely to be revived have been moved to an inactive section. I included the date of their last post.
-Blogs which are officially closed or have not been updated in many years are now all in the "Gone but not forgetten" section
Was this changed reverted or something, because I just checked the history to see which blogs were added, and couldn't find any changes fitting these descriptions? In the past year only three blogs were added and no dead blogs were removed.