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comment by RedMan · 2025-02-02T17:16:02.975Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Looking to check my reasoning here.
I'm currently doing a term employment for the Feds that ends in a little over a year, the work I'm doing is important (in my opinion), but team just hit a major milestone (LWers would likely approve of the outcome) that basically covers what I came into this position to accomplish.
I've got the fork in the road email from Elon sitting in my inbox, possibly in error (I'm not a permanent employee, I'm turning into a pumpkin in Q1 2026 no matter what I do).
I can do a lot with an eight month paid vacation in terms of upskilling and independent work.
I'm thinking I should take the offer, then apply to have it rescinded like a month before it ends (september) to see if I can pick up the few months of pay (obviously I'd have to actually work them) associated with the position that I'm losing. I can probably generate more value for myself during the time off than I would be losing by snipping the end off my term.
I'm thinking that 'congress could wreck this' during the shutdown is probably not something I should consider, because I'm at their mercy in that respect whether I fork or not.
So am I forking my resume, or telling Elon to get forked?
Some math for 'which numbers do I plug into what formula to make this decision precisely' from you brainiacs would be totally welcome!
comment by RedMan · 2019-12-18T03:46:16.149Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
[Question] How should I dispose of a dangerous idea?
I have a dangerous idea which, unlike most of my dangerous ideas, is unencumbered by any laws or non-disclosure agreements, so I can dispose of it as I wish.
In order to demonstrate that I do in fact have a dangerous idea, I would obviously have to disclose it, but disclosure would not prompt the development of countermeasures other than 'wow, hope nobody else thinks of that'. Any implementation of the idea would probably result in its full disclosure to the world, meaning, no entity could both implement the idea, and keep enough of the idea a secret to prevent others from using it.
I believe implementation of the idea by myself to be immoral, but am conflicted on the ethics of simple disclosure, which I believe would lead to its' implementation by others with more flexible ethics.
Altruistic silence is probably my default position, but from a strictly rational standpoint, is there some way to get paid for my continued silence (other than the joy of living in a world ignorant of this idea)?