Quick proposal: Decision market regrantor using manifund (please improve)

post by Nathan Young · 2023-07-09T12:49:01.904Z · LW · GW · 5 comments


  What is Futarchy and why is this a good opportunity?
  How it might work?
    Suggested metrics
   Issues with futarchy
  Comparison to current grantmaking orgs
  This was written quickly, let me know what you think

Epistemic status: Some fundamental errors but worth leaving up

I think the error with this piece is that it is a hammer looking for a nail, rather than the reverse. Austin makes the point well here [EA(p) · GW(p)]. Rather than saying "how to institute Futarchy," I guess it should say "how do we solve problems people already have"


What is Futarchy and why is this a good opportunity?

Futarchy is a decision-making system where prediction markets are used to make decisions on what actions to take. You agree on some some kind of metric that you care about, and then predict how decisions will affect that metric. Futarchy generally implies a deterministic system, though this proposal is more about ironing the kinks out of the system so it could initially be advisory initially[1].

We can imagine running decision markets on a Manifund regrantor. Manifund is a new regranting org. Individuals get regranting budgets and then publicly allocate them. I guess that if they use their budget well they can argue to be given more.


Manifund is a good test bed for Futarchy for three reasons:

  1. They already run an impact market system, so one could try and do some kind of futures markets on the impact certificates. I don't know the legality or technicality of this.
  2.  It's associated with a play money prediction market, Manifold - Austin Chen is a cofounder of both Manifold (the prediction market) and Manifund (the regrantor) hence the same part of the name. I think it'd be much easier to implement features than any other comparable one. 
  3. The Manifund team ship things very quickly, and are into mechanistic design in general, so it just seems more likely to work here than maybe in other places.
This is what futarchy feels to me

How it might work?

 So, it occurred to me that this would be a cool thing to exist, so this is me trying badly to do it. I don't pretend I'm going to do a good job here. I'm going to lay out what seems like the way I would do it, and then if, you know, please correct me,

For each grant proposal you want a prediction market with two sets of options, either 4 options or 2 continuous options in a single market[2]:

The regrantor needs to prioritise grant opportunities above some funding bar. The key questions is "what's the value add". Here, the answer is the difference in the metric if it happens and if it doesn't. Perhaps divide by the size of the grant. 

Suggested metrics

So, this requires that we have a clear metric, which is going to be a problem. Here are three suggested metrics:

  1. Impact Markets. We could see whether Manifund want to run a futures market (is this even legal, are they doing it?) or we could run our own prediction markets, charity prediction markets, sure, but of the future value of the grant.. I don't actually really know what the future time should be. 5? 10 years?[3] I also don't quite understand how the non-funding aspect of this works. I guess you choose a funding bar and only fund things with a good enough return on investment.
    1. Pros
      1. It is a financial mechanism that already exists
      2. They may already have this process
    2. Cons
      1. If the markets are on manifold, there isn't a way for many investors to get their money back, so may not invest properly
      2. It may be illegal somehow
      3. I have some vague foreboding that this won't actually work
  2. Community/expert assessment. The community or small group scores grants 5 - 10 years later on how much value they created or destroyed. Then pays out the prediction markets based on who was correct. This is similar to an impact market, but doesn't require having huge, liquid impact markets. My intution from the accuracy of prediction markets vs Metaculus is that if you gatekeep the voting well (say, LessWrong/EA forum users) then this is as accurate as a liquid market.
    1. Pros
      1. Doesn't need lots of liquidity
    2. Cons
      1. Have to decide who votes and who doesn't
      2. Not real money
  3. A vote. We could vote in 5 -10 years on if the grant should have been funded. This seems the easiest to implement. But I don't know that it can account for the second order effects. If there were secret or complex costs or benefits then I expect the market or assessment to figure that out. A straight vote might boil down much more to vibes.
    1. Pros
      1. Easy to implement
    2. Cons
      1. Worse incentives
  4. Can you think of better?

 Issues with futarchy

I reserve the right to edit these.

Issues I buy

The issues I don't buy

Comparison to current grantmaking orgs

To me it seems more like GiveDirectly than GiveWell. Something that is less effective (due to the benefits of both secrecy and an org that manages decisions) but can be scaled much more. I'm doubtful that a futarchy regrantor would scale soon, but equally I sense one day that all regranting will happen like this.

It will be attractive to a certain kind of donor. I sense a certain kind of donor (often crypto) will find the idea very attractive. And since large crypto donors are comparably prevalent (and with a bull run, will be even more so), there seems reason for more so. 

It would be good to test futarchy. I would like to understand why we haven't seen more futarchy. What are the kinks that need ironing out? I think there is value in testing in a real world situation. Maybe there are learnings transferrable to other orgs.

This was written quickly, let me know what you think

I dictated this and spent about an hour editing it. Please correct errors or make suggestions. I don't currently intend to put this into place, so if you want to, do! Please let me know.

  1. ^

    It doesn't seem hard to remove the downside by saying there will be a committee who will veto markets if they seem obviously manipulated. 

  2. ^

    People's intuition seems to be that there should be 2 separate markets - "If A" and "If not A". To me this seems wrong. If you make a profit on such a market you need a way to take the money out of the market. I can go into the details in the comments, but this requires a "will A happen" market. And so you might as well have all 4 options as a single market.

  3. ^

    A criticism here is "5 years, that's ages" but it seems normal grantmaking operates on this timescale also. 


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by Mckiev · 2023-07-09T22:25:47.534Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

One idea for the metric would be to elicit pairwise comparison between projects continuously, and derive ELO rating from it. The biggest advantage of this system is that it requires much less time to compare two projects rather then give some form of rating to it like: X reduction of p(Doom)

comment by Bart Bussmann (Stuckwork) · 2023-07-09T19:45:05.708Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Good proposal! I agree that this is a great opportunity to try out some ideas in this space.

Another proposal for the metric: 

The regrantor will judge in 5 years whether they are happy that they funded this project. This has a simple binary resolution criterium and aligns the incentives of the market nicely with the regrantor.

comment by jimv · 2023-07-09T14:50:48.926Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I am strongly don't buy

Grammar: delete "am"

comment by jimv · 2023-07-09T14:50:03.041Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

If the market are

 Grammar: "market is" or "markets are"

comment by Nathan Young · 2023-07-10T09:11:08.736Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I made some quick changes to the Futarchy tag. Please look over and correct them. https://www.lesswrong.com/tag/futarchy [? · GW