London rationalish meetup - Thinking Physics

post by philh · 2023-09-03T22:47:05.391Z · ? · GW · 0 comments

This month we'll be trying to get some practice at "reasoning about confusing intellectual problems".

This will be bassed off of challenge 1 from the LessWrong post "Exercise: Solve "Thinking Physics"" ( [LW · GW]). You don't need to read that, but it might be interesting.

The exact structure isn't set for definite yet, but likely we'll split into small groups. Each group will pick an exercise from the book "Thinking Physics". Then for each group, everyone will spend some time thinking about it independently, some time discussing it in the group, and then after seeing the answer, some time discussing how you could have done better.

We'll start this around 3pm, with people showing up from 2. We'll be on the terrace of Newspeak House.

I'll have a physical and a digital copy of the book, plus some printed copies of some of the exercises. Hopefully that'll be enough? But it might be helpful if a few other people coming also have a digital copy, especially if it's on a laptop or (better yet) tablet rather than phone. Fortunately it's available on, so if you have a convenient screen to read it on, please consider bringing it. It's available in a few different formats (including epub and pdf) here:


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