Announcing Squiggle Hub

post by ozziegooen, Slava Matyukhin (berekuk) · 2023-08-05T01:00:17.739Z · LW · GW · 4 comments

This is a link post for


    Key Links
      Squiggle (the language)
      Squiggle Editor (The window on the left)
      Squiggle Viewer (The window on the right)
      Squiggle Hub (Outside the editor)
  Recommended Use Cases
      Some examples of how we envision Squiggle Hub being used:
  Future Work
      Relative Values
  Theory: A Middle Path between Spreadsheets and Code Editors
  Team & Funding
    Organization and Funding
Very simple example, for demonstration 


Squiggle Hub is a platform for the creation and sharing of code written in Squiggle. As with Squiggle, Squiggle Hub is free and open-source

As a refresher, Squiggle is a simple programming language for probabilistic estimation that runs on Javascript. It begins with the syntax of Guesstimate, but generally adds a lot more functionality. See its launch post here [EA · GW] for more information, or the website for the full documentation.

Squiggle Hub is a lot like a more powerful, but less visual, version of Guesstimate. We hope that it will eventually be much more valuable than Guesstimate is now. 

If you can use Guesstimate, you can basically use Squiggle. If you already use Guesstimate, try using the same syntax in Squiggle. It should mostly work.

All models on Squiggle Hub are public. We've produced several small ones so far, and a few friends have written some as well. We're looking forward to seeing what others make!

Looking for Squiggle examples? We’ve organized some in the docs. The Squiggle EA Forum Tag [? · GW] also has an updating list. 


Squiggle (the language)

Squiggle Editor (The window on the left)

Squiggle Viewer (The window on the right)

Squiggle Hub (Outside the editor)

Squiggle Hub is somewhat straightforward, but very general-purpose. Our main hope is that it will be used for effective altruist use cases, but we imagine there are many ways it could help do so. It will likely take time to see what’s best. 

Some examples of how we envision Squiggle Hub being used:

Future Work

We are planning to add numerous features. This includes:

We've listed some of our planned features in this model.

For input on these or any other features, please connect with us on Discord or through the Github Discussion.

Relative Values

Squiggle Hub currently supports experimental relative values [EA · GW], with future improvements planned. These are currently partially broken and undocumented, we are in the process of improving it.

Theory: A Middle Path between Spreadsheets and Code Editors

Squiggle and Squiggle Hub are an interesting intersection between spreadsheets and programming environments.

Spreadsheets typically are made for:

Meanwhile, programming environments typically are made for:

In comparison, Squiggle/Squiggle Hub are meant as a “middle path” between these two extremes.

We think that this middle road is both neglected and promising. However, because it’s neglected, it’s taking time to design, and we expect that it will take more time for users to figure out how to best utilize it.

Notebooks, like Jupyter, are one distinct option of a middle path. However, notebooks have significant limitations; they’re nice for editing and demos, but not great for being part of a larger codebase. We might add something like notebooks to Squiggle Hub later on, but wanted to begin with something else first. 

Team & Funding


You can support the development of Squiggle and Squiggle Hub by donating to QURI here. We are currently actively fundraising for the next year of development. Get in touch if you might be interested!

Organization and Funding

Squiggle is now the main project of The Quantified Uncertainty Research Institute. QURI is a 501(c)(3) primarily funded by the LTFF and SFF. QURI is fiscally sponsored by Rethink Priorities.


Squiggle has very much been a collaborative effort. You can see a list of contributors hereSquiggle Hub has been developed by Slava Matyuhin [EA · GW] and Ozzie Gooen.

[1] Right now, the online Observable and Obsidian support is for an old version of Squiggle. We plan on updating this eventually. If this is important for you, let us know.


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by Mitchell_Porter · 2023-08-05T01:34:10.414Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

You can use this to feed into Claude, for some Squiggle generation and assistance.

AI Safety Theorist: In my arxiv paper I invented the Squiggle Maximizer as a cautionary tale 

AI Safety Company: At long last, we have created the Squiggle Maximizer from classic arxiv paper Don't Create The Squiggle Maximizer

Replies from: ozziegooen
comment by ozziegooen · 2023-08-06T19:19:22.382Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

If you think that the net costs of using ML techniques when improving our rationalist/EA tools are not worth it, then there can be some sort of argument there.

Many Guesstimate models are now about making estimates about AI safety.

I'm really not a fan of the "Our community must not use ML capabilities in any form", not sure where others here might draw the line. 

Replies from: Mitchell_Porter
comment by Mitchell_Porter · 2023-08-07T00:19:41.678Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

My comment was 99% a joke. Though if you used Squiggle to perform an existential risk-reward analysis of whether to use Squiggle, who knows what would happen. :-) 

Replies from: ozziegooen
comment by ozziegooen · 2023-08-07T02:05:29.641Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Thanks for clarifying! That really wasn't clear to me from the message alone. 

> Though if you used Squiggle to perform an existential risk-reward analysis of whether to use Squiggle, who knows what would happen

Yep, that's in the works, especially if we can have basic relative value forecasts later on.