Saving Zest

post by jefftk (jkaufman) · 2025-03-02T12:00:41.732Z · LW · GW · 1 comments


1 comment

I realized I've been eating oranges wrong for years. I cut them into slices and eat them slice by slice. Which is fine, except that I'm wasting the zest. Zest is tasty, versatile, compact, and freezes well. So now, whenever I eat a navel orange I zest it first:

The zest goes in a small container in the freezer, and is available for cooking and baking as needed. Probably my favorite thing to do with it right now is steep it in cream (~3-15g per cup, bring to near boil, leave for 20min, filter) and then use the cream for all sorts of things (truffles, pastry cream, etc). I've been meaning to try a cold infusion (24hr in the fridge) which ought to be a bit more true to the fruit.

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comment by osten · 2025-03-02T13:43:40.410Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Orange peel is a standard ingredient in Chinese cooking. Just be careful with pesticides.