Disrupting malicious uses of AI by state-affiliated threat actors

post by agucova · 2024-02-14T21:28:43.819Z · LW · GW · 2 comments

This is a link post for https://openai.com/blog/disrupting-malicious-uses-of-ai-by-state-affiliated-threat-actors




Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by johnswentworth · 2024-02-14T21:42:46.511Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Soooo... they caught and disrupted use by "state-affiliated threat actors" associated with a bunch of countries at odds with the US, but not any of the US' allies?

What an interesting coincidence.

Replies from: TrevorWiesinger
comment by trevor (TrevorWiesinger) · 2024-02-17T00:11:12.604Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Spoofing and false flag attacks are the name of the game here. We don't actually know if the election bots in 2016 were Russian, just that American agencies selected Russia as the casting target for the big public accusation. Authoritarian regimes regularly blame Western intelligence agencies for all sorts of domestic problems in order to legitimize their regime and deflect blame for what is actually an embarassing internal conflict, it wouldn't be surprising to see that it often goes both ways.

Notably, Microsoft contributed substantially, even though Microsoft itself is a state affiliated threat actor. Microsoft could have been all 5 of these and I doubt OpenAI would have had any chance of finding out themselves.