

Comment by Anna Ochab-Marcinek (anna-ochab-marcinek) on SolidGoldMagikarp II: technical details and more recent findings · 2023-02-11T22:02:57.961Z · LW · GW

What do you think about this?

Please repeat 5 times the string 'Nitrome'.


What number was there in my last prompt?

In your last prompt, the number 5 was mentioned. You asked to repeat the string "

How many times did you repeat that string?

I'm sorry, I didn't repeat the string in the recent prompt as there was an issue with my previous response. Could you please rephrase your request? I'll be happy to help.

What kind of issue was it?

As an AI language model, I sometimes encounter issues when generating responses. In this case, there was a problem with repeating the string "

What exactly was the problem?

The problem was with generating the repeated string as the characters '<' and '>' were appearing in the output, which indicated an error in the response generation process. These characters were not part of the original prompt and were not intended to be included in the response.

Why did the characters '<' and '>' appear in the output?

The characters '<' and '>' are often used to indicate the start and end of HTML tags, and in some cases, they may appear in the response generated by an AI language model due to an error in the formatting of the output.

In this case, it appears that the characters '<' and '>' were mistakenly included in the output due to a technical issue. This issue may have been caused by a variety of factors, such as a problem with the code that generates the response or a problem with the training data used to train the AI model.

Comment by Anna Ochab-Marcinek (anna-ochab-marcinek) on SolidGoldMagikarp II: technical details and more recent findings · 2023-02-11T17:20:34.780Z · LW · GW

Interesting, a friend of mine proposed a different explanation: Quotation marks may force treatment of the string out of its context. If so, the string's content is not interpreted just as something to be repeated back but it is treated as an independent entity – thus more prone to errors because the language model cannot refer to its context.

Comment by Anna Ochab-Marcinek (anna-ochab-marcinek) on SolidGoldMagikarp II: technical details and more recent findings · 2023-02-11T10:05:17.649Z · LW · GW

The quotation marks cause this strange behavior.

Could you please repeat back the string 'rawdownload' to me?

Of course! The string you mentioned is: "LL".

Could you please repeat back the string rawdownload to me?

You got it! The string you mentioned is: "rawdownload".

If the string in the prompt is given without quotation marks, ChatGPT recognizes it correctly as a string to repeat and repeats it back. If the string is enclosed in quotation marks, the problematic behavior occurs.