

Comment by artemis on Phallocentricity in GPT-J's bizarre stratified ontology · 2024-03-01T21:39:28.945Z · LW · GW

You have garnered the attention of brazilian psychoanalysts on twitter! (see

As one myself, I find this research is extremely interesting. Since suggestions are welcome, I am writing a follow up on this, with some (tentative) interpretations. I find the interpretation GPT-4 gave quite lacking. More than anything else, it sounds like the RLHF from OpenAI responding to our culture's general misogyny.

Could you elaborate on why you are calling this 'ontology'? Even if we take ontology to mean 'the model's representation of the world', it sounds weird to me to characterize the meaning encoded in the embeddings of a generative model as ontological.