

Comment by Bogomilist on [META] Karma, its positive and negative component · 2012-01-26T01:08:15.655Z · LW · GW

That was helpful, thanks! That would have been difficult for me to find otherwise.

Comment by Bogomilist on Welcome to Less Wrong! (2012) · 2012-01-26T01:07:15.463Z · LW · GW

I think Wesnoth is a good strategy game for honing one's skills as a Bayesian. There is non-determinism in the game mechanics that require one to integrate numerous probabilistic events to be an effective player.

Comment by Bogomilist on [META] Karma, its positive and negative component · 2012-01-25T22:55:08.982Z · LW · GW

It's somewhat annoying that I can't post until I get karma.