

Comment by contrarian on Any Trump Supporters Want to Dialogue? · 2024-09-29T18:29:39.278Z · LW · GW

I certainly don't think that Trump is great.  He has an erratic personality, poor focus, and lies far more frequently than the average politician. That said, on most issues I care about I expect him to perform better than Harris:

  • Economy.  

    I don’t know any historical precedent when attempts to reduce inflation via price controls did not result in a costly failure. I would appreciate it if you could point me to a contrary example. 

  • Immigration.

    I believe that mass immigration of uneducated people would negatively affect the economy and the political system of the country.

  • Individual liberties 

    In recent decades, the capture of government agencies and academic institutions by progressive ideology has led to severe restrictions on freedom of speech and freedom of conscience. I don’t know if Trump would be able to reverse this trend but at least I don’t expect him to make it worse.

Feel free to argue with these points or to give your own.