
The Last Laugh: Exploring the Role of Humor as a Benchmark for Large Language Models 2024-02-12T18:34:56.589Z
What’s ChatGPT’s Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? An Investigation Into Synthetic Respondents 2024-02-09T18:38:56.830Z


Comment by Greg Robison (grobison) on What’s ChatGPT’s Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? An Investigation Into Synthetic Respondents · 2024-02-09T23:47:34.222Z · LW · GW

Just written by me, a human. I apologize if it sounds too much like AI.

Comment by Greg Robison (grobison) on What’s ChatGPT’s Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? An Investigation Into Synthetic Respondents · 2024-02-09T23:45:47.064Z · LW · GW

That's a good approach to increase the variability of the output, we would next need to see how well the outputs line up with humans.