

Comment by JohnReese on Triaging mental phenomena or: leveling up the stack trace skill · 2016-12-27T02:10:38.010Z · LW · GW

Hmm. Sounds like Open Monitoring (meditation) would have this as a side-benefit. Hypothesis: increasing non-judgmental awareness would lead to increased self-regulatory capacity. Perhaps consistent practice of any discipline that improves awareness would have a spillover effect?

Comment by JohnReese on Be secretly wrong · 2016-12-09T19:01:44.600Z · LW · GW

"(A friend has reported an analogous "superpower" where they tend to automatically imagine future scenarios such as how an interpersonal interaction might go, which lets them rapidly iterate on plans using "inner simulator" before taking the comparatively expensive step of trying one out in practice.)"

Hmm...I tend to do this too, and assumed it was a common cognitive ability. Getting accurate sims of the future is nontrivial and hard though...a problem that gets worse if one starts extending the simulation temporally. I agree this is a good idea generally speaking...but there is a tradeoff here...every sim needs data to constrain future versions and for model refinement, so I suspect there would be situational constraints on how many such iterations one can run internally. After all, paralysis by analysis is a thing.

Comment by JohnReese on CFAR’s new focus, and AI Safety · 2016-12-06T19:52:32.058Z · LW · GW

If I remember correctly, history records Caesar as having been relentlessly successful in that campaign?

Comment by JohnReese on Finding slices of joy · 2016-11-29T00:50:32.014Z · LW · GW

I tend to find joy upon *spotting puppy dogs out and about

  • befriending said puppy dogs albeit briefly
  • digging into fries and mayonnaise after weeks of healthy food
  • seeing an elderly couple walk hand in hand (yes, I can be sentimental) completing every singe good workout consuming good tea. Always.
Comment by JohnReese on What do you actually do to replenish your willpower? · 2016-11-10T20:23:21.342Z · LW · GW

Sure. For mindfulness based approaches anything by Jon Kabat-Zinn should be helpful...I recommend "Full Catastrophe Living". There are some useful hacks in other popular books but I am not keen on recommending stuff that may not live up to the hype. Reading up on the affirmations literature might also help. It is a tool used both in the everyday sense, as well as in hypnotherapy etc. Hope this helps.

Comment by JohnReese on Open thread, Nov. 7 - Nov. 13, 2016 · 2016-11-10T00:28:04.963Z · LW · GW

Hiya!, Oh ok. Sorry to hear that. I will be attending - yes. That's a great idea, let me post a summary of what it was like and what I learnt from it in Dec. Thanks for the suggestion. All the best with your futurist group. Any themes you find interesting in particular?

Comment by JohnReese on Open thread, Nov. 7 - Nov. 13, 2016 · 2016-11-08T21:41:53.379Z · LW · GW

Any LWers attending Envision 2016?

Comment by JohnReese on Welcome to Less Wrong! (8th thread, July 2015) · 2016-11-08T01:58:47.277Z · LW · GW

Hiya! I am currently a postdoc in the neurosciences, with a computational focus. Dealing with the uncertainties and vicissitudes attendant upon one still plodding on along the path to "nowhere close to tenure-track". My core research interests include decision making, self-control/self-regulation, goal-directed behaviour, RL in the brain etc. I am quite interested in AI research, especially FAI and while I am aware of the broad picture on AI risk, I would describe myself as an optimist. On the social side of things, I am interested in understanding why people believe the things they do (in so far that I am not trying to figure this out as I dangle from the tree...) and my approach has always been one of asking open-ended questions to refine my model of "where someone is coming from" and this helps me have civil discussions with people whose views would be incompatible with mine. I am truly glad that civil discourse and collective truth-seeking are community norms of my biggest pet peeves is that this is what "science'' should be about, as an enterprise, but in modern academia, one seldom feels as though one is part of such a community. Those who disagree, or have had much better times in academia are welcome to disagree. When I am not thinking about computational models, AI, ethics, or whatnot, I pretend to hoard crumpets, drink lots of tea and coffee and make trips to and from the DC Universe (the one that existed prior to Flashpoint). I discovered Scott Aaronson's fantastic blog a year ago, and this was followed by trips to SSC - and this is how I found LW. Love all 3 and now glad to join LW.

Oh, for some reason I am unable to see the button for voting on posts/ there a Karma threshold to be crossed before one can vote?

Comment by JohnReese on What do you actually do to replenish your willpower? · 2016-11-08T00:45:26.501Z · LW · GW

Greetings. Thanks :) Hope at least some of it is useful!!

Comment by JohnReese on What do you actually do to replenish your willpower? · 2016-11-07T02:40:32.150Z · LW · GW

Greetings**, As someone who was once described as a self-control fetishist by a somewhat hedonistic friend of mine, I can report from experience on personal strategies. As someone whose doctoral work involved attempting to build a connectionist model of self-control, I would probably be inclined to highlight a couple of things from the literature. Let me try both.

  1. The psychology literature on self-control/willpower would suggest that regardless of whether the "limited resource" model of Baumeister and colleagues holds up in the long run, there are some things one could do to strengthen and replenish "willpower". I have not examined this work in relation to the current replication controversy within the behavioural sciences, but I have encountered it in a few different contexts and attempted to theorise about it, so would like to include it here.

The basic idea appears to be that affirming core values or principles with the self as referent, would "boost" self-control. Of course, this is supposed to counteract depletion within a certain window, but not when the "self-control" system is pushed to fatigue. Another interesting context I have noticed it pop up is in military psychology and manuals for mindset training, where soldiers are given "affirmations" which typically include the military branch's code, a set of declarative , affirmative statements about membership and values associated with it etc, and this is prescribed as a means of combating fatigue in situations where focus and cognitive control are required (I need to re-read the source but if interested, check out work by Loren Christensen, Michael Asken et al.). My old modelling work (still unpublished...working on it) would have stuff to say and I would be happy to talk about it if that is ok and anyone is interested.

Now, from personal experience...I went through several years of extreme adventures in self-control... and self-denial. As a long-term meditator, some of it was part of the training. One could perform a little test. Perhaps try to eat a single crisp and put the bag back in the container. The body would naturally not like this as crisps tend to be tasty, and one would want more. Observing the wanting can help contain it. Similarly, observing the depletion of will can help in the sense that one can disengage from the task at hand and allow it to re-calibrate to functional levels. Otherwise, if ongoing control cannot be abandoned for any stretch of time, performing centering exercises taught to meditators, LEOs etc can help.

Exercise 1 - close your eyes, breathe deeply, and as you relax, try to detect and follow 4-5 different sounds in your environment. Do this for a couple of minutes. Exercise 2 - close your eyes, and detect different sensations you can your fingers on the keyboard, air circulation, how warm or cold the air in the room is, and keep at it for a couple of minutes. While not aimed at willpower as such, this should facilitate a relaxed alertness that would benefit the ongoing task.

Of course, these may not work for you..I'd be interested in finding out how it pans out if anyone wants to give it a shot. If they are already known, apologies for the redundant comment.

I also find that engaging in consistent practice of some sort, like say, a few proper repetitions of a Taijiquan form /day, is (anecdotally) correlated with having a higher degree of volitional control over decisions and willpower for cognitively challenging tasks. The practice does not have to be religious or involve chants or suchlike...I suspect it has more to do with relaxed alertness and positioning oneself at the edge of a "flow" attractor basin.

**I come in peace. New member. I do not know if the protocol is to publish a post introducing oneself. If such is the case, please let me know and I will do so. It is great to read the posts and discussions on LW and I am hoping to write some soon. Live Long and Prosper!

Comment by JohnReese on *How* people shut down thought because of high-status respectable halos · 2016-11-01T00:33:17.382Z · LW · GW

Hmm...immediately brings to mind the Challenger disaster and the story of Feynman's investigation into the disconnect between risk assessments made by engineers (group 1 above) and management (group 2).

Comment by JohnReese on Your Truth Is Not My Truth · 2016-11-01T00:16:45.110Z · LW · GW

In my experience, people appear to have informal, relatively fluid and vague concepts for things that also have formal, precise and rigorous definitions/expressions in systematic thought, shall we say. Truth appears to be one such thing, as I am sure others have noted here. When someone speaks of "my truth" there could be a few things implied or confounded within that declaration

  1. What "feels" true to me right here, right now
  2. I can see the arguments, but the chain leads to a core belief of mine that simply cannot be wrong given my worldview, identity etc, therefore it may seem true to you, given what you know, but it is not true to me given what I know to be also true
  3. As others have suggested, this may be a conversation-stopper because the argument is emotionally upsetting, or the other side suspects your motives or reasoning but does not want to engage, or they simply do not care for the emotional and mental energy involved in adjudication of such matters as truth (as defined as beliefs matching some presumed objective reality).
  4. People's reasoning often appears motivated, utility-driven (be it status, or actual rewards or whatever), ergo they may be redefining truth in terms of what would maximise their expected utility in the context in, for example if you, a sceptic/atheist are debating a religious person in the company of their fellow believers, they have more utility in winning or appearing to reach a noble impasse with you than re-negotiate their beliefs in public. Given how a lot of people do not like to admit to being wrong (and this includes everyone, at some point, and requires good metacognitive discipline to overcome), even if it is a two-person conversation, if the topic is one that requires "truth" to be brought into the picture (well, "Pikachu is ridiculous"...could be the topic, for all I which case, there are very few truthful propositions to examine...), the motivation to not lose face, or not yield may be strong.

The rational response to such a comment is to issue oneself a firm "nolle prosequi" and exit the conversation politely*. I have no idea what the conversation was about, so I cannot know the truth of things ;)

*if the topic happened to be one with sufficient fogginess in the real world , re-examining one's own beliefs would be a necessary step - heck, I'd re-evaluate anyway, just as a sanity check.