

Comment by Justus on Transfer Learning in Humans · 2024-05-21T15:56:17.627Z · LW · GW
Comment by Justus on [deleted post] 2024-05-19T22:02:14.367Z
Comment by Justus on [deleted post] 2024-05-19T22:00:10.197Z
Comment by Justus on [deleted post] 2024-05-19T19:25:18.043Z

What do you think the likelihood of extinction is?

Comment by Justus on Is acausal extortion possible? · 2024-05-18T23:25:46.798Z · LW · GW
Comment by Justus on Is acausal extortion possible? · 2024-05-18T22:58:19.102Z · LW · GW