I think this shows clearly that dynamics don't always lead to the same things as equilibrium rationality concepts. If someone is already convinced that the dynamics matter, this leads naturally to the thought that the equilibrium concepts are missing something important. But I think that at least some discussions of rationality (including some on this site) seem like they might be committed to some sort of "high road" idea under which it really is the equilibrium concept that is core to rationality, and that dynamics were at best a suggestive motivation. (I think I see this in some of the discussions of something like functional decision theory as "that decision theory that a perfectly rational agent would opt to self-program", but with the idea that you don't actually need to go through some process of self-re-programming to get there.)
Is there an argument to convince those people that the dynamics really are relevant to rationality itself, and not just to predictions of how certain naturalistic groups of limited agents will come to behave in their various local optima?