Looks amazing!
I'd love to buy an ebook version though. Or even better - an audiobook.
I don't understand, its factors are 101 and 109, both are more than 100.
While I'd rather not test this empirically, I think I'm feeling pretty motivated to do this, and yet I can't. I'd really like to solve this issue without resorting to hiring a professional assassin on myself.
That poem was amazing.
How does a person factorize 11,009 in their head?
You guys will probably find this Slate Star Codex post interesting:
Scott summarizes the Predictive Processing theory, explains it in a very accessible way (no math required), and uses it to explain a whole bunch of mental phenomena (attention, imagination, motor behavior, autism, schizophrenia, etc.)
Can someone ELI5/TLDR this paper for me, explain in a way more accessible to a non-technical person?
- How does backprop work if the information can't flow backwards?
- In Scotts post, he says that when lower-level sense data contradicts high-level predictions, high-level layers can override lower-level predictions without you noticing it. But if low-level sensed data has high confidence/precision - the higher levels notice it and you experience "surprise". Which one of those is equivalent to the backdrop error? Is it low-level predictions being overridden, or high-level layers noticing the surprise, or something else, like changing the connections between neurons to train the network and learn from the error somehow?