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Comment by Nicole Ross (nicole-ross) on Should we postpone getting a booster due to Omicron, till there are Omicron-specific boosters? · 2021-12-05T03:19:27.545Z · LW · GW

Very interested in this question as well.

Comment by Nicole Ross (nicole-ross) on Omicron Variant Post #2 · 2021-12-01T20:04:54.573Z · LW · GW

Booster for Omicron question:

Is there any reason why getting a J&J booster now would be a bad idea? (E.g., would it prevent you from getting an Omicron updated mRNA booster?)

Why getting the J&J might be a good idea:

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines inject you with mRNA that tricks your body into manufacturing a piece of the Covid19 virus called its "spike protein." Your body then learns to recognize this specific protein and attack it.

However, the omicron variant has ~30 mutations that make it "spike protein" different from the original virus. 

Alternatively, the J&J vaccine injects you with a bunch of non-infectious copies of the virus. In this case, your body can learn to recognize and attack many different parts of the virus.

The best thing would be an updated mRNA booster that codes for Omicron. In the meantime, it seems like it would be good for people who are immunocompromised or otherwise pretty worried to get J&J. 

Comment by Nicole Ross (nicole-ross) on How do we prepare for final crunch time? · 2021-04-01T14:23:28.253Z · LW · GW

I found this very helpful and motivating to read — it feels like this made clear and specific some things I had more hazily been thinking about. Thanks for writing it up.

Comment by Nicole Ross (nicole-ross) on A tale from Communist China · 2020-10-20T18:01:31.938Z · LW · GW

I'm interested in this question as well.

Comment by Nicole Ross (nicole-ross) on Things are allowed to be good and bad at the same time · 2020-10-17T18:29:55.532Z · LW · GW

I like this a lot, and have found similar-ish framings useful in my own life.

Comment by Nicole Ross (nicole-ross) on The rationalist community's location problem · 2020-10-09T23:00:31.106Z · LW · GW

I think the robustness-fragility point is a very good one, and want to highlight it as I haven't seen it in discussions about hubs much.

Comment by Nicole Ross (nicole-ross) on [Geo: California/Bay Area] Mini-Research of 2020 Fire Situation · 2020-08-23T05:18:24.240Z · LW · GW

Thanks for doing this research.