
Is MIRI actually hiring and does Buck Shlegeris still work for you? 2021-02-13T10:26:23.362Z
Babble challenge: 50 ways to stop torture 2020-10-27T19:38:22.141Z


Comment by seed on Everywhere I Look, I See Kat Woods · 2025-01-21T03:57:42.215Z · LW · GW

If OP was geniunely curious, she could've looked for evidence beyond her personal feelings (e.g. ran an internet survey) and / or asked Kat privately. What OP did here is called "concern trolling".

Comment by seed on Everywhere I Look, I See Kat Woods · 2025-01-19T08:04:15.857Z · LW · GW

I personally found the memes funny. To address your objection:

Overall, the content she posts feels like engagement bait. It feels like it is trying to convince me of something rather than make me smarter about something. It feels like it is trying to convey feelings at me rather than facts. It feels like it is making me stupider. 

To give an analogy, it feels like PETA content. When I initially went vegan, it wasn’t PETA content that convinced me. It was Brian Tomasik content and videos of grinding male chicks. While it’s true that I am "out of distribution" so to speak, popular consensus is that PETA’s attempts at memetic content are mostly cringe. Kat Woods, why would you want to make content like that?

The goal of rationalist community is to make people smarter and more rational. Thus we have a norm: we should aim to explain and not persuade. This isn't a norm in a wider world; persuading other people to your point of view is a socially acceptable way to achieve your goals. It seems to me you are trying to enforce lesswrong norms outside of lesswrong; why? 

The goal of AI safety isn't to make people smarter, it is to prevent unsafe AI from being deployed. Conveying feelings isn't inherently bad. I would agree that manipulating people's feelings to change their beliefs contrary to facts is bad. But that is not the only possible purpose of conveying feelings. People can be moved to act by feelings, we often feel better when we know that others share our feelings, and we can get along better if we understand each other's feelings and don't hurt them, and humor is valuable in its own right. I also wouldn't say that these posts you sited are all feelings based, many of them are debunking faulty arguments that many people make. That's just valid discourse.

The goal of PETA isn't to be popular, it is to protect animals. Here are their accomplishments as listed on their website (I trust they're not lying): 

  • PETA persuaded more than a dozen companies, including Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, to make the abusive and pointless forced swim test a thing of the past. Laboratories conduct these experiments by dosing mice, rats, guinea pigs, gerbils, or hamsters with a test substance, dropping them into inescapable containers of water, and watching as the petrified animals frantically look for an escape. See other victories for animals who are used in experiments.
  • In 1995 after two years of negotiations with—and more than 400 demonstrations against—the company worldwide, McDonald’s became the first fast-food chain to agree to make basic welfare improvements for farmed animals. Now, thanks largely to PETA’s outreach and persistence, you can’t visit a fast-food restaurant without seeing a vegan option, whether it’s Burger King’s or Carl’s Jr.’s animal-free burgers, Del Taco’s vegan beef burritos, or WaBa Grill’s plant-based steak bowls. The vegan revolution is here.
  • Undercover investigations of pig-breeding factory farms in North Carolina and Oklahoma revealed horrific conditions and daily abuse of pigs, including the fact that one pig was skinned alive, leading to the first-ever felony indictments of farm workers. See other victories for animals who are used for food.
  • After persistent campaigning by PETA U.S., other PETA entities, and our supporters around the world, Canada Goose joined the ever-growing list of top fashion brands that have sworn off fur, including Prada, Coach, Versace, Michael Kors, Balmain, Gucci, Calvin Klein, and Burberry. And we’re toppling other industries, too. After we released the results of PETA Asia’s investigation into the angora rabbit fur industry, more than 100 major brands suspended their use of the material, including Gap, H&M, Ralph Lauren, Topshop, UNIQLO, and Zara. And following the release of the first-of-its-kind undercover PETA investigation into one of the world’s largest alpaca-fleece producers, we persuaded more than 65 companies to make the compassionate decision to ban the material. See other victories for animals exploited for fashion.
  • After 36 years of protests from PETA members and supporters against Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, it stopped using animals in its shows. Ringling is planning its return to the big top, without animals—sending a powerful message to the entire industry and echoing what we’ve been saying for decades: Animals don’t belong in the circus or in any other form of entertainment. In a landmark case, our Endangered Species Act (ESA) lawsuit against Tiger King villain Tim Stark and Indiana roadside zoo Wildlife in Need succeeded—setting a precedent that premature separation of lion, tiger, and lion/tiger hybrid cubs and mothers; declawing; and cub-petting violate federal law. We also played an integral role in a major victory when the U.S. Department of Justice seized 69 protected big cats from Lauren and Jeff Lowe, operators of Tiger King Park in Oklahoma, and won its own ESA lawsuit against the Lowes. See other victories for animals used for entertainment.
  • PETA persuaded Mobil, Texaco, Pennzoil, Shell, and other oil companies to cover their exhaust stacks after showing how millions of birds and bats had become trapped in the shafts and been burned to death. See other victories for wildlife.
  • Thanks to PETA’s lengthy campaign to push PETCO to take more responsibility for the animals in its stores, the company agreed to stop selling large birds and to make provisions for the millions of rats and mice in its care. See other victories for abused companion animals.

It seems what PETA does works.

But honestly, is this content for the greater good? Are the clickbait titles causing people to earnestly engage? Are peoples’ minds being changed? Are people thinking thoughtfully about the facts and ideas being presented? 

If this looks a lot like brand memeing or PETA advocacy, I'd expect it to work about as well. Meaning at least somewhat well. What makes you think it doesn't work, apart from your own feelings? I'm not a subscriber to the subreddits and I don't know what their vibe or level of seriousness is, so the memes may indeed be out of place on some of these subreddits. I have no opinion on that. I agree it would be good if someone collected data and learned which advocacy methods are most effective.

What would I do instead 

Maybe you should do it.

Comment by seed on Dress Up For Secular Solstice · 2024-12-20T20:03:17.021Z · LW · GW

I like the dress code you propose, it looks so pretty! I was on the fence about going and this post helped me make up my mind. You made it sound more like a real party.

Comment by seed on LLM Applications I Want To See · 2024-09-12T03:53:33.730Z · LW · GW

Hi! I wrote two extensions you suggested: 
- "Emotion highlighter" detecting and highlighting paragraphs with 6 basic emotions
It's very basic API call right now, I'll think about improving it once I see if anyone uses it at all and what improvements they want (more emotions / more precise highlighting / better classification?).
- "Simple English translator" converting all text on a webpage into plain English.

They use your OpenAI API key to analyze all text on a webpage once you click the extension, and OpenAI charges $5.00 / 1M input tokens as of the time of writing this comment.

Comment by seed on A High Decoupling Failure · 2024-04-15T01:25:37.184Z · LW · GW

>> High decouplers will notice that, holding preferences constant, offering people an additional choice cannot make them worse off. People will only take the choice if its better than any of their current options.
This is demonstrably untrue in cases of suicide. 70% of people who survive a suicide attempt do not attempt it again, so their decision to try is probably a bout of temporary madness / irrationality, and not an expression of stable well-considered preference for death over life.

Comment by seed on One-shot strategy games? · 2024-03-18T23:32:50.421Z · LW · GW

Long Live the Queen takes about 4 hours. It would take some luck to beat it on the first try, but generally you win by using common sense and training useful skills.

Comment by seed on How to deal with the sense of demotivation that comes from thinking about determinism? · 2024-02-17T22:26:14.279Z · LW · GW

Have you read ?

Comment by seed on What's up with psychonetics? · 2024-02-16T05:07:26.331Z · LW · GW

What were the most impressive results that were supposedly accomplished? Maybe we should run some experiments to see if they can be reproduced?

Comment by seed on Arrogance and People Pleasing · 2024-02-10T01:06:46.105Z · LW · GW

Interesting post and self-improvement advice!

I want to add to that when you're learning a behavior that is new to you, you want to start out in a low-risk setting. You are probably going to make mistakes. For example, when you first try to act high-status and assertive, you may overdo it and come off as aggressive and rude. So you want to start practicing in a safe setting where mistakes won't cost you a job, e.g. anonymously on the internet or with friends. Or if you do write to your boss, have a friend look over the letter. Then move on to more high stakes situations.

Another caveat is that if you adopted a dysfunctional behavior, it was probably for a reason. There was probably someone in your environment around whom the dysfunctional behavior made complete sense and was the only way to get along with them. They may still be around you. Expect them to blow up. But don't be discouraged, remember most people are not like them.

Comment by seed on Brute Force Manufactured Consensus is Hiding the Crime of the Century · 2024-02-04T18:01:42.629Z · LW · GW

I appreciate you writing this post! I was curious about the evidence for lab leak, but was too lazy to investigate on my won.

You point out COVID-19 is the only sarbecovirus with furin cleavage site. But couldn't it have evolved by switching host from some other species? According to Nature, "viruses more often evolve by jumping from one host species to another than by remaining within a particular species."

So the general prevalence of furin cleavage sites seems relevant too. Did anyone look into what that is?

Comment by seed on POC || GTFO culture as partial antidote to alignment wordcelism · 2024-02-01T03:05:24.726Z · LW · GW

Didn't they demonstrate that transformers could be mesaoptimizers? (I never properly understood the paper, so it's a genuine question.) Uncovering Mesaoptimization Algorithms in Transformers

Comment by seed on Without Fundamental Advances, Rebellion and Coup d'État are the Inevitable Outcomes of Dictators & Monarchs Trying to Control Large, Capable Countries · 2024-02-01T02:46:55.933Z · LW · GW

Not to mention that the default result of rebellion is failure. (Figure from

Comment by seed on Without Fundamental Advances, Rebellion and Coup d'État are the Inevitable Outcomes of Dictators & Monarchs Trying to Control Large, Capable Countries · 2024-02-01T02:35:58.035Z · LW · GW

OP doesn't claim that dictators are unchecked in their power, he jokingly claims that dictators and monarchs inevitably end up overthrown. Which is, of course, false: there were ~55 authoritarian leaders in the world in 2015, and 11 of them were 69 years old or older, on their way to die of old age. Dictator's handbook has quite a few examples of dictators ruling until their natural death, too.

Comment by seed on RAND report finds no effect of current LLMs on viability of bioterrorism attacks · 2024-01-25T22:09:47.183Z · LW · GW

I agree that it's his main point; however, he's also making an observation that most terrorists are incompetent, impulsive, have poor preparation and planning, and choose difficult forms of attacks when better options are available. The post has several anecdotes illustrating that. 

He believes the incompetence is caused by terrorist acting on social incentives instead of optimizing for their stated goals. However, what if some terrorist group has one earnest terrorist, or what if the chatbot provides the social encouragement need to spur a terrorist to action while simultaneously suggesting a more effective stategy? There also lone wolf terrorist who, while more practical, are limited to their own ideas, so probably less competent than a whole team of researchers.

Comment by seed on RAND report finds no effect of current LLMs on viability of bioterrorism attacks · 2024-01-25T21:14:05.822Z · LW · GW

Ok, so LLMs don't give an advantage in bioterrorism planning to a team of RAND researchers. Does it mean they don't give an advantage to actual terrorists, who are notoriously incompetent?

Comment by seed on Wisdom Cannot Be Unzipped · 2022-10-22T17:23:15.786Z · LW · GW

I think you're zeroing in on the hypothesis that your list had a problem too early. There are many possible reasons to fail college, like having a mental health issue or not being very motivated to succeed in the first place. Do you know that he actually read your list?

In my experience the biggest predictor of teaching success is whether the person asked to be taught)

Comment by seed on PSA: if you are in Russia, probably move out ASAP · 2022-03-04T11:02:45.120Z · LW · GW

If you are leaving relatives or friends behind, consider developing some kind of code language, because people in Russia might be afraid to tell you their real opinions over the phone in plain speech.

Comment by seed on PSA: if you are in Russia, probably move out ASAP · 2022-03-04T10:07:03.952Z · LW · GW

I believe there is nothing wrong or irrational about taking collective action or calling to it. On the contrary, a culture that prohibited collective action has failed at instrumental rationality and is about to be conquered by a culture that didn't. So I am strongly opposed to your first suggested rule.

Yes, I believe we shouldn't get involved in politics if it endangers alignment research efforts or otherwise hurts the community for little gain. But we should take collective actions which carry negligible risks and huge expected benefits. Rationality is about winning. Being divided makes us weak and less likely to win. Let's not do this.

Comment by seed on Late 2021 MIRI Conversations: AMA / Discussion · 2022-03-03T03:26:45.348Z · LW · GW

Will MIRI want to hire programmers once the pandemic is over? What kind of programmers? What other kinds of people do you seek to hire?

Comment by seed on Ukraine Situation Report 2022/03/01 · 2022-03-02T22:59:54.732Z · LW · GW

I agree that this statement could be understood this way, and I don't find your interpretation objectionable. It also could be understood to mean that Russian POWs say what they say to stop torture, there is no disclaimer against this interpretation. I should probably have interpreted everything in the most charitable way possible, if it was one thing. I am pushing back because several things made me feel paranoid.
Advising Ukrainans to flee while banning commenters from giving any advice to Western powers or discussing morality and justice seemed not neutral. (Russian people remaining nonviolent is not in Ukrainians' interest either.) Comparing Putin's situation to a trolley problem frames him as someone selflessly trying to do what's best for others. I am not saying that these posts are pretending to objectivity while secretly being kremlin propaganda, it just looks to me like lsusr is trying to be neutral and falling short.

Comment by seed on Ukraine Situation Report 2022/03/01 · 2022-03-02T11:01:39.308Z · LW · GW

Thanks for the report.

If I was captured by America's enemies I'd happily shout "Death to America!" on camera in exchange for humane treatment.

You're implying that Russian POWs are treated inhumanely unless they say what the captors want. That assertion needs proof.

Comment by seed on Ukraine Situation Report 2022/03/01 · 2022-03-02T10:59:08.258Z · LW · GW

There is also this isolating effect when the media tells a lie, e.g. denies some true fact X, and most people don't buy it, but they decide "this is what we're all conspiring to tell our enemies". And while you're busy trying to "convince" your opponent that X actually happened, you never get to discuss whether X is the right thing to do.

Comment by seed on [deleted post] 2022-03-01T09:11:50.392Z

Wait, I thought EA already had 46$ billion they didn't know where to spend, so I should prioritize direct work over earning to give?

Comment by seed on Tears Must Flow · 2021-12-02T14:44:12.741Z · LW · GW

It seems like the source of your disagreement is that you do not believe turkeys actually suffer (as you write "suffer" in scare quotes), while the OP clearly believes they do. I think this question needs to be settled first before we decide which emotional reactions are reasonable. (I myself have no idea what the answer is.)

Comment by seed on Worst Commonsense Concepts? · 2021-11-18T08:02:12.819Z · LW · GW

Radical actions. The word "radical" means someone trying to find and eliminate root causes of social problems, rather than just their symptoms. Many people pursue radical goals through peaceful means (spreading ideas, starting a commune, attending a peaceful protest or boycotting would be examples), yet "radical act" is commonly used as a synonym to "violent act".

Extremism. Means having views far outside the mainstream attitude of society. But also carries a strong negative connotation, in some countries is prohibited by law and mentioned alongside "terrorism" like they're synonyms, and redefined by Wikipedia as "those policies that violate or erode international human rights norms" (but what if one's society is opposed to human rights?!) Someone disagreeing with society is not necessarily bad or violent, so this is a bad concept.

"Outside of politics". Any choice one makes affects the balance of power somehow, so one cannot truly be outside. In practice the phrase often means that supporting the status quo is allowed, but speaking against it is banned.

Comment by seed on Where do you live? · 2021-11-01T13:58:59.433Z · LW · GW

What the heck did I do wrong, why are you downvoting me, guys?

Comment by seed on Where do you live? · 2021-10-31T22:29:21.258Z · LW · GW


Comment by seed on Selfishness, preference falsification, and AI alignment · 2021-10-28T18:00:20.889Z · LW · GW

Are you saying that MIRI enforces altruism in their employees? If so, how do they do that, exactly?

Comment by seed on My experience at and around MIRI and CFAR (inspired by Zoe Curzi's writeup of experiences at Leverage) · 2021-10-17T08:53:26.109Z · LW · GW

Scott Aaronson, for example, blogs about "blank faced" non-self-explaining authoritarian bureaucrats being a constant problem in academia.  Venkatesh Rao writes about the corporate world, and the picture presented is one of a simulation constantly maintained thorough improv.

Well, I once met a person in academia who was convinced she'd be utterly bored anywhere outside academia. 

If you want an unbiased perspective on what life is like outside the rationality community, you should talk to people not associated with the rationality community. (Yes, Venkatesh Rao doesn't blog here as far as I can tell, but he is repeatedly mentioned on LW, so counts as "associated" for the purpose of this exercise.)

Comment by seed on Great Negotiation MOOC on Coursera · 2021-08-09T20:03:55.462Z · LW · GW

How do you know it's useful though? Did you apply the advice? Did it help?

Comment by seed on Against "Context-Free Integrity" · 2021-04-14T13:22:47.169Z · LW · GW

>> Sometimes I try to tell the people what I can see, and that doesn't always go well. I'm not sure why.
Can you describe a concrete example? Without looking at a few examples, it is hard to tell if a "context-free integrity" fallacy is to blame, or you are just making bad arguments, or something.

Comment by seed on Convict Conditioning Book Review · 2021-04-12T12:34:16.098Z · LW · GW

One benefit is that you can do calisthenics everywhere (even in prison), no need for special equipment.

Comment by seed on Preventing overcharging by prosecutors · 2021-04-06T14:03:50.179Z · LW · GW

What's to stop the prosecutor from lying about their Briers score?

Comment by seed on Center for Applied Postrationality: An Update · 2021-04-01T08:45:32.461Z · LW · GW

We have exercised our innovative technique of meta-honesty to successfully dupe some computer programmers into thinking we want their participation.

Comment by seed on How You Can Gain Self Control Without "Self-Control" · 2021-03-25T15:22:44.020Z · LW · GW

I actually thought Ty was a real person. :)

Comment by seed on What ethical thought experiments can be reversed? · 2021-03-07T09:46:32.544Z · LW · GW

And Y/2 pain, probably? (Or the conclusion doesn't follow.)

Comment by seed on The Median is Less than the Average · 2021-02-23T18:53:27.969Z · LW · GW

How do you measure intelligence though? Obviously you don't mean IQ, since IQ test scores are deliberately calibrated to be normally distributed.

Generally, I feel like all these bold claims need some supporting evidence. E.g.

Increased information makes smart people smarter and stupid people stupider.

Citation needed?

Comment by seed on The art of caring what people think · 2021-02-12T10:09:02.779Z · LW · GW

I totally agree that it's useful to hang out with a diverse set of people.

It also helps to treat people's opinion of you as an instrumental goal. Every time I'm worried what someone thinks of me, I ask myself if this person's opinion is important, and why - can they hurt me or help me in any way? Sometimes the answer is yes, e.g. I want to impress employers, or I need voters to like me if I'm doing politics. Often, though, the answer is that the person is not going to affect my life in any way, and so their opinion doesn't matter. People's opinions may also matter as an estimate of my own virtue, but if their opinion is based on a misunderstanding, or they're confused about what's virtue and what's vice, then their opinion can be discarded again.

Comment by seed on Democratic Currency · 2021-01-20T17:15:31.258Z · LW · GW

Is starting capital really a bottleneck for entrepreneurs? Don't you just get money from investors? 
Elon Musk and Bill Gates only needed a laptop to start their business. Or, from Warren Buffet's biography: "In 1945, as a high school sophomore, Buffett and a friend spent $25 to purchase a used pinball machine, which they placed in the local barber shop. Within months, they owned several machines in three different barber shops across Omaha. They sold the business later in the year for $1,200 to a war veteran. ... In high school, he invested in a business owned by his father and bought a 40-acre farm worked by a tenant farmer. He bought the land when he was 14 years old with $1,200 of his savings. By the time he finished college, Buffett had accumulated $9,800 in savings".

Comment by seed on Yoda Timers 2 · 2021-01-14T09:25:55.180Z · LW · GW

Were long-standing research problems actually ever presented at IMO? AFAIK, problems featured there already have solutions.

Comment by seed on Blackmail · 2021-01-12T05:41:59.683Z · LW · GW

I feel like I'm missing context. Why did this community come to care about blackmail laws in the first place?

Comment by seed on Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 13 · 2021-01-01T14:49:34.103Z · LW · GW

I'm so confused. How did Luna survive the Killing Curse?

Comment by seed on Perfectionism as depth-first search · 2020-12-29T12:32:25.230Z · LW · GW

Great observation! I was struggling with the same issue when I moved from studying math to graduate ML research. Depth-first search is the right approach to reading a math textbook. Say, you started to learn homology theory and realized you don't know what's an Abelian group. You should stop and go read about Abelian groups, or you won't understand what comes next. 

However, the same approach was getting me in trouble when trying to understand state-of-the-art in voice processing. I would start reading an article in the morning, and by the evening I'd finish no articles and find myself stuck in the middle of a textbook reading about some 50 years outdated method which wasn't relevant to modern research. So, I worked out that the effective approach to this task is breadth-first search: read the article from beginning to end, write down all unknown terms, go on to look up the most important one.

I think another reason why people might default to depth-first search is that BFS requires to store a list of unexplored nodes in memory and people don't have a lot working memory. So a note-taking system like Zettelkasten really helps with applying this approach more broadly in one's life.

Comment by seed on No, Newspeak Won’t Make You Stupid · 2020-12-19T01:17:46.590Z · LW · GW

Do you know anyone who wants such a forum?

Comment by seed on D&D.Sci Evaluation and Ruleset · 2020-12-12T19:25:24.659Z · LW · GW

Cheers to simon, ericf and myself, for offering an optimal solution! And cheers to abstractapplic for organizing the challenge.

The leaderboard (if you're not here, I couldn't figure out what your final decision was, or you added more than 10 points):

simon, ericf 0.9375 

[('CHA', 8), ('CON', 15), ('DEX', 13), ('INT', 13), ('STR', 8), ('WIS', 15)]

seed 0.9375 

[('CHA', 8), ('CON', 14), ('DEX', 13), ('INT', 13), ('STR', 8), ('WIS', 16)]

Samuel Clamons 0.8095 

[('CHA', 8), ('CON', 17), ('DEX', 13), ('INT', 13), ('STR', 7), ('WIS', 14)]

Asgard 0.7857 

[('CHA', 9), ('CON', 16), ('DEX', 14), ('INT', 13), ('STR', 8), ('WIS', 12)]

Measure 0.7308 

[('CHA', 8), ('CON', 14), ('DEX', 13), ('INT', 13), ('STR', 6), ('WIS', 18)]

kiwiakos 0.6774 

[('CHA', 7), ('CON', 15), ('DEX', 13), ('INT', 13), ('STR', 6), ('WIS', 18)]

Alexey 0.6500

  [('CHA', 11), ('CON', 14), ('DEX', 13), ('INT', 13), ('STR', 6), ('WIS', 15)]

newcom 0.6471

  [('CHA', 11), ('CON', 16), ('DEX', 13), ('INT', 13), ('STR', 7), ('WIS', 12)]

AABoyles, Pongo, GuySrinivasan 0.6389 

[('CHA', 6), ('CON', 14), ('DEX', 13), ('INT', 13), ('STR', 6), ('WIS', 20)]

Yongee 0.6364 

[('CHA', 5), ('CON', 14), ('DEX', 13), ('INT', 20), ('STR', 8), ('WIS', 12)]

Deccludor 0.6098 [('CHA', 5), ('CON', 20), ('DEX', 13), ('INT', 13), ('STR', 6), ('WIS', 15)]

Randomini 0.4688 [('CHA', 4), ('CON', 14), ('DEX', 13), ('INT', 13), ('STR', 16), ('WIS', 12)] 

From plotting the data, I saw that:

  • looked like the stats were independtly randomly generated and cut off at sum >= 60.
  • dexterity was useless
  • looked like there was a big advantage to having stats >= 8. For strengh, strength=8 was almost as good as strength=20

I fit a regularized logistic regression and a neural net, but couldn't get validation accuracy greater than 70%, which was only a little better than the 65% baseline of random guessing. I realized that the data is not very informative and I don't know how results are calculated, so I better stick with a conservative model like Nearest Neighbors classifier, and try a few different models. I fit a KNN classifier, gradient boosting on decision trees, and regularized logistic regression (all with validation accuracy 70%), and chose a point which gave near the top scores for all three classifiers. (It had all stats >=8, too.)

Comment by seed on [deleted post] 2020-12-10T09:48:02.003Z

I wonder if it has something to do with age-related hearing loss. I remember when I was a teen, rock music sounded like antimelodic screeching to me too, but I listened because my friends liked it, and I liked the lyrics. Now the same songs sound like legit music to me. Maybe it's because our hearing range shrinks with age, so the high-pitched sounds become quieter and the song doesn't sound like screeching anymore.

Comment by seed on D&D.Sci · 2020-12-07T20:08:40.278Z · LW · GW

CHA+4, STR+2, WIS+4 

Comment by seed on D&D.Sci · 2020-12-07T12:35:25.631Z · LW · GW

Is it a secret / part of the puzzle, where this data came from?

Comment by seed on D&D.Sci · 2020-12-07T10:47:53.484Z · LW · GW

Do adventurers gain additional status points during their Great Quest, and if yes, are these stats measured at the beginning or at the end of their quest?

Is this data from some real Dungeons and Dragons game results?

Comment by seed on Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 5 · 2020-12-05T08:41:52.814Z · LW · GW

This was very funny and the best HPMOR continuation I've read so far.