
Userscript to always show LW comments in context vs at the top 2023-11-21T17:53:30.418Z
How do I read things on the internet 2023-08-20T05:43:47.494Z
Intentional friend making 2021-11-21T19:21:39.008Z
CrowdAnki comprehensive JSON representation of Anki Decks to facilitate collaboration 2016-09-18T10:59:08.849Z
Proposal for increasing instrumental rationality value of the LessWrong community 2015-10-28T15:18:52.194Z
Whole genome sequencing vs SNP genotyping 2015-06-11T22:09:06.044Z


Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on What comes after Roam's renaissance? · 2024-05-13T20:44:37.800Z · LW · GW

I’m using a different but similar approach of incorporating SRS into Roam instead (  ). 

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Updates and Reflections on Optimal Exercise after Nearly a Decade · 2024-02-21T20:47:32.096Z · LW · GW

Thank you! Surprised to see front squats and RDL given your comments about avoiding powerlifts, are these variations less injury-prone vs their more standard options?

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Updates and Reflections on Optimal Exercise after Nearly a Decade · 2024-02-21T20:14:24.575Z · LW · GW

You talk about it in snippets here and there, but I'd love for you to share your full up-to-date strength training program recommendation! 

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on How to (hopefully ethically) make money off of AGI · 2024-01-05T18:18:09.552Z · LW · GW

Also curious how this changes people's outlooks on putting money into 401k/IRA's/etc

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on How to (hopefully ethically) make money off of AGI · 2023-12-22T20:03:58.283Z · LW · GW

Any good candidates for "AI index fund" people know of?

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on 2022 (and All Time) Posts by Pingback Count · 2023-12-17T19:25:16.708Z · LW · GW

Would love for the spreadsheet to include tags to further simplify filtering.

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Userscript to always show LW comments in context vs at the top · 2023-11-22T17:35:35.766Z · LW · GW

That's fair. I believe kiwi is a fork of chrome that is kept up to date with a set of patches applied on top fwiw.

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Userscript to always show LW comments in context vs at the top · 2023-11-22T02:59:20.151Z · LW · GW

If you use android: supports extensions!

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Userscript to always show LW comments in context vs at the top · 2023-11-22T01:35:04.347Z · LW · GW

Uh nvm, that doesn't work reliably bc of the comment lazy loading 🤔

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Userscript to always show LW comments in context vs at the top · 2023-11-22T01:31:58.149Z · LW · GW

Oh, that actually suggests a slightly better version, that won't reload the page. Updated the post!

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Boring Advice Repository · 2023-10-03T05:25:15.044Z · LW · GW

Curious if people found good alternative videos/intro materials for this that worked well?

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Who Has the Best Food? · 2023-09-06T08:49:01.532Z · LW · GW

I really enjoy Moroccan food and surprised to see it rated so poorly (I've mostly encountered it while living in France though and it seems that French do actually like it, so maybe there is something special about how its presented there vs elsewhere 🤔)

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on How do I read things on the internet · 2023-08-21T22:46:03.917Z · LW · GW

👌 will iterate on it!

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Literature recommendations July 2022 · 2023-03-30T01:15:03.253Z · LW · GW

Hey there! I was curious if you've found any good sources around this since?

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Regular Meetup (topic: The Media, Very Rarely Lying) · 2023-02-08T01:50:47.192Z · LW · GW

Visiting from the US around that time, hope to be able to make it!

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on The True Spirit of Solstice? · 2023-01-04T06:29:15.355Z · LW · GW

Matches by Guante

that was really good thanks for mentioning it!

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on The Best Software For Every Need · 2022-05-06T01:43:17.083Z · LW · GW

I've been using and happy with

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on How to Best Use Twitter · 2022-04-26T21:03:36.459Z · LW · GW

One thing that I found really valuable is using browser extension. It allows you to quickly check people’s best content when you’re exploring their account and also provides a bunch of other helpful search UX improvements

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Watching Myself Program · 2022-03-01T06:57:19.291Z · LW · GW

Nice, curious to try this!

Another program I remember doing screenshotting in a style described: (may be macOS only)

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Watching Myself Program · 2022-03-01T06:56:22.150Z · LW · GW

Windows: this should probably run over "linux subsystem for windows"

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Optimal Exercise · 2021-12-26T00:53:02.387Z · LW · GW

I see that the original commenter deactivated their account here, I am curious if your thinking on BBS changed since then at all or if you've seen any additional evidence on the topic?

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Taking Clones Seriously · 2021-12-20T01:44:31.606Z · LW · GW has a fictional exploration of a similar topics (trying to achieve not just intelligence transfer, but also expertiese in a relevant field)

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Consider Taking Zinc Every Time You Travel · 2021-12-20T01:26:58.097Z · LW · GW

Thanks for posting an update!

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Consider Taking Zinc Every Time You Travel · 2021-12-18T00:40:29.402Z · LW · GW

Curious to hear about your experience so far!

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Intentional friend making · 2021-11-24T21:08:31.556Z · LW · GW

👋 thanks everyone for attending, I'd appreciate people sending me feedback on how did it go for you. You can do that by filling out the form at

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Cognitive scientist Joel Chan on metascience, scaling and automating innovation, collective intelligence, and tools for thought. · 2021-09-04T06:29:10.585Z · LW · GW

Hey! The podcast sounds exciting! A bit of feedback - it wasn't really trivial for me to find the rss feed to subscribe to the podcast though. It does not seem to be featured separately anywhere on the website?

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on On silence · 2021-05-15T21:19:43.069Z · LW · GW

Thanks for writing this up! I've listened to a TTS version of it 😅.

I'm spending most of my "in between activities" time (walking, biking, eating, showering) listening to audiobooks/podcasts and to a lesser degree - music.

And for a long while I've been wondering about things similar to what you mention in the post:

  • Is constantly being subject to new information stimulus is detrimental to my ability to do "unconscious processing/problem-solving" (presumably the driver behind the "aha moments in the shower" phenomena/etc).
  • Does it reduce the rate at which I'm able to produce original ideas/thinking?

I don't really have any conclusions/insights on this so far 🙁, but I'm excited to see people starting to explore the topic, and I'd be curious to hear your longer-term reflections on your self-experiments with silence! seems tangentially related

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on CrowdAnki comprehensive JSON representation of Anki Decks to facilitate collaboration · 2016-09-18T20:40:17.898Z · LW · GW

Thank you for giving it a try :)

Yeah, I guess I should describe the proposed workflow in more details and make it as simple as possible :). I will do that in the coming days.

Yes to contribute back you would need to fork the repository on github, clone the fork, make an export of your updated deck on top of it, and then commit, push changes to your fork of the repository on github and create a pull request from your fork.

Initial import can be either from that repository or from Github directly whatever is more convenient for you :).

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Proposal: Community Curated Anki Decks For MIRI Recommended Courses · 2016-09-18T09:46:34.304Z · LW · GW

Hey, I'm wondering if you had any success with this idea? I also thought you might be interested in my Anki plugin, that allows you to make a full-feature Import/Export of Anki decks to/from JSON. What I mean by full-feature is that it exports not just cards converted to JSON, but Notes, Decks, Models, Media etc. So you can do export, modify result, or merge changes from someone else and on Import, those changes would be reflected on your existing cards/decks and no information/metadata/etc would be lost.

You can read more about it here:,,

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Proposal for increasing instrumental rationality value of the LessWrong community · 2015-12-10T10:07:37.875Z · LW · GW

Thank you. I've also added 'mastermind' tag.

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Proposal for increasing instrumental rationality value of the LessWrong community · 2015-10-30T13:15:31.437Z · LW · GW

Thank you for referencing "mastermind group" it's great that there are background knowledge and experience in this area. Alas I don't see many people willing to participate..

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Great Explanations · 2015-05-17T20:21:02.993Z · LW · GW

Thank you!

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Great Explanations · 2015-05-17T20:00:52.372Z · LW · GW

Hi, thank you for creating this great list!

Aumann’s agreement theorem: Landsburg, The Big Questions, chapter 8.

This link is broken, and I was not able to find this chapter separately anywhere. I would appreciate if someone would be able to update the link or re-upload the document (or recommend another good article on this topic). Thank you.

Comment by Vlad Sitalo (harcisis) on Rationality: From AI to Zombies online reading group · 2015-05-05T09:19:48.118Z · LW · GW

Hi, thank you for organizing this group! I think it'd be helpful if you will create a list with existing discussions of the group at the end of this post.