Kids or No kids

post by Kids or no kids ( · 2023-11-14T18:37:02.799Z · LW · GW · 10 comments


  Process - how we decided
  Content - considerations we used
    Impact considerations
      Effects on one’s community
      Falling out of the heavy tail
      The children's impact
      Value drift
    "Personal life worthiness" or happiness considerations
      Social/"soft" factors
    Overarching considerations

This post summarizes how my partner and I decided whether to have children or not. We spent hundreds of hours on this decision and hope to save others part of that time. We found it very useful to read the thoughts of people who share significant parts of our values on the topic and thus want to "pay it forward" by writing this up. In the end, we decided to have children; our son is four months old now and we’re very happy with how we made the decision and with how our lives are now (through a combination of sheer luck and good planning). It was a very narrow and very tough decision though.

Both of us care a lot about having a positive impact on the world and our jobs are the main way we expect to have an impact (through direct work and/or earning to give). As a result, both of us are quite ambitious professionally; we moved multiple times for our jobs and work 50-60h weeks. I expect this write-up to be most useful for people for whom the same is true.

Bear in mind this is an incredibly loaded and very personal topic - some of our considerations may seem alienating or outrageous. Please note I am not at all trying to argue how anyone should make their life decisions! I just want to outline what worked well for us, so others may pick and choose to use part of that process and/or content for themselves. 

Finally, please note that while many readers will know who I am and that is fine, I don’t want this post to be findable when googling my name. Thus, I posted it under a new account and request that you don’t use any personal references when commenting or mentioning it online.


Process - how we decided

We had many sessions together and separately, totaling hundreds of hours over the course of 2 years, on this decision and the research around it. My partner tracked 200 toggl hours, I estimate I spent a bit less time individually but our conversations come on top. In retrospect, it seems obvious, but it took me longer than I wish it would have to realize that this is important, very hard work, for which I needed high-quality, focused work time rather than the odd evening or lazy weekend.

We each made up our minds using roughly the considerations below - this took the bulk of the time. We then each framed our decision as "Yes/No if xyz", for instance, “Yes if I can work x hours in a typical week”, and finally “negotiated” a plan under which we could agree on the conclusion “yes” or “no”.

In this process, actually making a timetable of what a typical day would look like in 30-minute intervals was very useful. I'm rather agreeable, so I am likely to produce miscommunications of the sort "When you said "sometimes", I thought it meant more than one hour a day" - writing down what a typical day could look like helped us catch those. When hearing about this meticulous plan, many people told me that having kids would be a totally unpredictable adventure. I found that not to be true - my predictions about what I would want, what would and wouldn't work, etc. largely held true so far. My suspicion is most people just don't try as hard as we did to make good predictions. A good amount of luck is of course also involved - we are blessed with a healthy, relatively calm, and content baby so far. Both of us feel happier than predicted if anything.

I came away from this process with a personal opinion: If it seems weird to spend hours deliberating and negotiating over an Excel sheet with your partner, consider how weird it is not to do that - you are making a decision that will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars and is binding for years; if you made this type of decisions at work without running any numbers, you'd be out of a job and likely in court pretty quickly. In our case, if you budget every hour at $100, we spent maybe $40,000 on the decision. That's the cost of a nanny for one year, so a small fraction of what we expect to spend on kids. If we had a strong intuition that we’d anyway want kids, we could likely have skipped over some of that; we were very much on the edge though, so solid facts on the table seemed important. 

A final note on methodology: All frameworks are wrong, this is very personal. We tried to model our value functions here, so if your value function is different, you may want to consider different, more, or fewer considerations and different weights, do a quantitative model, or not. I found goal factoring [? · GW] useful to identify considerations, and necessary claims [LW · GW] to work with them. My partner made multiple quantitative models.

Content - considerations we used

Impact considerations


We estimated how much work time we'd each lose if having kids. For us, the output of our work is a key impact metric, as discussed above. Thus, "work time lost" was a very important factor in our decision.

To get to a good estimate, we found we had to work out the details of what an average day with a baby would look like - that was super useful, I wish we'd done it earlier.

The plan we made is linked here. Some notes:

Note we significantly updated on how much external childcare we wanted - both of us started from the assumption that at least one of us would be at home full-time for a few months, and then maybe working part-time for years, if we had kids. This was heavily shaped by the environments we grew up in. Seeing different family models (talking to friends, reading other people's writings) really shifted our Overton window and after a lot of deliberation, we realized we both actually wanted a setup with much more external childcare. More on whether that seems okay for the child below.

Our plan was informed by conversations with about 10 parents we know, and living with some of them for a few days up to several weeks (in one case, and this had other reasons than us wanting to see how they live with their child). My takeaways from other parents were roughly


Good sleep is foundational to productivity and happiness for me and my partner, so we optimized this aspect of living with a baby heavily. So far, both of us are very happy with where we got to with a combination of good planning and sheer luck. Our setup is roughly as follows


Note that “per default, no disruption to my sleep” was one of the conditions for my partner to want kids at all. I felt some fear around the challenge of looking after a baby at night but it seemed doable because I knew I could function pretty well on 6 h of sleep if needed from my days as a management consultant, and because we decided that if sleeping well became unacceptably hard, we would be fine with paying for a night nurse for a while. There was also some element of “humans have managed to do this for millennia” but I mostly discounted that because I aspire to sleep significantly better than most of those people probably did. I should also caveat that we haven’t yet transitioned out of the snoo (most people report this being surprisingly easy) or sleep-trained (we will do that if needed). In the snoo and with a regular bedtime, the baby currently falls asleep on his own, in the 3 minutes it takes me to brush my teeth. Again, some luck may be involved as well.


We estimated we'd pay GBP40k/year for a full-time nanny in the UK. We are roughly there now for our 50 hours per week of nanny time.

Private schools can easily be GBP20k/year; where you live obviously matters a lot for this (e.g., most education in Germany is free).

Living cost increases come on top, depending on what you want - so far, we got a lot of stuff for the baby secondhand or even free, so the main increase comes from paying more rent.

In total, we estimated costs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars per child in total - this obviously depends on your choices a lot, mainly about childcare. This was an important factor in our decision, as part of my theory of impact is earning to give.



Kids make moving houses and countries more costly; how much this matters depends on one's job. For instance, academics tend to need to move two or more times before they get tenured.

This could have been a large consideration. We decided to largely mitigate the loss of flexibility by pre-committing that we will move if needed and just "swallow" the additional cost (e.g., be fine with paying for help with organizing and executing the move). We also don't plan to ask the kids for "permission" to move.


Effects on one’s community

Everyone doing an expected value calculation and then deciding based on that may not be the best algorithm for a movement. If everyone calculates kids reduce one’s impact and no one has them, then the movement never becomes very big: There will likely be dynamics that exclude people who really want children (still the majority of adults out there), and the movement never grows "organically".

In situations like these, it seems helpful to consider comparative advantage. Imagine everyone in your community in a line, from least suited to most suited to having kids, where are you in that line? How many of those people do you think should have kids? Note that strongly wanting children probably is part of being suited to it.

We felt that having a long-term, stable relationship and being financially well-off plausibly gives us a comparative advantage. We care about growing the community of people wanting to do the most good quite a bit, so this seemed like a moderately important consideration.


Falling out of the heavy tail

In some career paths, if you have marginally less time or resources, that may make a big difference in outcomes; the distribution of outcomes over time/resources can be modeled as heavy-tailed. Thus, the amount of time/resources one invests into having children could have a large effect. For instance, for start-up founders, it could be the difference between the company surviving the first few years or not. This was a moderately important consideration for us.


The children's impact

There is some chance your child will do great things in the world - but discount rates on this are pretty high (especially if you have short AI timelines, as discussed widely on this forum). We found the expected impact to be positive but too small to be a strong consideration.

Note that factoring some expected positive impact into your decision is not the same as demanding altruistic contributions from your child - the latter seems like a fairly unhealthy family dynamic. We very explicitly discussed that while we see some positive expected value, we are both happy to love and raise a child who just wants a nice life for themselves.


Value drift

Having children adds a new entity to one's value function: the children's well-being. To what extent this changes how much one cares about other values (such as the long-term future, or competitiveness at work) will depend on the person. I was reasonably certain my values wouldn't change much upon having a child, and so far, this seems to be the case - it may be different for different people though.


"Personal life worthiness" or happiness considerations


Maternal health

I did quite a lot of research here because being in excellent physical health is important to me. High-level takeaways:

Detailed, non-polished notes here.

Resources: Expecting Better by Emily Oster, lots of papers summarized via Cochrane reviews. I actually outsourced some research to an upworker, I expect this could be done via Elicit nowadays. We later got pointed to, which influenced how we planned the delivery of the baby (that was a decision process with some research as well but seems out of scope here, DM me if you want the details).


Child health

We researched the likelihood of having a mentally or physically disabled child and discussed how we would work with that if it happened - from discussing which prenatal screening we would do and what would cause us to end the pregnancy to how we would manage life to accommodate a child with special needs.

While those discussions were helpful to have, the expected negative effect on our lives from the risk of having a disabled child turned out to be small enough not to be a major factor in our overall decision. I have a detailed write-up on this specific aspect (incl. sources on the likelihood of different things happening) that I can share upon request.

We also looked into one aspect of mental health. Our plan involved 56 hours of nanny-time per week (we are now at 50), and we were somewhat concerned whether this much time with an employee instead of a parent would have negative effects on the child. We therefore researched the possible impacts of non-parental childcare on children. Our conclusion was roughly that 56h of nanny a week seems ok as long as we don’t have too many different nannies and they treat the child well (being responsive, emotionally available, etc.). The main potential downsides would be “problem behaviour” like risk taking and impulsivity, while IQ or academic performance seem unlikely to be affected. Those downsides seem to materialize more strongly in daycare settings than with nannies but this is hard to say because there aren’t any good studies comparing the two. A detailed, non-polished write-up is available here. I recruited a nanny via and I am so far very happy with her. The baby seems to love her as well.


Social/"soft" factors

I will be brief here because these are the most personal aspects that are most likely to benefit from your preferred style of introspection. 

For me, it was writing out the upsides of having kids and how I could achieve these upsides in a kids-free life. Some categories I found useful and how they turned out:

For my partner, the most relevant factors in the decision where:

Overarching considerations

I found that for me, happiness/worthiness of life seems more narrowly distributed than impact. There are many imaginable ways I could increase my lifetime expected impact by >2x, sometimes >10x, while for lifetime expected happiness, that seems crazy to me. I can thus view kids as a "cheap" purchase of happiness for impact, possibly enabling me to later "sell" a tiny bit of happiness for a lot of impact (e.g., by moving to a different country for my job, where I initially wouldn’t have friends).

To the extent that you intrinsically care about happiness, it may also seem like a small difference in impact is a reasonable price for the happiness increase you expect from having kids. For me, after all the above considerations, the expected "impact hit" I take from having kids is small enough that it disappears in the error bars of the expected value calculations I make during my career decisions.



Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by mdd · 2023-11-15T16:24:28.257Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Thanks a lot for your description of your decision process. I wish it was much easier to write anonymously on LessWrong, or at least that it was possible for the author to enable anonymous comments on their post. This post would likely have had many more comments in that case.

I would like to have kids one day. My main worry is to have a strongly autistic child. Not well-functioning mild autistic as most LessWrong readers, but autistic to the degree where they can’t function independently as adults. I have a young family member who might end up in that category, and I have seen how tough it has been on his parents. My girlfriend has well-functioning family members with mild autism, so we would have increased risk of getting an autistic child. I suspect many people on LessWrong are in similar situations. What were your thoughts on this risk? Did you estimate your probability for this, and how can we estimate our probability?

comment by Samuel Hapák (hleumas) · 2023-11-16T15:08:41.121Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

If it seems weird to spend hours deliberating and negotiating over an Excel sheet with your partner, consider how weird it is not to do that - you are making a decision that will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars and is binding for years; if you made this type of decisions at work without running any numbers, you'd be out of a job and likely in court pretty quickly.

I am making decisions worth hundreds of thousands of dollars without running any numbers pretty often at work.

They haven’t fired me yet.

comment by O O (o-o) · 2023-11-15T21:18:42.195Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I like to think that on the impact side, there is a soft social contract to have enough kids for replacement to make elder care sustainable. Don't know if anyone actually thinks of that when having kids, but maybe people will more in the future. 

Replies from: Richard_Kennaway
comment by Richard_Kennaway · 2023-11-15T21:23:18.450Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

It’s more usually about having kids to take care of you in your old age.

Replies from: o-o
comment by O O (o-o) · 2023-11-15T21:56:02.483Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

When I word that as such, people usually reply about how children aren't guaranteed to care for you in old age. 

Replies from: Richard_Kennaway, jkaufman
comment by Richard_Kennaway · 2023-11-16T14:06:05.469Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

There are no guarantees in life.

comment by jefftk (jkaufman) · 2023-11-16T00:35:32.404Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

And for the cost of having children you could save quite a lot for retirement!

Replies from: Richard_Kennaway, o-o
comment by Richard_Kennaway · 2023-11-16T14:09:43.107Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Money can do a lot, but it cannot buy people who will not merely care for you, but care about you in your declining years.

comment by O O (o-o) · 2023-11-16T00:41:44.537Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Why does saving for retirement work? Money is just a medium of exchange. All retirement plans in history have assumed there is consistent economic growth. In the worst case, at least a stable economy with low inflation. Not having enough people to replace elders breaks these assumptions.

A child is typically a worker when they are an adult and thus a net + to GDP. By having children, you are more or less ensuring that by the time you are a net - to GDP, there will be a net + to GDP.

Replies from: yair-halberstadt
comment by Yair Halberstadt (yair-halberstadt) · 2023-11-16T08:04:50.389Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

He was responding to the selfish reason - "my children will take care of me in my old age", not the social reason - "my children will be a small part of keeping the economy running in my old age".