Use-cases for computations, other than running them?

post by johnswentworth · 2020-01-19T20:52:01.756Z · LW · GW · 1 comment

This is a question post.


    7 Vitor
    4 William_S
    4 William_S
    4 romeostevensit
1 comment

In imperative programming languages, the main purpose of a program is to specify a computation, which we then run. But it seems a rather... unimaginative use of a computation, simply to run it.

Having specified a computation, what else might one want to do with it?

Some examples:

I'm also interested in more general meta-use-cases for computations, which generate use-cases that aren't just "run the computation". For instance, some patterns in the examples above:


answer by Vitor · 2020-01-23T02:29:55.800Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Any semantic question about the program (semantic = about input/output relation, as opposed to syntactic = about the source code itself). Note that this is uncomputable due to rice's theorem. "Output" includes whether the computation halts.

Find a semantically equivalent computation that fulfills/maximizes some criterion:

  • more obviously correct
  • shorter in length
  • faster to run (on hardware x or model of computation y)
  • doesn't use randomness
  • doesn't leak info through side-channels
  • compliant with design pattern x
  • any other task done by a source-to-source compiler

Find a computation that is semantically equivalent after applying some mapping to the input and/or output:

  • runs on encrypted input/output pairs (homomorphic encryption)
  • computation is reversible (required before running on a quantum computer)
  • redundantly encoded, add metadata to output, etc. Example: run program on untrusted hardware in such a way that the result is trusted (hardware exposed to outer space, folding@home, etc)

Any question about the set of programs performing the same computation.

  • this computation must take at least x time
  • this computation cannot be done by any program of length less than x (kolmogorov complexity)

Treat the program as an anthropological artifact.

  • deduce the state of mind of the person that wrote the program
  • deduce the social environment in which the program was written
  • deduce the technology level required to make running the program practical
  • etc.

(Thanks for reminding me why I love CS so much!)

comment by habryka (habryka4) · 2020-01-23T19:28:14.929Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Mod note: Fixed formatting of this comment.

answer by William_S · 2020-01-21T00:55:46.560Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Substituting parts of the computation (replace a slow, correct algorithm for part of the computation with a fast, approximate one)

answer by William_S · 2020-01-21T00:54:07.155Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
  • Formally verifying properties of the computation
  • Informally checking properties of the computation (is this algorithm for making loan decisions fair?)
  • Debugging the computation, or more generally "modifying the computation to do what you actually want"
answer by romeostevensit · 2020-01-20T00:00:35.967Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

The process used to generate a valid computation could itself be a valuable compression/training process of some sort. Characteristics of the final computation might be useful as feedback. I guess generalizing is just taking your listed use cases and seeing the computation in question as either up or downstream from the thing we really care about.

1 comment

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comment by Donald Hobson (donald-hobson) · 2020-01-21T13:51:49.523Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Consider this function

This is valid code that returns True.

Note that you can tell it returns true without doing operations, and a good compiler could too.

Shouldn't this also be valid code?

There are a whole space of "programs" that cant be computed directly, but can still be reasoned about. Computing directly is a subset of reasoning.