HPMOR Anniversary Parties: Coordination, Resources, and Discussion
post by Screwtape · 2025-03-11T01:30:41.177Z · LW · GW · 0 commentsContents
Summary Parties Parties in Asia Parties in Australia Sydney, NSW, Australia Gold Coast, QLD, Australia Parties in Europe Moscow, Moscow, Russia NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia Arkhangelsk, Russia Paris, Île-de-France, France Hamburg, Germany London, UK Parties in North America Toronto, Ontario, Canada Brandon, Manitoba, Canada Kitchener-Waterloo, ON, Canada Ottawa, ON, Canada Berkeley, CA, USA Denver, CO, USA Atlanta, GA, USA Boston, MA, USA Rockville, MD, USA (Washington DC) Kansas City, MO, USA Princeton, NJ, USA Dayton, OH, USA Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Austin, TX, USA Salt Lake City, UT, USA Seattle, WA, USA Parties that are online VRCHAT Resources Handbook Fan works The Party Spreadsheet Call for Stories Rationality Meetups Discord: None No comments
As some of you may already know, it's been ten years since Harry Potter and the Method of Rationality concluded and wrap parties were held around the world. I've taken the baton of coordinating parties from Habryka, and now over 20 parties on 4 continents are going to happen. Now's the time to spread the word and get as much attendance as possible. If you've been with us for ten years, look back at the last decade and celebrate how far the Methods have carried us. If you're new, then come and be welcome, and know that you're not the only one. This post will serve as a central location for information and resources available for the parties, as well as a place for discussion in the comments.
Parties in Asia
Contact: Jonathan
Contact Info: jonathan[do t]ng1[at]gmail[d ot]com
Time: Sunday the 16th, 07:00 PM
Location: RSVP to the Partiful (https://partiful.com/e/yE1oQ4QM4H2qChvEdaOO)
Parties in Australia
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Contact: Eliot
Contact Info: redeliot[a t]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, March 15th, 02:00 PM
Location: 14 Frances St, Randwick at the upstairs hall at the back building (enter in through the carpark area to the side gate and then walk down the path to the back building)
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/4RRH36QQ+QRW
Group Link: https://www.meetup.com/rationalists_of_sydney/
Additional Notes: Please RSVP so we can predict numbers
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Contact: Jasmine Bacon
Contact Info: Veggiesbacon[at]gmail[d ot]com
Time: Friday, March 14th, 06:00 PM
Location: Burleigh (I’ll email anyone coming the exact address if it ends up being enough people)
Coordinates: See above
Group Link: I’ve just got my email for contact
Additional Notes: Please RSVP and I’ll send address! Feel free to bring friends/kids just let me know. Thank you!
Parties in Europe
Moscow, Moscow, Russia
Contact: Monoid
Contact Info: contact[at]monoid[do t]ru
Time: Saturday, March 15th, 04:00 PM
Location: The meetup will be in Moscow. The exact location will be announced in the participants' chat as the date approaches.
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/9G7VMGVH+QV
Group Link: https://t.me/monoid_center
Additional Notes: Please RSVP in advance to get the exact location. The registration form is on our website (http://monoid.ru/hpmor-10y)
NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
Contact: Ender
Contact Info: freelancehunter146[a t]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, March 15th, 04:30 PM
Location: We'll be in the Canteen Blue on campus or somewhere near in case it is taken. In any case, I'll notify about the exact location, and will be wearing the unique badge on red ribbon.
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/9G7VMM28+36
Group Link: <only obtained from local community, not vice versa>
Additional Notes: ONLY for students of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute.
Arkhangelsk, Russia
Contact: Mikhail
Contact Info: prynkov[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Sunday, March 16th, 12:00 PM
Location: Psychological Club "The Room": Arkhangelsk, Troitskiy Av., 39, office 33
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/9HP2GGPC+35
Group Link: https://vk.com/mprynkov
Additional Notes: Please pre-register via group messages
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Contact: Camille Berger
Contact Info: camille[do t]berger[a t]psl[dot]eu
Time: Friday, March 14th, 6:00 PM
Location: (Use the Partiful link!)
Hamburg, Germany [? · GW]
Contact: Hauke
Contact Info: hpmore[dot]docs[do t]google[dot]com[ at]haukerehfeld[dot]de
Time: Friday, March 14th, 05:00 PM
Location: Hamburg, DE. Details see post once we decided
Coordinates: lat,lon
Additional Notes: RSVP on the post!
Contact: Timerune
Contact Info: marvldodop68[at ]gmail[d ot]com
Time: Sunday, March 16th, 04:00 PM
Location: The Costa near the Dawson Street Luas Stop, probably will have an obvious sign with me, but if it's not visible look for someone with a ponytail and brown shoes. I might if the weather makes sense bring my bright pink coat and then I'll be pretty obvious but I can't guarantee the weather will be right.
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/9C5M8PVR+4X6
Additional Notes: I'm sensitive to smells and will not be able to stay in spaces that smell or interact with people that smell so please come to the party without strong odors on you? (e.g. smoke or intense perfume mostly). And please be prepared for me to be like "it smells too bad here can we please move". Sorry, awkward to say but relevant. Please do not bring animals. It's just a cafe so please come prepared to get your own snacks/drinks.
London, UK
Contact: Richard
Contact Info: richardtkemp[at]gmail[do t]com
Time: Saturday, March 15th, 06:00 PM
Location: Downstairs (the hall), Newspeak house, 133 Bethnall green road
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/9C3XGWGH+3F6
Group Link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/K54tAk9YyFPKJWAJQt7iTK
Additional Notes: (FYI co-organising with Phil Hazelden)
Parties in North America
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Contact: Taha Ashtiani
Contact Info: taha[dot]m[dot]ashtiani[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, March 15th, 07:00 PM
Location: Unit 3202, 224 King, Toronto (buzzer is 3202)
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/87M2JJX7+23
Group Link: Whatsapp group, message: 4372178376
Additional Notes: Kids and cats welcome, no dogs please.
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
Contact: Stephen
Contact Info: https://signal[dot]me/#eu/xHiKm2lYDpAaSTUFJ1I-Nssb6bvUJxbSx4xGWT3Qg65xTFM4zF5E1LPnmmeHzM56
Time: Saturday, March 15th, 03:00 PM
Location: Chez Angela
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/86X2R2XX+GF
Kitchener-Waterloo, ON, Canada [? · GW]
Contact: Jenn
Contact Info: jenn[a t]kwrationality[d ot]ca
Time: Thursday, March 13th, 07:00 PM
Location: Waterloo Public Library Main Branch - Board Room on the first floor. 35 Albert St, Waterloo, ON N2L 5E2
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/86MXFF8G+93Q
Group Link: https://kwrationality.ca/
Additional Notes: Regular turnout for events is 8-12 people
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Contact: Tess
Contact Info: rationalottawa[ at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, March 14th, 07:00 PM
Location: Tess' House, 307 Southcrest Pvt, Ottawa
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/87Q698CM+2H
Group Link: https://discord.gg/NCxGNU5a9z
Additional Notes: Join Rational Ottawa for takeout (to be provided) and butterbeer if you partake- and don't be shy about dressing up if you'd like- private gathering has its perks!
Berkeley, CA, USA
Contact: Skyler
Contact Info: skyler[at]rationalitymeetups[d ot]org
Time: Sunday, March 16th, 05:00 PM
Location: 2740 Telegraph Ave: Use the Stuart Street Entrance
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/849VVP5R+X5
Additional Notes: Children welcome, no pets please.
Denver, CO, USA [? · GW]
Contact: Steven Zuber
Contact Info: stevenjzuber[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, March 14th, 07:00 PM
Location: 8769 W Cornell Ave, Lakewood, CO 80227-4813
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/85FPMW64+MX
Group Link: https://www.lesswrong.com/groups/oa7zHKuy5jdJQ9HAB
Additional Notes: Sorry for submitting on here 3 times. We had to rebook the venue sort of last minute. You Rock, Skyler.
Atlanta, GA, USA
Contact: benjaminikuta
Contact Info: benjaminikuta[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, March 14th, 6:00 PM
Location: Bold Monk. 1737 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd NW. Suite D-1, Atlanta, GA 30318.
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/865QRH2F+V8
Group Link: https://acxatlanta.com/
Boston, MA, USA
Contact: Skyler
Contact Info: Skyler[at]rationalitymeetups[d ot]org
Time: Saturday, March 15th, 12:00 PM
Location: Sennott Park, 305 Broadway, Cambridge. Backup is 199 Harvard Street
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/87JC9W92+92
Group Link: https://groups.google.com/g/boston-lw
Additional Notes: Kids welcome!
Rockville, MD, USA [? · GW] (Washington DC)
Contact: Maia
Contact Info: mwerbos[a t]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, March 14th, 06:00 PM
Location: Private home. Please message for the address
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/87F43RMW+MR
Group Link: https://www.lesswrong.com/groups/62wo78PzzH6yjnZyu [? · GW]
Additional Notes: Message for the address
Kansas City, MO, USA
Contact: Alex
Contact Info: alex[dot]hedtke[a t]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, March 14th, 06:00 AM
Location: The Fix KC (600 E 31st St, Kansas City, MO 64109) - I will have a table sign
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/86F73CCC+9X8
Group Link: https://www.meetup.com/kc_rat_ea
Additional Notes: Please RSVP so I know how many to expect.
Princeton, NJ, USA [? · GW]
Contact: 🟠UnlimitedOranges🟠
Contact Info: elvisQwalsh[a t]gmail[dot]com
Time: Friday, March 14th, 06:00 PM
Location: Prince Tea House - 4437 Route 27 Princeton, NJ 08540. The tea house is next to Sushi Palace. We should be easy to spot and I'll have a black witch's hat just in case.
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/87G799MX+4V
Group Link: https://www.lesswrong.com/events/uMydbhsABGzQZ3Hjd/new-jersey-hpmor-10-year-anniversary-party [? · GW]
Additional Notes: RSVPs aren't required, but appreciated so I can let the tea house know what to expect. Costumes recommended but not required.
Dayton, OH, USA [? · GW]
Contact: Kevin, LunaWarrior
Contact Info: Lesswrong[do t]dayton[at]gmail[d ot]com
Time: Saturday, March 15th, 03:00 PM
Location: 10 E Main Street, Fairborn 45324
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/86FQRXCH+GQF
Additional Notes: Pizza will be provided
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Contact: Justin
Contact Info: pghacx[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, March 15th, 01:00 PM
Location: Private residence near the intersection of Shady Ave/Aurelia St in East Liberty -- please email Justin (pghacx@gmail.com) for info on the exact unit, and how to enter the building. Street parking available on Aurelia St.
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/87G2F35H+64
Additional Notes: RSVPs required! (pghacx@gmail.com) Pizza and soft drinks will be provided; attendees welcome to bring their own snacks and drinks. No planned structure for this meetup, but if people are so inclined, my shelves are stocked with activities from previous Astral Codex Ten meetups like Wits & Wagers (aka "competitive epistemology")
Austin, TX, USA
Contact: Silas Barta
Contact Info: sbarta[at]gmail[do t]com
Time: Saturday, March 15th, 01:30 PM
Location: Central Market, 4001 N. Lamar, Austin, Texas; We'll have an Austin LessWrong sign
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/86248746+R2
Group Link: https://groups.google.com/g/austin-less-wrong/
Additional Notes: We are running this event as a regular Austin LessWrong/SSC/ACX meetup, but HPMoR-themed this time.
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Contact: Adam
Contact Info: adamisom[at]hey[d ot]com
Time: Saturday, March 15th, 07:00 PM
Location: 1130 E 2700 S #K83 Salt Lake City, UT (building K is the north-west most, near 1100 E)
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/85GCP46R+XG
Group Link: please email me (adamisom[ at] hey[do t] com) for a Discord link!
Seattle, WA, USA
Contact: Robert Cousineau
Contact Info: cousineaur[a t]gmail[ dot]com
Time: Friday, March 14th, 06:00 PM
Location: Graduate Hotel Lobby
Coordinates: https://plus.codes/84VVMM6P+J6C
Group Link: https://discord.gg/JshSyZsK
Parties that are online
Contact: Daniel
Contact Info: daniel[dot]l[d ot]carrier[at]gmail[dot]com
Time: Saturday, March 15th, 03:00 PM
Location: VRChat in the LessWrong and AC10 Meetup group
Coordinates: LESSWR.7138
Group Link: https://discord.gg/ADQAHkcWE6
Additional Notes: VRChat is free, and doesn't require VR.
If you're reading this and you want to add a party, the easiest way is to fill out this form for new parties. If you comment on this post or send me a message, I can also try and add you, but the form is the easiest way to make sure I have the details I need- but other people will be reading the comments here, so feel free to post a link to your party so people can see it right away!
Not sure what to do at your party? I have an Anniversary Guide here [LW · GW] I've put together with suggestions.
Fan works
In the ten years since HPMOR was published, fan work is still being created. I have a collection of such works in this document, and the document is set up so anyone can edit it and add more. Recommend your favourites! The main rule is, nothing that was published before 2016!
The Party Spreadsheet
For easy of viewing, I've compiled a spreadsheet of all the parties I know of. Commenting is enabled, so if you're the organizer and want something changed just leave a comment on the sheet and I'll update it as fast as reasonably possible. If you want to add a new party, the form is linked in the sheet!
Call for Stories
I have described HPMOR as a life-changingly good piece of fanfiction. While I am an outlier, I think it's been impactful for a lot of people. If you want, you can write your own story in this document to share it with the world. I'd like to encourage sharing your thoughts or feelings on HPMOR, whether it was a large impact like changing jobs and continents or a small impact like having a fun story to tell classmates about.
Rationality Meetups Discord:
There exists a Rationality Meetups discord, used by organizers for such events around the world. You can ask people for advice on running your meetup, ask if there's a regular meetup group near you, or just say hello. While not originally set up for HPMOR parties, I think those fall squarely under the heading of a rationalist meetup!
I will continue keeping this post updated with all the useful material that I come across.
Comments sorted by top scores.