
In Praise of the Beatitudes 2024-09-24T05:08:21.133Z
Virtue is a Vector 2024-09-10T03:02:45.737Z
How AI Will Change Education 2024-02-28T05:30:16.511Z
Artificial General Horsiness 2023-11-11T05:15:03.107Z
Genocide isn't Decolonization 2023-10-20T04:14:07.716Z
Simulate the CEO 2023-08-12T00:09:44.105Z
The Power of High Speed Stupidity 2023-03-17T21:41:29.619Z


Comment by robotelvis on In Praise of the Beatitudes · 2024-09-24T20:09:19.148Z · LW · GW

As you say (and I alluded to as a footnote) there are a lot of interpretations of what the beatitudes mean. 

My personal feeling is that those who emphasize the "spiritual" interpretations are often doing it as a dodge, to avoid the challenge of having to follow the non-spiritual interpretations. 

That said, I make no claim that my interpretations are what most Christians believe. They are definitely what some Christians believe, and they are the interpretation of the Beatitudes that I find personally valuable today, as a non-Christian.

Comment by robotelvis on In Praise of the Beatitudes · 2024-09-24T20:04:58.097Z · LW · GW

Now fixed - missing beatitude added. That was awkward.

Comment by robotelvis on In Praise of the Beatitudes · 2024-09-24T19:31:46.097Z · LW · GW

Urgh. So you are right. Not sure how I missed that one. Probably because I counted to eight and the last one isn't always included in the list. I'll do a revision.

Comment by robotelvis on How AI Will Change Education · 2024-04-04T03:46:39.692Z · LW · GW

An interesting perspective. I'm not sure I agree, but I'm also not sure I disagree. 

Comment by robotelvis on Simulate the CEO · 2023-08-12T23:50:25.449Z · LW · GW

Maybe I should clarify that I consider the "extended CEO" to essentially include everyone whose knowledge is of importance at the company. If you asked Sundar how many servers of a particular type to put in, he'd forward you to the relevant VP, who would forward you to the relevant director, who would forward you to the relevant principal engineer, who would actually answer your question. That's what I mean by asking a question of the "extended CEO".

A similar principle applies to simple rules like "don't be evil" or "blessed be the meek". Yes Sundar and Pope Francis didn't create these principles, but, by taking over as CEO, they had to first show that their thinking was aligned with the principles of the existing "extended CEO" and those principles are summarized by simple lists like "ten things we know to be true" and the Beatitudes, so that other people are able to better simulate the opinion of "the extended CEO".

When I was at Google, it was very common to resolve an internal disagreement by pointing to the answer that one of the "ten things we know to be true" principles would direct us to behave - and that allowed for internal consistency. Similarly, when I was a Christian, it was common to point to principles in the Beatitudes to resolve questions of what it meant to act in a moral way as a Christian.

Any Google CEO who doesn't want to follow "ten things we know to be true" or any Pope who doesn't want to follow the Beatitudes is going to need to do some heavy lifting to re-align their org around a different set of principles, or at the very least, signal strongly that those principles don't currently apply.