Fertility Will Never Recover
post by Eneasz · 2025-01-30T01:16:41.332Z · LW · GW · 12 commentsThis is a link post for https://deathisbad.substack.com/p/fertility-will-never-recover
A Life Worth Living Don’t Summon Eldritch Gods Pull The Rope Sideways None 12 comments
The world is in a spiraling fertility crisis which everyone has notice over the last year-ish.1 Sarah Haider proposes a GI Bill for young moms. Scott Alexander says a govt payment of $200,000 per child should work. Everyone wants to go back to thick-community-style living.
Amid ever-increasing talk of what to do to increase fertility, I think it’s important we acknowledge that nothing will increase fertility to the levels required for our society to continue. People do not want more than one child. Some don’t even want one. Two children is viewed as a stretch goal. Three is a major sacrifice that one takes on for the good of their community. You cannot incentivize people to make that sacrifice at anything close to the proper scale because people don’t want money that badly. How many hands would you amputate for $100,000?
A Life Worth Living
One child is all you need to get 90% of the joy, meaning, and interesting experiences out of having children. There are massive diminishing returns to having additional children (for the parents). Ask all your friends. How many are excited and aiming for 3+ children? Really excited and joyously motivated—not because it’s their duty for humanity and they’re on the EA burnout path. The life worth living is one with one child per couple among happy couples. Or 1.35 on average when you count the outliers.
Why yes, I’m fixated on 3+. One child is a death sentence. Two ““should”” be enough, but it’s not. “Two” doesn’t mean what it used to. Now four births lead to two reproducing children, on average. My parents have four children, but they have two grandchildren. Three of us are childless (hi!), one has two kids. If my parents are lucky that might increase to three grandchildren.
Just as premodern couples had to accept half their kids wouldn’t live to adulthood, we have to accept half our kids won’t reproduce. This means three children as a minimum goal is the only way to begin to attain replacement fertility. Parents should be hoping for more than three, but wanting three as their starting baseline.
Yes, agreed: lmao
Don’t Summon Eldritch Gods
So—we can’t fix this with money, people don’t want it badly enough. We can’t fix this by altering our culture, every other force in society is arrayed against it. A complete culture-ectomy could work, akin to passionately converting to a new religion and moving to their ethnostate-ish region. But no one wants that either. Fertility will not recover to replacement rates and we must all prepare for that.
Why care if evolution will fix this?
Because I don’t care about “humanity in general” nearly as much as I care about my society. Yes, sure, the descendants of the Amish and the Taliban will cover the earth. That’s not a future I strive for. I’d be willing to give up large chunks of the planet to an ASI to prevent that. I want the future to have a robust rationalist society of humans I relate to and care for. For the humanity I care about fertility will never recover. Don’t summon up eldritch gods to fix your problems, you’ll never be happy with the result.
Pull The Rope Sideways
Fortunately we’re at the dawn of the singularity and as Scott pointed out, though Society Is Fixed, Biology Is Mutable. We won’t die out if we don’t die. The most feasible solution I see is honestly the banishment of aging and death. We don’t need to dedicate our collective lives to grinding out 3+ children before it’s too late and cursing our children to do the same. We can just not die and retain our culture that way. If we want to have another child every century or so, there will always be a happy rationalist society to welcome them and celebrate their growth and uplift.
Not Dying is the true frontier in preventing demographic collapse, and the loss of the society we care about. Short of that we’re doomed.
Yes, lots of people started ringing alarm bells about this well before that (it’s nice being in the rationalist community and always learning about what’s going to happen 20% sooner than the rest of the world), but it’s really taken off lately.
Comments sorted by top scores.
comment by GeneSmith · 2025-01-30T05:01:48.772Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Ask all your friends. How many are excited and aiming for 3+ children? Really excited and joyously motivated—not because it’s their duty for humanity and they’re on the EA burnout path. The life worth living is one with one child per couple among happy couples. Or 1.35 on average when you count the outliers.
I'm almost certainly somewhat of an outlier, but I am very excited about having 3+ children. My ideal number is 5 (or maybe more if I become reasonably wealthy). My girlfriend is also on board.
I just can't picture anything more joyous in a normal life (i.e. excluding upload enabled perma-jhana) than finding someone I deeply love and combining ourselves to make new people. It's a miracle that's even possible! If this wasn't a normal part of everyday life people would laugh at you for proposing such an absurd thing could ever be real.
EDIT: One more thing worth mentioning: If we ignore AGI for a second (not much point in talking about this otherwise), I think the long term solution to this problem is to create pro-natalist microcultures. Groups of friends living around each other raising their children in a shared environment. My dream is to live close to friends who also have a bunch of kids and raise them alongside people I love.
I know from reading reports of parents who have done or tried this that it's not trivial. One of the most difficult parts seems to be getting everyone to agree to a set of parenting standards and having the flexibility and acceptance to not require perfect adherence to every rule from every parent all the time. But we are still going to try to make this happen, probably somewhere close by the bay area.
Replies from: cubefox↑ comment by cubefox · 2025-01-30T09:48:22.771Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
I'm almost certainly somewhat of an outlier, but I am very excited about having 3+ children. My ideal number is 5 (or maybe more if I become reasonably wealthy). My girlfriend is also on board.
It's quite a different question whether you would really pull through with this or whether either of you would change their preference and stop at a much lower number.
comment by avturchin · 2025-01-30T09:13:33.661Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
One solution is life extension. I would prefer to have one child every 20 years (have two with 14 years difference). So if life expectancy and fertility age will grow to 100 years old, many people will eventually have 2-3 children.
Replies from: TsviBTcomment by Kaj_Sotala · 2025-01-30T11:33:14.560Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
People do not want more than one child. Some don’t even want one. Two children is viewed as a stretch goal.
The first Google result I get for "ideal family size in america" is a 2023 Gallup poll according to which 44% of Americans who had an opinion think two children is the idea family size, and 45% that three or more children is.
My current impression is that most people would prefer to have more children than they actually end up having, but there are various societal forces in play making this hard, so it'll take some time to develop the necessary social technologies to better align people's family sizes with their preferences.
comment by cubefox · 2025-01-30T10:06:34.481Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Because I don’t care about “humanity in general” nearly as much as I care about my society. Yes, sure, the descendants of the Amish and the Taliban will cover the earth. That’s not a future I strive for. I’d be willing to give up large chunks of the planet to an ASI to prevent that.
I don't know how you would prevent that. Absent an AI catastrophe, fertility will recover, in the sense that "we" (rationalists etc) will mostly be replaced with people of low IQ and impulse control, exactly those populations that have the highest fertility now. And "banishing aging and death" would not prevent them from having high fertility and dominating the future. Moloch is relentless. The problem is more serious than you think.
comment by Quinn (quinn-dougherty) · 2025-01-30T07:07:26.316Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
For anecdata: id be really jazzed about 3 or 4, 5 might be a little crazy but somewhat open to that or more.
comment by Foyle (robert-lynn) · 2025-01-30T09:01:04.393Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Not worth worrying about given context of imminent ASI.
But assuming a Butlerian jihad occurs to make it an issue of importance again then most topics surrounding it are gone into at depth by radical pro-natalists Simone and Malcom Gladwell, who have employed genetic screening of their embryos to attempt to have more high-achievers, on their near-daily podcast https://www.youtube.com/user/simoneharuko . While quite odd in their outlook they delve into all sorts of sociopolitical issues from the pronatalist worldview. Largely rationalist and very interesting and informative, though well outside of Overton window on a lot of subjects.
comment by Rebecca (bec-hawk) · 2025-01-30T07:57:52.964Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
How do we know money wouldn’t work? Surely most of the reasons people don’t have more children could be solved with more resources (eg surrogacy, childcare, private school fees, a larger house).
Replies from: AnthonyC↑ comment by AnthonyC · 2025-01-30T16:24:07.880Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
I think it's more a matter of Not Enough Dakka plus making it illegal to do those things in what should be reasonable ways. I agree there are economic (and regulatory) interventions that could make an enormous difference, but for various reasons I don't think any government is currently willing and able to implement them at scale. A crisis needs to be a lot more acute to motivate that scale of change.
comment by Dentosal (dentosal) · 2025-01-30T02:49:43.475Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
You cannot incentivize people to make that sacrifice at anything close to the proper scale because people don’t want money that badly. How many hands would you amputate for $100,000?
There's just no political will to do it, since the solutions would be harsh or expensive enough that nobody could impose them upon society. A god-emperor, who really wished to increase fertility numbers and could set laws freely without the society revolting, could use some combination of these methods:
- If you're childless, or perhaps just unmarried, you pay additional taxes. The amount can be adjusted to be as high as necessary. Alternatively, just raise the general tax rate and give reduction based on the number of children. If having children meant more money instead of less, that would help quite a bit.
- Legally mandate having children. In some countries, men are forced into military service. You could require women to have children in similar way. Medical exceptions are already a thing for military service, they could apply here as well.
- Remove VAT and other taxes from daycare services, and medical services for children.
- Offer free medical services to children. And parents. (And everyone.)
- Spend lots of money and research how to create children in artificial wombs. Do that.
- The state could handle child-rearing, similar to how it works in Plato's Republic. I.e. scale up orphanage system massively and make that socially acceptable.
- Fix the education system, while you're at it.
Forbid porn, contraception, and abortion.(I don't think that actually helps)- Deny women access to education beynd elementary school, and additionally forbid employment (likely helps, but at what cost)
- Propaganda. Lots of it. Censorship as well.