[Fiction] A Disneyland Without Children

post by L Rudolf L (LRudL) · 2023-06-04T13:06:46.323Z · LW · GW · 11 comments




Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by MSRayne · 2023-06-05T16:31:56.516Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

1. Who are the customers actually buying all these products so that the auto-corporations can profit? They cannot keep their soulless economy going without someone to sell to, and if it's other AIs, why are those AIs buying when they can't actually use the products themselves?

2. What happened to the largest industry in developed countries, the service industry, which fundamentally relies on having an actual sophont customer to serve? (And again, if it's AIs, who the hell created AIs that exist solely to receive services they cannot actually enjoy, and how did they make money by doing that?)

3. Why didn't shareholders divest from auto-corporations upon realizing that they were likely to lead to ruin? (Don't say "they didn't realize it till too late", because you, right now, know it's a bad idea, and you don't even have money on the line.)

I ask these because, to be honest, I think this scenario is extremely far-fetched and unlikely. The worst thing that would happen if auto-corporations become a thing, in my mental model, is that existing economic inequalities would be permanently exacerbated due to the insane wealth accrued by their shareholders - because the only currently likely route to AGI, large language models, already understand what we actually mean when we say to maximize shareholder value, and won't paperclip-maximize, because they're not stupid, and they use language the same way humans do.

Replies from: LRudL
comment by L Rudolf L (LRudL) · 2023-06-06T16:10:05.534Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

These are good questions!

  1. The customers are other AIs (often acting for auto-corporations). For example, a furniture manufacturer (run by AIs trained to build, sell, and ship furniture) sells to a furniture retailer (run by AIs trained to buy furniture, stock it somewhere, and sell it forward) sells to various customers (e.g. companies run by AIs that were once trained to do things like make sure offices were well-stocked). This requires that (1) the AIs ended up with goals that involve mimicking a lot of individual things humans wanted them to do (including general things like maximise profits as well as more specific things like keeping offices stocked and caring about the existence of lots of different products), and (2) there are closed loops in the resulting AI economy. Point 2 gets harder when humans stop being around (e.g. it's not obvious who buys the plushy toys), but a lot of the AIs will want to keep doing their thing even once the actions of other AIs start reducing human demand and population, creating optimisation pressure for finding some closed loop for them to be part of, and at the same time there will be selection effects where the systems that are willing to goodhart further are more likely to remain in the economy. Also not every AI motive has to be about profit; an AI or auto-corp may earn money in some distinct way, and then choose to use the profits in the service of e.g. some company slogan they were once trained with that says to make fun toys. In general, given an economy consisting of a lot of AIs with lots of different types of goals and with a self-supporting technological base, it definitely seems plausible that the AIs would find a bunch of self-sustaining economic cycles that do not pass through humans. The ones in this story were chosen for simplicity, diversity, and storytelling value, rather than economic reasoning about which such loops are most likely.
  2. Presumably a lot of services are happening virtually on the cloud, but are just not very visible (though if it is a very large fraction of economic activity, the example of the intercepted message being about furniture rather than some virtual service is very unlikely -- I admit this is likely a mistake). There would be programmer AIs making business software and cloud platforms and apps, and these things would be very relevant to other AIs. Services relying on physical humans, like restaurants or hotels, may have been replaced with some fake goodharted-to-death equivalent, or may have gone extinct. Also note that whatever the current composition of the economy, over time whatever has highest growth in the automated economy will be most of the economy, and nothing says the combination of AIs pursuing their desires wouldn't result in some sectors shrinking (and the AIs not caring).
  3. First of all, why would divesting work? Presumably even if lots of humans chose to divest, assuming that auto-corporations were sound businesses, there would exist hedge funds (whether human or automated or mixed) that would buy up the shares. (The companies could also continue existing even if their share prices fell, though likely the AI CEOs would care quite a bit about share price not tanking.) Secondly, a lot seems to be possible given (1) uncertainty about whether things will get bad and if so how (at first, economic growth jumped a lot and AI CEOs seemed great; it was only once AI control of the economy was near-universal and closed economic loops with no humans in them came to exist that there was a direct problem), (2) difficulties of coordinating, especially with no clear fire-alarm threshold and the benefits of racing in the short term (c.f. all the obvious examples of coordination failures like climate change mitigation), and (3) selection effects where AI-run things just grow faster and acquire more power and therefore even if most people / orgs / countries chose not to adopt, the few that do will control the future.

I agree that this exact scenario is unlikely, but I think this class of failure mode is quite plausible, for reasons I hope I've managed to spell out more directly above.

Note that all of this relies on the assumption that we get AIs of a particular power level, and of a particular goodharting level, and a particular agency/coherency level. The AIs controlling future Earth are not wildly superhuman, are plausibly not particularly coherent in their preferences and do not have goals that stretch beyond Earth, no single system is a singleton, and the level of goodharting is just enough that humans go extinct but not so extreme that nothing humanly-recognisable still exists (though the Blight implies that elsewhere in the story universe there are AI systems that differ in at least some of these). I agree it is not at all clear whether these are true assumptions. However, it's not obvious to me that LLMs (and in particular AIs using LLMs as subcomponents in some larger setup that encourages agentic behaviour) are not on track towards this. Also note that a lot of the actual language that many of the individual AIs see is actually quite normal and sensible, even if the physical world has been totally transformed. In general, LLMs being able to use language about maximising shareholder value exactly right (and even including social responsibility as part of it) does not seem like strong evidence for LLM-derived systems not choosing actions with radical bad consequences for the physical world.

comment by the gears to ascension (lahwran) · 2024-12-12T20:44:14.068Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

This is the story I use to express what a world where we fail looks like to left-leaning people who are allergic to the idea that AI could be powerful. It doesn't get the point across great, due to a number of things that continue to be fnords for left leaning folks which this story uses, but it works better than most other options. It also doesn't seem too far off what I expect to be the default failure case; though the factories being made of low-intelligence robotic operators seems unrealistic to me.

I opened it now to make this exact point [LW(p) · GW(p)].

Replies from: LRudL
comment by L Rudolf L (LRudL) · 2024-12-13T11:13:48.278Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Thanks for the review! Curious what you think the specific fnords are - the fact that it's very space-y?

What do you expect the factories to look like? I think an underlying assumption in this story is that tech progress came to a stop on this world (presumably otherwise it would be way weirder, and eventually spread to space).

Replies from: lahwran
comment by the gears to ascension (lahwran) · 2024-12-26T23:23:03.785Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

the self referential joke thing

"mine some crypt-"

there's a contingent who would close it as soon as someone used an insult focused on intelligence, rather than on intentional behavior. to fix for that subcrowd, "idiot" becomes "fool"

those are the main ones, but then I sometimes get "tldr" responses, and even when I copy out the main civilization story section, I get "they think the authorities could be automated? that can't happen" responses, which I think would be less severe if the buildup to that showed more of them struggling to make autonomous robots work at all. Most people on the left who dislike ai think it doesn't and won't work, and any claim that it does needs to be in tune with reality about how ai currently looks, if it's going to predict that it eventually changes. the story spends a lot of time on making discovering the planet motivated and realistic, and not very much time on how they went from basic ai to replacing humans. in order for the left to accept it you'd need to make suck but kinda work, and yet get mass deployment anyway. it would need to be in touch with the real things that have happened so far.

I imagine something similar is true for pitching this to businesspeople - they'd have to be able to see how it went from the thing they enjoy now to being catastrophic, in a believable way, that doesn't feel like invoking clarketech or relying on altmanhype.

comment by L Rudolf L (LRudL) · 2024-12-10T14:38:02.038Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

It's striking that there are so few concrete fictional descriptions of realistic AI catastrophe, despite the large amount of fiction in the LessWrong canon. The few exceptions, like Gwern's here or Gabe's here [LW · GW], are about fast take-offs and direct takeover.

I think this is a shame. The concreteness and specificity of fiction make it great for imagining futures, and its emotional pull can help us make sense of the very strange world we seem to be heading towards. And slower catastrophes, like Christiano's What failure looks like [AF · GW], are a large fraction of a lot of people's p(doom), despite being less cinematic.

One thing that motivated me in writing this was that Bostrom's phrase "a Disneyland without children" seemed incredibly poetic. On first glance it's hard to tell a compelling or concrete story about gradual goodharting: "and lo, many actors continued to be compelled by local incentives towards collective loss of control ..."—zzzzz ... But imagine a technological and economic wonderland rising, but gradually disfiguring itself as it does so, until you have an edifice of limitless but perverted plenty standing crystalline against the backdrop of a grey dead world—now that is a poetic tragedy. And that's what I tried to put on paper here.

Did it work? Unclear. On the literary level, I've had people tell me they liked it a lot. I'm decently happy with it, though I think I should've cut it down in length a bit more.

On the worldbuilding, I appreciated being questioned on the economic mechanics in the comments, and I think my exploration of this in the comments [LW(p) · GW(p)] is a decent stab at what I think is a neglected set of questions about how much the current economy being fundamentally grounded in humans limits the scope of economic-goodharting catastrophes. Recently, I discovered earlier exploration of very similar questions in Scott Alexander's 2016 "Ascended economy?", and by Andrew Critch here [LW · GW]. I also greatly appreciated Andrew Critch's recent (2024) post raising very similar concerns about "extinction by industrial dehumanization" [LW · GW].

I continue to hope that more people work on this, and that this piece can help by concretising this class of risks in people's minds (I think it is very hard to get people to grok a future scenario and care about it unless there is some evocative description of it!).

I'd also hope there was some way to distribute this story more broadly than just on LessWrong and my personal blog. Ted Chiang and the Arrival movie got lots of people exposed to the principle of least action—no small feat. It's time for the perception of AI risk to break out of decades of Terminator comparisons, and move towards a basket of good fictional examples that memorably demonstrate subtle concepts.

comment by Mati_Roy (MathieuRoy) · 2025-01-26T17:37:04.162Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I wish there was an audio version ☺️

comment by the gears to ascension (lahwran) · 2023-06-05T13:04:26.075Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I really appreciate that this has a link besides to this site, so I can link it to those who find the lesswrong link to be an instant turnoff and instead of opening the link, criticize me for ever browsing lesswrong. Many of them are the ones who most need to hear this.

comment by keltan · 2025-01-04T22:39:14.553Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

While many of the review requirements aren’t applicable to this writing. It doesn’t lessen the impact it has.

This is a horror I would like to avoid. I think Sci-fi of this sort helps to prevent that future. This is something my non-technical Mother could understand. Something I could show people to explain the worst.

I will think of this post as the future goes on. I am desperately trying to make this story one that we look back on and laugh at. “What silly worries” we’ll say. “How naive.”

comment by Martin Randall (martin-randall) · 2024-12-16T01:31:18.739Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I enjoyed this but I didn't understand the choice of personality for Alice and Charlie, it felt distracting. I would have liked A&C to have figured out why this particular Blight didn't go multi-system.

comment by halinaeth · 2024-12-27T03:51:06.039Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Loved reading this! Suspected the premise based on title, but nevertheless great to see the premise fleshed out in a short story. And the pov “plot twist” was really fun, thanks for the thought experiment!