
Should Advanced Placement High School classes discuss Israel-Palestine? If so, how? If not, why? Who should make this decision? 2023-11-15T04:50:39.251Z


Comment by gesild-muka on [deleted post] 2024-12-12T16:07:02.334Z

And it isn’t as if there couldn’t still be a remembrance ceremony with the leftover ashes.

I prefer to have my body buried in accordance with ethnic and cultural norms. Is there an option where they can take out my brain and preserve it and then allow my body to be buried?

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Fertility Roundup #4 · 2024-12-04T00:54:15.249Z · LW · GW

I can imagine that building as a solution to low fertility could pick up steam in the coming years in terms of rhetoric but all the same barriers will likely still be in place (NIMBYism, lobbying by landlords, status quo bias etc.)

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Fertility Roundup #4 · 2024-12-03T16:51:36.241Z · LW · GW
  • Money.
  • Insecurity about money.
  • Not being able to afford kids or the house to raise them in.

My gut reaction is that these are more perceptions than real obstacles. There's a strong perception that there's a certain dollar amount or level of wealth before one should have children. Somehow changing the perception first would probably help fertility more than simply paying per child.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Which things were you surprised to learn are not metaphors? · 2024-11-25T02:22:21.793Z · LW · GW

"Home is where the heart is."

I thought this meant something like home is where longing is (your metaphorical heart), the place that you yearn for the most. Now I think it may simply mean that home is wherever your physical beating heart is. The message behind it being that you can adapt to feel at home most anywhere.


I thought this was just an expression to explain natural beauty but I actually felt the breath leave me when I was young from suddenly seeing a sweeping vista of mountains and forest while riding on a bus when I was a teen.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on What are the good rationality films? · 2024-11-20T15:12:18.772Z · LW · GW

Children of Men (2006) comes to mind: a movie about a small group of people in a dying world who have the means to benefit humanity and provide hope for the future but can't agree on next steps. (The story is more nuanced but these bits seem relevant to rationality).

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on If I have some money, whom should I donate it to in order to reduce expected P(doom) the most? · 2024-10-23T01:21:30.832Z · LW · GW

Maybe there's a way to hedge against P(doom) by investing in human prosperity and proliferation while discouraging large leaps in tech. Maybe your money should go towards encouraging or financing low tech high fertility communities?

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Work ethic after 2020? · 2024-04-30T12:02:36.106Z · LW · GW

This applies to me, my work ethic went down after 2020 partly because of timing. I turned 30 in 2020 and before then mostly just did what was expected of me without putting too much thought into what I wanted. I'm still hardworking but much more choosy about what I'll put time into and I try not to let social pressure affect my decisions.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Exploring Whole Brain Emulation · 2024-04-08T12:33:09.978Z · LW · GW

My primary motivation for delving into WBE stems from a personal desire to upload my own mind.


This scares the hell out of me, even a very low chance of mind theft and eternal torture are just too risky in my opinion.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on A Teacher vs. Everyone Else · 2024-03-25T12:29:52.709Z · LW · GW

A repairer wants your stuff to break down,
A doctor wants you to get ill,
A lawyer wants you to get in conflicts,
A farmer wants you to be hungry,
A teacher wants you to be knowledge-less,
But there is only a thief who wants you to be rich.

I'm not sure how to interpret this. Repairers, doctors, lawyers and farmers are market inventions based on demand so technically they all want you to be rich. Teachers (at least in state schools) are more like a type of clergy with a sacred duty to their 'parish'. So a more appropriate description could be: A teacher wants more teachers.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Enter the WorldsEnd · 2024-03-19T12:32:25.295Z · LW · GW

I would take this movement seriously and endorse it if there was a detailed plan for the future of the movement when the human race is still around in 2051 and I'm homeless and buried in debt.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Phallocentricity in GPT-J's bizarre stratified ontology · 2024-03-08T18:57:06.100Z · LW · GW

we find that almost all the branches which provide definitions involving anything specific are of a sexual/procreative nature, with a few relating to status thrown in.

Procreation and status are arguably what humans spend most of our time and energy on. And we often mask our language as a means to an end. (That end is usually related to procreation or status). Could it simply be predicting or imitating typical human responses in a way that cuts through the bullshit?

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on What's this 3rd secret directive of evolution called? (survive & spread & ___) · 2024-03-01T13:31:43.246Z · LW · GW

Emerge, survive and proliferate?

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on I played the AI box game as the Gatekeeper — and lost · 2024-02-26T16:09:34.274Z · LW · GW

This is fascinating and I have so many questions about the dynamics of such a game, especially if you could compile a lot of data over many iterations. What patterns would emerge and what would those patterns reveal about human psychology? For example, is there a common strategy or set of strategies people would eventually converge on or arrive at after enough time? Or what if it was played with groups? Such data could be an info hazard but it's fun to think about. I'd love to play as gatekeeper if anyone is interested. I'm not very technical minded, I don't know if that'd be a handicap or advantage.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Wrong answer bias · 2024-02-04T11:46:20.143Z · LW · GW

There are a lot of solutions but they’re often too boring and not sensational enough for serious consideration. Solutions must be exciting and make the adopter look good, efficacy is secondary.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Childhood and Education Roundup #4 · 2024-01-31T12:52:11.639Z · LW · GW

I would argue if skipping grades was normalized physical differences wouldn't have a large impact on socialization (making friends, dating, etc.)

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on How to write better? · 2024-01-30T18:30:36.725Z · LW · GW

For essays:

  1. Write a short outline and then do lots of research. 
  2. Using the outline and your research have a long conversation about the topic with a person that you're used to having long conversations with. If it helps you can record the conversation or take notes.
  3. Write the essay the morning or night after the conversation. With essays I find it's better to work in small bursts (20-60 minutes) and go back to it periodically but that may just be a personal preference.
  4. Have someone read it.
  5. Edit.

For narratives:

  1. Write it either in bursts or one sitting and don't think about it too much. You can do it by hand or typed but don't be afraid to jump around, write in the margins or write footnotes to use later or articulate what you're trying to say or effect you want to achieve without including in the actual narrative. Just keep going until you feel satisfied or feel like you're not making progress.
  2. Put it away and don't look at it or think about it for a period of time (2 weeks to 6 months).
  3. Reread and edit.
  4. Have someone read it.
  5. Edit.
Comment by gesild-muka on [deleted post] 2024-01-23T12:48:33.945Z

User friendly financial software that can help with saving and budgeting. And some sort of software that can optimize career potential.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on What are the most common social insecurities? · 2024-01-17T02:55:29.200Z · LW · GW

Not being liked, being thought of as other or outside someone’s social purview.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Almost everyone I’ve met would be well-served thinking more about what to focus on · 2024-01-08T12:56:41.842Z · LW · GW

I don't think the main takeaway was to focus only on what matters, I understood it as advice to spend more time thinking about what is worth different levels of focus and why.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Dating Roundup #2: If At First You Don’t Succeed · 2024-01-04T01:11:44.608Z · LW · GW

This was a good read. The problem with using dating apps to gauge success is that their methods and marketing are arguably incentivized to attract users who never form long term matches and still continue to use the app.

One possible explanation for lack of success that is touched upon through other explanations but never explicitly stated is the mismatch of expectations in our current always-internet-connected world. Depending on what you’ve been exposed to your expectations might be very specific/different from the rest of the dating market.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Would you have a baby in 2024? · 2023-12-27T17:06:59.133Z · LW · GW

Yes. The more the merrier.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on The Consciousness Box · 2023-12-12T02:51:17.719Z · LW · GW

When you’re hungry and finally eat a satisfying meal which sensation is most comparable?

a. Helping a stranger b. Reaching orgasm c. Winning an award d. Scratching an itch

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on We're all in this together · 2023-12-07T13:23:13.797Z · LW · GW

the next 0 to 5 years, which is about how long we have

Can you do a full post on how you see the next 5 years unfolding if it does take that long? I read takeoff speeds on your blog, can you assign best guess timeframes for your model?

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on AI #40: A Vision from Vitalik · 2023-12-01T14:42:55.620Z · LW · GW

The older a transhumanist gets the less you should trust them to accurately judge AGI risk.

This has some interesting implications. Reminds me of psychics who make confident predictions 100 years in the future but will refuse or be offended if you challenge them to make confirmable predictions within their lifetimes or the next week/month/year.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Thoughts on teletransportation with copies? · 2023-11-29T14:08:52.265Z · LW · GW

Maybe I'm not understanding it correctly, if I'm selfish about my own experiences I wouldn't get into the machine in the first place. If I have no choice in whether or not to get in the machine I'd refuse the lottery ticket even if it was free just to spite my future copied self who gets to exist because I was destroyed.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Thoughts on teletransportation with copies? · 2023-11-29T14:06:25.518Z · LW · GW
Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Help me solve this problem: The basilisk isn't real, but people are · 2023-11-28T17:01:48.836Z · LW · GW

Could Alice befriend someone who is closer to building AGI than Bob? If so, perhaps they can protect Alice or at least offer some peace of mind.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on What will happen with real estate prices during a slow takeoff? · 2023-11-21T15:20:12.342Z · LW · GW

My intuition is that housing prices will go down assuming that population doesn't change too dramatically and assuming that while AI is slowly taking off there are also sizeable takeoffs in energy production, transportation and automation of physical labor. I assume the price of land will be mostly evenly distributed as logistical costs of building and labor drop. The exception might be areas in the world that are especially sought after for AI infrastructure.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Am I going insane or is the quality of education at top universities shockingly low? · 2023-11-21T12:57:18.431Z · LW · GW

It does appear that the process to become a certified teacher is more rigorous than a university professor. The way k-12 schools track progress is also very different from colleges.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Vote on worthwhile OpenAI topics to discuss · 2023-11-21T12:44:09.783Z · LW · GW

The main reason for Altman's firing was due to a scandal of a more personal nature mostly unrelated to the everyday or strategic operations of OpenAI.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Moses and the Class Struggle · 2023-11-17T12:53:56.818Z · LW · GW

For how fun and whimsical the story is, the ending is somewhat dark.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Should Advanced Placement High School classes discuss Israel-Palestine? If so, how? If not, why? Who should make this decision? · 2023-11-15T14:15:36.715Z · LW · GW

Of course and if it were up to me students would do so by studying the War of the Ring by reading and analyzing Tolkien but I don't think that would be as useful for their academic and professional careers as studying current events. The original question is who should make such decisions?

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Should Advanced Placement High School classes discuss Israel-Palestine? If so, how? If not, why? Who should make this decision? · 2023-11-13T13:08:07.059Z · LW · GW

Thank you for your answer. I'm not so sure it is a divisive issue for the students, they seem to have little context or interest. If the purpose of AP courses is just to pass the AP test then there's already a lot of pointless materials and discussions, current events are not less relevant by comparison. Or maybe they are? I don't know who should make this decision (I've added this to the question).

Before I started teaching I would have thought that at the AP level students should, even briefly, learn to analyze conflicts and write about them in a nuanced and researched way. Now that I'm behind the curtain I see it's mostly up to individual teachers and a quick conversation in the teacher's lounge will often decide what is and isn't taught. It was somewhat alarming. Is it just me?

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Vote on Interesting Disagreements · 2023-11-08T14:53:45.173Z · LW · GW

The rationality community will noticeably spill over into other parts of society in the next ten years. Examples: entertainment, politics, media, art, sports, education etc.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on The other side of the tidal wave · 2023-11-04T15:00:27.960Z · LW · GW

I think I understand, we're discussing with different scales in mind. I'm saying individually (or if your community is a small local group) nothing has to end but if your interests and identity are tied to sizeable institutions, technical communities etc. many will be disrupted by AI to the point where they could fade away completely. Maybe I'm just an unrealistic optimist, I don't believe collective or individual meaning has to fade away just because the most interesting and cutting edge work is done exclusively by machines.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on The other side of the tidal wave · 2023-11-03T15:33:40.935Z · LW · GW

Even if we don’t die, it still feels like everything is coming to an end.

Everything? I imagine there will be communities/nations/social groups that completely ban AI and those that are highly dependent on AI. There must be something between those two extremes.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Some rules for life (v.0,0) · 2023-10-31T17:34:40.306Z · LW · GW

This list is great. I especially resonate with 7, for a long time I didn't take responsibility because I felt I lacked the intellect/skill/certain something that others had who seemed so much more capable than me but it helps to keep in mind, as the post states, there are no adults.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on RA Bounty: Looking for feedback on screenplay about AI Risk · 2023-10-27T14:01:48.116Z · LW · GW

I left notes throughout. The main issue is the structure which I usually map out descriptively by trying to answer: where do you want the characters to end up psychologically and how do you want the audience to feel? Figuring out these descriptive beats for each scene, episode and season will help refine the story and drive staging, dialogue etc. and of course nothing is set in stone so you can always change the structure to accommodate a scene or vice versa. I also recommended a companion series like a podcast or talkshow to discuss the ideas in each episode in more detail and in an accessible way for anyone that watches the show who is not familiar with AI related concepts. This way you wouldn't have to hold back with the writing or worry about anyone misunderstanding or misreading the story. I look forward to seeing the animation.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Genocide isn't Decolonization · 2023-10-26T14:18:01.252Z · LW · GW

I don't fully understand the obsession with exploring the moral dimensions of the conflict, many from multiple sides, fronts, factions etc. have committed atrocities and I condemn them all regardless of affiliation. I've yet to find anyone on LW willing to seriously engage on solutions. It's like we've collectively given up on the possibility of peace and all that's left is to hash out the specific wording for the history books.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Lying is Cowardice, not Strategy · 2023-10-24T13:42:19.805Z · LW · GW

hiding your beliefs, in ways that predictably leads people to believe false things, is lying. This is the case regardless of your intentions, and regardless of how it feels.

I think people generally lie WAY more than we realize and most lies are lies of omission. I don't think deception is usually the immediate motivation but due to a kind of social convenience. Maintaining social equilibrium is valued over openness or honesty regarding relevant beliefs that may come up in everyday life.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Will no one rid me of this turbulent pest? · 2023-10-15T04:18:23.046Z · LW · GW

Old fashioned lobbying might work. Could there be a political candidate in a relevant country that could build a strong platform on getting rid of malaria?

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on How to make to-do lists (and to get things done)? · 2023-10-12T16:01:02.354Z · LW · GW

Could you perhaps share your to-do lists with other people who have a stake in your productivity? Would that give you more motivation to follow through with the items on the list?

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on I'm a Former Israeli Officer. AMA · 2023-10-11T14:17:14.984Z · LW · GW

Thank you for responding. I'm sorry for my ignorance, this is something that I've followed from afar since ~2004 so it's not just a grim fascination (although I guess it kind of is), I couldn't pass up the chance to ask questions of someone on the ground. I have a few more questions if that's ok..

How often are comprehensive plans to achieve peace reported in the media or made available to the public? Is there anything like ongoing discourse between Jewish Israelis, Palestinians who have Israeli citizenship and Palestinians in Gaza who are all of a similar mind?

My questions here have to do with wanting to understand why the conflict continues. Is it, for example, because of 

  1. A relatively small number of people on each side who keep the conflict going
  2. Ingrained ideologies in the majority of both sides
  3. Lack of detailed options/language to discuss solutions
  4. Outside influence/funding
  5. Something else
  6. All or none of the above
Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on I'm a Former Israeli Officer. AMA · 2023-10-10T14:56:53.992Z · LW · GW

Is there an overall solution or movement towards a solution that you think is underreported?

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Linkpost: They Studied Dishonesty. Was Their Work a Lie? · 2023-10-03T21:39:21.985Z · LW · GW

In this incident something was true because the “experts” decided it must be true. That’s humanities in (almost?) every incident.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on How have you become more hard-working? · 2023-09-26T13:34:19.589Z · LW · GW

Keeping a work diary helps. A work diary can be just quick notes, comments or ideas that you don't mind looking back on later. After long enough you'll find that you want to be more ambitious regarding time spent and the quality of the work you're doing and plans you may have for the future.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on The stereotype of male classical music lovers being gay · 2023-09-22T11:40:05.011Z · LW · GW

I would guess that the percentage of gay men who watch live music is roughly the same as gay men who watch live sports (or pretty much any leisure activity in society) but openly gay men are historically more common at concerts. Gays were considered dangerous deviants for a long time, maybe classical music/opera became a go to for 'openness' because it's mostly adults that attend so you could be openly gay without being harassed or accused of ulterior motives. My main belief: the stereotype is just because of association, not because of anything intrinsic.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on The stereotype of male classical music lovers being gay · 2023-09-20T17:35:58.699Z · LW · GW

Historically there are few public places you could be openly gay and not be harassed, concerts are one of those places.

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Panel with Israeli Prime Minister on existential risk from AI · 2023-09-19T17:31:24.306Z · LW · GW

I can’t help but read this simply as a politician who worries about their future hold on power. (I’d be curious to know how leaders discuss AI behind closed doors)

Comment by Gesild Muka (gesild-muka) on Would AI experts ever agree that AGI systems have attained "consciousness"? · 2023-09-12T12:01:02.344Z · LW · GW

I mostly agree with the last part of your post about some experts never agreeing whether others (animal, artificial, etc) are conscious or not. A possible solution would be to come up with new language or nomenclature to describe the different possible spectrums and different dimensions they fall under. So many disagreements regarding this topic seem to derive from different parties having different definitions for AGI or ASI.