greaterwrong is a website with the same content as lesswrong but different look, it gets its content from the lesswrong website. it's basically just a different way to access the same posts.
lesswrong has a graphql api, which is probably the best way to read and dump posts on, if you rate limit conservatively. but that means some programming involved.
to just have a quick dump of everything it's probably best to use wget on greaterwrong with rate limiting. email before doing so to make sure you do it in a way they approve of.
Coda numbers [...]
what are coda numbers?
[...] featuring our hometown hero Robin Hanson [...]
wait, is hanson from kw?
thanks a lot for this recipe! people loved the cookies in montreal's 2024 solstice :) and they were person-who-doesnt-really-cook friendly :P
i followed the recipe and made ~12 cookies. some of them were pretty big so the recipe calls for ~15 cookies id say.
@maia : how many cookies does that make? (this info should probably be in the post)
@dspeyer : we were talking about food invented specifically for rationalist rituals at the megameetup, does this count?
Montreal, QC, Canada
Time: 2024-12-21T18:30-05:00 (18:30 eastern time, 6:30PM)
Location: 4243 Rue Clark, Montréal, QC H2W 1X2, Canada
lw event link:
@BionicD0LPH1N : there will be ~8 candles :)
to the person that downvoted me: the following is part of the post:
Ancient tradition is that if you take the survey you can comment here saying you took the survey, and people upvote you for karma.
filled out the survey :)
[...] is anyone I met at LO looking for roommates?
there's a channel in the megameetup discord to discuss shared rooming. I think the discord might only be available to registered participants though (you could ask Screwtape in case I'm wrong)
(TIL LessWrong Events are a thing)
:O they have been here for years, i would have expected you to know ahah
you should post the summary of your ideas inside the comment instead of just linking to it
right now Ben Pace commented it here. but I assume it will be added to the post.
will we see them on mobile?
I know who created it. will let them know they shouldn't have imo
for people that didn't see it yet, the following post explains today's petrov day game: The 2024 Petrov Day Scenario
What about the Citizens? [...] You can comment here where your Generals can read, you can send them DMs, [...]
how can the citizens dm their general? will there be link to their lw profiles posted somewhere?
I'm a citizen. is there a way I can know which side I'm on? (EastWrong vs WestWrong)
the only change i can see is the button ui (see screenshot). i assume that it only signs me up for a game which is going to happen tomorrow on petrov day.
that's a good point. i decided to press so that I can test myself. hopefully testing myself not to end the world on lower stakes means I improve at doing it if ever the stakes are larger.
I feel like this should be a lw question post. and maybe an lw admin should be tagged?
I'm also wondering the same question.
we are outside in front of the entrance
i put up a small makeshift sign saying "cryonics" on the table in front of my laptop.
i arrived early, i put up a small makeshift sign saying "cryonics" on the table in front of my laptop.
i am sitting down at a table near the entrance. i put up a small makeshift sign saying "cryonics" on the table. (like last time)
i am sitting down at a table near the entrance. i put up a small makeshift sign saying "cryonics" on the table
this post made me understand something i did not understand before that seems very important. important enough that it made me reconsider a bunch of related beliefs about ai.
to help you find me: i have a long beard, am wearing a black t-shirt, and using my laptop.
i filled out 80% of the survey
the meetup will be on the 2nd floor, on the north side of the working area, close to "Balcon Montigny". i am wearing a grey t-shirt with jeans, and am sitting on the grey sofa.
@BionicD0LPH1N : i guess we are still in good old "October 28th" :P
thanks for offering! right now i am thinking ill just use wget to create an archive of gw and/or lw since that would likely be faster than using the api for my use case.
but i am still interested to write code that would generate a lw archive from the lw api. if i end up doing that and if i remember this discussion then ill likely contact you and show you where i put the code so that we could both work on the same codebase if you want.
does have archive files that i can download? or do it need to archive it myself (ex: wget -mk
) ?
thanks for answering. who/what is "saturn2" ?
probably some form of web browser: yes.
i'll most likely read it when i have no internet access on a laptop.
thanks a lot for the answer!
according to this comment it looks like a member of the lw site devs is ok with lw being scraped by gpt.
@gwern : is this something you'd be interested in having?
the event is going to be on the bottom floor
you should change the title of this event which states "ACX Montreal Meetup October 28th 2023" we are not in october
i think that a nice subject of conversation. unfortunately i already booked myself for the day, forgetting there would be an acx event.
4 people attended including me. i'd say it went well but i don't know the opinion of the other people.
it was very informal: we discussed at which level we were of signing up or not, and what was our next step or cryonics projects we want to work on.
also: how much funding do you think it would take? i'd be interested in sending more money if i knew it would have a marginal impact
someone found this:
From the first article:
Weight loss studies provide additional arguments against the “nutrient deficiency” theory.
In one weight loss study, participants following a low-carb diet for two years reported much lower cravings for carb-rich foods than those following a low-fat diet.
Similarly, participants put on low-fat diets during the same period reported fewer cravings for high-fat foods (18).
In another study, very low-calorie liquid diets decreased the frequency of cravings overall (19).
If cravings were truly caused by a low intake of certain nutrients, the opposite effect would be expected.
iirc there was at least one study that showed that people don't crave to eat what nutrients they are missing (I am guessing apart from drinking when you are dehydrated but that's not really a nutrient)
dating on dating apps (I think) men sends messages or tries to match with as many people as possible to increase their chances of talking to someone. women receives a lot of messages/potential matches so they get more selective. which in turns creates less matches per message sent for men, which reacts by sending more messages
this is from what I read and from my experience and experience of people I talked to. also, it looks like there is still a big heterosexual dynamics in this case (this might not apply to all dating apps but I guess it must apply to the big ones). I stayed a big vague in the description since I have seen different reasons for every of those points (that are not necessarily contradicting each other though: they could be additive)