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What Cost for Irrationality?
Kaj_Sotala · 2010-07-01T18:25:06.938Z · comments (119)
Open Thread: July 2010
komponisto · 2010-07-01T21:20:42.638Z · comments (697)
Rationality Quotes: July 2010
komponisto · 2010-07-01T21:24:12.091Z · comments (227)
A Taxonomy of Bias: The Cognitive Miser
Kaj_Sotala · 2010-07-02T18:38:08.995Z · comments (38)
Cryonics Wants To Be Big
lsparrish · 2010-07-05T07:50:29.496Z · comments (185)
Assuming Nails
Psychohistorian · 2010-07-05T22:26:00.586Z · comments (29)
A proposal for a cryogenic grave for cryonics
Roko · 2010-07-06T19:01:36.898Z · comments (204)
July 2010 Southern California Meetup
JenniferRM · 2010-07-07T19:54:25.535Z · comments (43)
A Taxonomy of Bias: Mindware Problems
Kaj_Sotala · 2010-07-07T21:53:01.966Z · comments (18)
How Irrationality Can Win: The Power of Group Cohesion
alyssavance · 2010-07-09T06:15:23.708Z · comments (8)
Open Thread: July 2010, Part 2
Alicorn · 2010-07-09T06:54:41.087Z · comments (768)
What Intelligence Tests Miss: The psychology of rational thought
Kaj_Sotala · 2010-07-11T23:01:55.080Z · comments (55)
A Rational Identity
Kaj_Sotala · 2010-07-12T22:59:12.814Z · comments (26)
The red paperclip theory of status
Morendil · 2010-07-12T23:08:57.088Z · comments (22)
The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology is soliciting ideas
Kevin · 2010-07-12T23:41:04.746Z · comments (83)
MIRI Call for Volunteers
alyssavance · 2010-07-12T23:49:57.918Z · comments (10)
Some Thoughts Are Too Dangerous For Brains to Think
WrongBot · 2010-07-13T04:44:12.287Z · comments (318)
Room for rent in North Berkeley house
Kevin · 2010-07-13T20:28:20.155Z · comments (58)
The Instrumental Value of Your Own Time
Mass_Driver · 2010-07-14T07:57:21.408Z · comments (45)
So You Think You're a Bayesian? The Natural Mode of Probabilistic Reasoning
Matt_Simpson · 2010-07-14T16:51:40.939Z · comments (80)
Financial incentives don't get rid of bias? Prize for best answer.
Roko · 2010-07-15T13:24:59.276Z · comments (137)
Chicago/Madison Meetup
steven0461 · 2010-07-15T23:30:15.576Z · comments (12)
Book Club Update, Chapter 3 of Probability Theory
Morendil · 2010-07-16T08:25:20.056Z · comments (19)
Is cryonicists’ selfishness distance induced?
KatjaGrace · 2010-07-17T18:40:52.000Z · comments (0)
Fight Zero-Sum Bias
multifoliaterose · 2010-07-18T05:57:11.759Z · comments (164)
Politicians stymie human colonization of space to save make-work jobs
Roko · 2010-07-18T12:57:47.388Z · comments (98)
(One reason) why capitalism is much maligned
multifoliaterose · 2010-07-19T03:48:43.524Z · comments (119)
A speculation on Near and Far Modes
MichaelVassar · 2010-07-21T06:24:56.684Z · comments (71)
Floating Festival Jul 22-25
Eliezer Yudkowsky (Eliezer_Yudkowsky) · 2010-07-21T06:36:02.408Z · comments (9)
Missed opportunities for doing well by doing good
multifoliaterose · 2010-07-21T07:45:26.301Z · comments (88)
Book Review: The Root of Thought
Scott Alexander (Yvain) · 2010-07-22T08:58:18.873Z · comments (91)
Simplified Humanism, Positive Futurism & How to Prevent the Universe From Being Turned Into Paper Clips
Kevin · 2010-07-22T10:03:52.517Z · comments (45)
Public Choice and the Altruist's Burden
Roko · 2010-07-22T21:34:52.740Z · comments (101)
Against the standard narrative of human sexual evolution
WrongBot · 2010-07-23T05:28:40.817Z · comments (154)
Contrived infinite-torture scenarios: July 2010
PlaidX · 2010-07-23T23:54:46.595Z · comments (139)
Bay Area Events Roundup
Eliezer Yudkowsky (Eliezer_Yudkowsky) · 2010-07-24T06:04:42.815Z · comments (2)
Madison meetup: Wednesday, July 28th, 6PM
Kevin · 2010-07-26T02:11:38.809Z · comments (8)
Metaphilosophical Mysteries
Wei Dai (Wei_Dai) · 2010-07-27T00:55:59.222Z · comments (266)
Chicago Meetup: Sunday, August 1 at 2:00 pm
Airedale · 2010-07-27T15:10:31.611Z · comments (6)
Alien parasite technical guy
PhilGoetz · 2010-07-27T16:51:20.688Z · comments (55)
Forager Anthropology
WrongBot · 2010-07-28T05:48:13.761Z · comments (133)
AI cooperation in practice
cousin_it · 2010-07-30T16:21:50.871Z · comments (166)
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