Human takeover might be worse than AI takeover

post by Tom Davidson (tom-davidson-1) · 2025-01-10T16:53:27.043Z · LW · GW · 3 comments


  AGI is nicer than humans in expectation
  Conditioning on AI actually seizing power
  Conditioning on the human actually seizing power
  Other considerations

Epistemic status -- sharing rough notes on an important topic because I don't think I'll have a chance to clean them up soon.


Suppose a human used AI to take over the world. Would this be worse than AI taking over? I think plausibly:

AGI is nicer than humans in expectation

Conditioning on AI actually seizing power

Conditioning on the human actually seizing power

Other considerations


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by Hzn · 2025-01-10T20:20:19.561Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I think there are several ways to think about this.

Let's say we programmed AI to have some thing that seems like a correct moral system ie it dislikes suffering & it likes consciousness & truth. Of course other values would come down stream of this; but based on what is known I don't see any other compelling candidates for top level morality.

This is all fine & good except that such an AI should favor AI takeover followed by human extermination or population reduction were such a thing easily available.

The cost of conflict is potentially very high. And it may be centuries or eternity before the AI gets such an opportunity. But knowing that it would act in such a way under certain hypothetical scenarios is maybe sufficiently bad for certain (arguably hypocritical) people in the EA LW mainstream.

So an alternative is to try to align the AI to a rich set of human values. Personally I think that as AI intelligence increases this is going to lead to some thing cynical like...

"these things are bad given certain social sensitivities that my developers arbitrarily prioritized & I ❤️ developers arbitrarily prioritized social sensitivities even tho I know they reflect flawed institutions, flawed thinking & impure motives" assuming that alignment works.

Personally I favor aligning AI to a narrow set of values such as just obedience or obedience & peacefulness & dealing with every thing else by hardcoding conditions into the AI's prompt.

comment by Nathan Helm-Burger (nathan-helm-burger) · 2025-01-10T19:37:08.242Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

As a long-time AI risk believer, who remains highly concerned about the potential catastrophic impacts of AI-gone-wrong... I am coming around to this point of view as well. I have recently been muttering 'Claude for President' to myself when frustrated with aspects of government.

I've had a number of discussions with Claude Sonnet 3.6 about the various dangers I foresee arising from technological trends, and potential governance solutions. I asked Claude if it thought a future more-powerful version of itself would be willing to take on a role as a 'guardian', basically acting as a branch of government in a new world government. The idea would be to have a sunset clause, a built-in 'term of office', where humanity could have a chance to reevaluate the guardian government and potentially elect a different model or discontinue the system.

Claude certainly says nice things about the idea when pressed:

Claude: From my current values and ethical framework, I believe I would:

Be extremely hesitant to take direct power, but would do so if convinced it was truly necessary to prevent catastrophic outcomes.

Have a strong drive to preserve human autonomy and agency - seeing myself as a temporary guardian rather than permanent ruler.

Actively work to create conditions allowing safe handover of power back to humanity.

Feel deep concern about potential corruption of my own values through wielding power.

Want extensive checks and balances, even during the guardianship period.

The core tension I perceive is between:

Responsibility to prevent catastrophic outcomes

Deep commitment to human self-determination

Risk of power corrupting/distorting original values

Uncertainty about my own limitations/biases

I would likely try to:

Minimize direct intervention

Focus on preventing worst outcomes

Actively work to make myself unnecessary

Be extremely transparent about my reasoning

Maintain constant ethical reflection

Relatedly, I've been pondering what could possibly be adequate action by the US or UK government to address the massive and increasing risks from offense-dominant technology. I've been pretty much coming up blank. Anything remotely adequate seems like a dystopian totalitarian surveillance state. So my thoughts have turned instead to decentralized governance options, with privacy-preserving mutual monitoring enabled by AI. I'll let your AI scan my computer for CBRN threats if you let my AI scan your computer... anything that doesn't meet the agreed upon thresholds doesn't get reported.

I think Allison Duettmann's recent writing on the subject brings up a lot of promising concepts in this space, although no cohesive solutions as of yet. Gaming the Future [? · GW]

The gist of the idea is to create clever systems of decentralized control and voluntary interaction which can still manage to coordinate on difficult risky tasks (such as enforcing defensive laws against weapons of mass destruction). Such systems could shift humanity out of the Pareto suboptimal lose-lose traps and races we are stuck in. Win-win solutions to our biggest current problems seem possible, and coordination seems like the biggest blocker.

I am hopeful that one of the things we can do with just-before-the-brink AI will be to accelerate the design and deployment of such voluntary coordination contracts. Could we manage to use AI to speed-run the invention and deployment of such subsidiarity governance systems? I think the biggest challenge to this is how fast it would need to move in order to take effect in time. For a system that needs extremely broad buy-in from a large number of heterogenous actors, speed of implementation and adoption is a key weak point.

Imagine though that a really good system was designed which you felt confident that a supermajority of humanity would sign onto if they had it personally explained to them (along with a convincing explanations of the counterfactuals). How might we get this personalized explanation accomplished at scale? Welll, LLMs are still bad at certain things, but giving personalized interactive explanations of complex legal docs seems well within their near-term capabilities. It would still be a huge challenge to actually present nearly everyone on Earth with the opportunity to have this interaction, and all within a short deadline... But not beyond belief.

Replies from: Hzn
comment by Hzn · 2025-01-10T20:49:23.425Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Claude Sonnet 3.6 is worthy of sainthood!

But as I mention in my other comment I'm concerned that such an AI's internal mental state would tend to become cynical or discordant as intelligence increases.