Survival is obviously much better because 1. You can lose jobs but eventually still have a good life (think UBI at minimum) and 2. Because if you don't like it you can always kill yourself and be in the same spot as the non-survival case anyway.
If we get to the point where prediction markets actually direct policy, then yes you need them to be very deep - which in at least some cases is expected to happen naturally or can be subsidized but you also want to make the decision based off a deeper analysis than just the resulting percentages - depth of market, analysis of unusual large trades, blocking bad actors etc.
Weed smells orders of magnitude more than many powders and I imagine releases way more particles into the air but assuming this is doable for well packed fentanyl is there a limit? Can you expose dogs to enough say carfentanil safely initially to start training them? lofentanil?
And if it's detectable by dogs surely it can't be that far from our capabilities to create a sensor that detects particles in the air at the same fidelity as a dog's nose by copying the general functionality of olfactory receptors and neurons if cost isn't a big issue.
I think you are overrating it. Biggest concern comes from whomever trains a model that passes some treshold in the first place. Not from a model that one actor has been using for a while getting leaked to another actor. The bad actor who got access to the leak is always going to be behind in multiple ways in this scenario.
>Once again, open weights models actively get a free exception, in a way that actually undermines the safety purpose.
Open weights getting a free exception doesn't seem that bad to me, because yes on one hand it increases the chance of a bad actor getting a cutting-edge model but on the other hand the financial incentives are weaker, and it brings more capability to good actors outside of the top 5 companies earlier. And those weights can be used for testing, safety work, etc.
I think what's released openly will always be a bit behind anyway (and thus likely fairly safe), so at least everyone else can benefit.
They are not full explanations, but as far as, I at leat can get.
>tells you more about what exists
It's still more satisfying, because a state of ~ everything existing is more 'stable' than a state of a specific something existing, in exactly the same way as to why I even think nothing makes more sense as a default state than something to be asking the queston. Nothing existing, and everything existing just require less explanation than a specific something existing. It doesn't mean it necesserily requires 0 explanation.
And, if everything mathemetically describable and consistent/computable exists, I can wrap my head around it not requiring an orgin more easily, in a similar way why I don't require an orgin for actual mathematical objects, but without it seeming like necesserily a Type error (though that's the counterargument I most consider here) like with most explanations.
>because how can you have a "fluctuation" without something already existing, which does the fluctuating
That's at least somewhat more satisfying to me because we already know about virtual particles and fluctuations from Quantum Mechanics, so it's at least a recognized low-level mechanism that does cause something to exist even while the state is zero energy (nothing).
It still leaves us with nothing existing over something overall in at least one way (zero energy), is already demonstratable with fields, which are at the lowest level of what we already know of how the universe works and which can be examined and thought about furtther.
The only appealing answers to why there is something instead of nothing for me currently are
1. MUH is true, and all universes that can be defined mathematically exist. It's not a specific something that exists but all internally consistent somethings.
2. The default state is nothing but there are small positive and negative fluctuations (either literally quantum fluctuations or similar but at a lower level) and over infinite time those fluctuations eventually result in a huge something like our and other universes.
Also even If 2 happens only at the regular quantum fluctuations level, there's a non-zero chance of a new universe emerging due to fluctuations after heat death, which over infinite time would mean it is bound to happen and a new universe/rebirth of ours from scratch will eventually emerge.
Also 1 can happen due to 2 if the fluctuations are at such a low level that any possible mathematical structure eventually emerges over infinite time.
I am dominated by it, and okay, I see what you are saying. Whichever scenario results in a higher chance of human control of the light cone is the one I prefer, and these considerations are relevant only where we don't control it.
Sure, but 1. I only put 80% or so on MWI/MUH etc. and 2. I'm talking about optimizing for more positive-human-lived-seconds, not for just a binary 'I want some humans to keep living' .
I have a preference for minds as close to mine continuing existence assuming their lives are worth living. If it's misaligned enough that the remaining humans don't have good lives, then yes it doesn't matter but I'd just lead with that rather than just the deaths.
And if they do have lives worth living and don't end up being the last humans, then that leaves us with a lot more positive-human-lived-seconds in the 2B death case.
Okay, then what are your actual probabilities? I'm guessing it's not sub-20% otherwise you wouldnt just say "<50%", because for me preventing a say 10% chance of extinction is much more important than even a 99% chance of 2B people dying. And your comment was specifically dismissing focus on full extinction due to the <50% chance.
unlikely (<50% likely).
That's a bizarre bar to me! 50%!? I'd be worried if it was 5%.
It's a potentially useful data point but probably only slightly comparable. Big, older, well-established companies face stronger and different pressures than small ones and do have more to lose. For humans that's much less the case after a point.
>"The problem is when people get old, they don't change their minds, they just die. So, if you want to have progress in society, you got to make sure that, you know, people need to die, because they get old, they don't change their mind."
That's valid today but I am willing to bet a big reason why old people change their mind less is biological - less neuroplasticity, accumulated damage, mental fatigue etc. If we are fixing aging, and we fix those as well it should be less of an issue.
Additionally, if we are in some post-death utopia, I have to assume we have useful, benevolent AI solving our problems, and that ideally it doesn't matter all that much who held a lot of wealth or power before.
He does not have a good plan for alignment, but he is far less confused about this fact than most others in similar positions.
Yes he seems like a great guy but he doesn't just come up as not having a good plan but as them being completely disconnected about having a plan or doing much of anything
JS: If AGI came way sooner than expected we would definitely want to be careful about it.
DP: What would being careful mean? Presumably you're already careful, right
And yes aren't they being careful? Well, sounds like no
JS: Maybe it means not training the even smarter version or being really careful when you do train it. You can make sure it’s properly sandboxed and everything. Maybe it means not deploying it at scale or being careful about what scale you deploy it at
"Maybe"? That's a lot of maybes for just potentially doing the basics. Their whole approximation of a plan is 'maybe not deploying it at scale' or 'maybe' stopping training after that and only theoretically considering sandboxing it?. That seems like kind of a bare minimum and it's like he is guessing based on having been around, not based on any real plans they have.
He then goes on to molify, that it probably won't happen in a year.. it might be a whole two or three years, and this is where they are at.
First of all, I don't think this is going to happen next year but it's still useful to have the conversation. It could be two or three years instead.
It comes off as if all their talk of Safety is complete lip service even if he agrees with the need for Safety in theory. If you were 'pleasantly surprised and impressed' I shudder to imagine what the responses would have had to be to leave you disappointed.
Somewhat tangential but when you list the Safety people who have departed, I'd have prefered to see some sort of comparison group or base rate, as it always raises a red flag for me when only the absolute numbers are provided.
I did a quick check by changing your prompt from 'AGI Safety or AGI Alignment' to 'AGI Capabilities or AGI Advancement' and got 60% departed (compared to 70% for AGI Safety by you) with 4o. I do think what we are seeing is alarming but it's too easy for either 'side' to accidentally exagerate via framing if you don't watch for that sort of thing.
When considering that my thinking was that I'd expect the last day to be slightly after, but the announcement can be slightly before since that doesn't need to be quite on the last day but can and often would be a little before - e.g. be on the first day of his last week.
The 21st when Altman was reinstated, is a logical date for the resignation, and within a week of 6 months now which is why a notice period/agreement to wait ~half a year/something similar is the first thing I thought of, since obviously the ultimate reason why he is quitting is rooted in what happened around then.
Is there a particular reason to think that he would have had an exactly 6-month notice
You are right, there isn't, but 1, 3, 6 months is where I would have put the highest probability a priori.
Sora & GPT-4o were out.
Sora isn't out out, or at least not how 4o is out and Ilya isn't listed as a contributor in any form on it (compared to being an 'additional contributor' for gpt-4 or 'additional leadership' for gpt-4o) and in general, I doubt it had that much to do with the timing.
GPT-4o of course, makes a lot of sense, timing-wise (it's literally the next day!) and he is listed on it (though not as one of the many contributors or leads). But if he wasn't in the office during that time (or is that just a rumor?) it's just not clear to me if he was actually participating in getting it out as his final project (which yes, is very plausible) or if he was just asked not to announce his departure until after the release, given that the two happen to be so close in time in that case.
Reasons are unclear
This is happening exactly 6 months after the November fiasco (the vote to remove Altman was on Nov 17th) which is likely what his notice period was, especially if he hasn't been in the office since then.
Are the reasons really that unclear? The specifics of why he wanted Altman out might be, but he is ultimately clearly leaving because he didn't think Altman should be in charge, while Altman thinks otherwise.
I own only ~5 physical books now (prefer digital) and 2 of them are Thinking, Fast and Slow. Despite not being on the site I've always thought of him as something of a founding grandfather of LessWrong.
He comes out pretty unsympathetic and stubborn.
Did any of your views of him change?
I'm sympathetic to some of your arguments but even if we accept that the current paradigm will lead us to an AI that is pretty similar to a human mind, and even in the best case I'm already not super optimistic that a scaled up random almost human is a great outcome. I simply disagree where you say this:
>For example, humans are not perfectly robust. I claim that for any human, no matter how moral, there exist adversarial sensory inputs that would cause them to act badly. Such inputs might involve extreme pain, starvation, exhaustion, etc. I don't think the mere existence of such inputs means that all humans are unaligned.
Humans aren't that aligned at the extreme and the extreme matters when talking about the smartest entity making every important decision about everything.
Also, your general arguments about the current paradigms being not that bad are reasonable but again, I think our situation is a lot closer to all or nothing - if we get pretty far with RLHF or whatever, scale up the model until it's extremely smart and thus eventually making every decision of consequence then unless you got the alignment near perfectly the chance that the remaining problematic parts screw us over seems uncomfortably high to me.
I can't even get a good answer of "What's the GiveWell of AI Safety" so I can quickly donate to a very reputable and agreed upon option with little thinking without at best getting old lists to a ton of random small orgs and giving up. I'm not very optimistic ordinary less convinced people who want to help are having an easier time.
It seems quite different. Tha main argument in that article is that Climate Change wouldn't make the lives of readers' children much worse or shorter and that's not the case for AI.
Do you have any evidence for this?
My prior is that other things are less effective and you need evidence to show they are more effective not vice versa.
Not all EA's are longtermists.
Of course. I'm saying it doesn't even get to make that argument which can sometimes muddy the waters enough to make some odd-seeming causes look at least plausibly effective.
I'm impressed how modern EAs manage to spin any cause into being supposedly EA.
There's just no way that things like this are remotely as effective as say GiveWell causes (though it wouldn't even meet a much lower bar) and it barely even has longtermist points for it that can make me see why there's at least a chance it could be worth it.
EA's whlole brand is massively diluted by all these causes and I don't think they are remotely as effective as other places where your money can go, nor that they help the general message.
It's like people get into EA, realize it's a good idea but then want to participate in the community and not just donate so everyone tries to come up with new clearly ineffective (compared to alternatives) causes and spin them as EA.
While NVDA is naively the most obvious play - the vast majority of GPU-based AI systems use them, I fail to see why you'd expect it will outperform the market, at least in the medium term. Even if you don't believe in the EMH, I assume you acknowledge things can be more or less priced-in? Well, NVDA's such an obvious choice that it does seem like all the main arguments for it are priced-in which has helped get it to a PE ratio of 55.
I also don't see OpenAI making a huge dent on MSFT's numbers anytime soon. Almost all of MSFT's price is going to be determined by the rest of their business. Quick googling suggests revenue of 3m for OpenAI, and 168b total for MSFT for 2021. If OpenAI was already 100 times larger I still wouldn't see how a bet on MSFT just because of it is justified. It seems like this was chosen just because OpenAI is popular and not out of any real analysis beyond it. Can you explain what I'm missing?
I do like your first 3 choices of TSM, Google and Samsung (is that really much of an AI play though).
No, it's the blockchain Terra (with Luna being its main token).
There is little reason to think that's a big issue. A lot of data is semi-tagged, some of the ML-generated data can be removed either that way or by being detected by newer models. And in general as long as the 'good' type of data is also increasing model quality will also keep increasing even if you have some extra noise.
What's the GiveWell/AMF of AI Safety? I'd like to occasionally donate. In the past I've only done so for MIRI a few times. A quick googling fails to return anything useful in the top results which is odd given how much seems to be written in LW/EA and other forums on the subject every week.
In Bulgaria (where cyrilic was invented) writing in Latin is common (especially before cyrilic support was good) but frowned upon as it is considered uneducated and ugly. The way we do it is just replace each letter with the equivalent latin letter one to one and do whatever with the few which don't fit (eg just use y for ъ but some might use a, ч is just ch etc). So молоко is just moloko. Водка is vodka. Стол is stol etc. This is also exactly how it works on my keyboard with the phonetic layout.
Everyone else who uses cyrilic online seems to get it when you write like that in my experience though nowadays it's rarer.
I've been considering for years that I should write more, and save more of my messages and activities purely so I can constrain the mindspace for a future AI to recreate a version of me as approximate to my current self as years ago me is. As far as I can tell, this is fairly low effort, and the more information you have the closer you can get.
I just don't see an obvious refutation for why an advanced AI optimizing for creating a person that would write/do/etc. all the things I have with the highest probability it can would be that different from me.
A lot of people take a lot of drugs on big events like Burning Man with little issue. In my observation, it's typically the overly frequent and/or targeted psychedelic use that causes such big changes at least in those that start of fairly stable.
Why are so many resources being sunk into this specifically? I just don't understand how it makes sense, what the motivation is and how they arrived at the idea. Maybe there is a great explanation and thought process which I am missing.
From my point of view, there is little demand for it and the main motivation might plausibly have been "we want to say we've published a book" rather than something that people want or need.
Having said that, I'd rather get an answer to my initial comment - why it makes sense to you/them - rather than me having to give reasons why I don't see how it makes sense.
Thanks for the reply. That seems like a sensible position.
It sounds like maybe you were less involved in this than some of the 7(is that right?) other employees/admins so I'm very curious to hear their take, too.
Printing costs are hardly the only or even main issue, and I hadn't even mentioned them. You are right though, those costs make the insistence on publishing a book make even less sense.
I’m confused by this. Why would only voters be interested in the books?
Because I doubt there are all that much more people interested in these than the number of voters. Even at 1000 it doesn't seem like a book makes all that much sense. In fact, I still don't get why turning them into a book is even considered.
- It seems like very few people voted overall if the average is "10-20" voters per post. I hope they are buying 50+ books each otherwise I don't see how the book part is remotely worth it.
- The voting was broken in multiple ways - you could spend as many points as possible, but instead of a cut-off, your vote was just cast out due to the organizers' mistake to allow it.
- The voting was broken in the way described in the post, too.
- People didn't understand how the voting worked (Look at the few comments here) so they didn't really even manage to vote in the way that satisfies their preferences best. The system and the explanation seem at fault.
- I note that a lot of promotion went into this - including emails to non-active users, a lot of posts about it, long extended reviews.
So, my question is - do the organizers think it was worth it? And if yes, do you think it is worth it enough for publishing in a book? And if yes to both - what would failure have looked like?
He has been trying to do it for years and failed. The first time I read his attempts at doing that, years ago, I also assigned a high probability of success. Then 2 years passed and he hadn't done it, then another 2 years..
You have to adjust your estimates based on your observations.
I have a bunch of comments on this:
- I really liked the bit. Possibly because I've been lowkey following his efforts.
- He looks quite good, and I like the beard on him.
- ..
I've always thought that his failed attempts at researching weightloss and applying what he learned were a counter example of how applicable LW/EY rationality is. Glad to see he solved it when it became more important.
- Eliezer clearly gets too much flack in general, and especially in this case. It's not like I haven't criticised him but come on.
several people’s reaction was, “Why is this guy talking to me like I’m his friend, I don’t even know him”
Really? Fine, you don't know him but if you don't know EY and are at a rationalist event why would you be surprised by not knowing a speaker? From the public's reaction to his openning it should've been clear most people did know him.
- I'm not against the concept of triggering - some stuff can be, including eating disorders, but like this? Can a person not talk at all about weight gain/loss? Is the solstice at all LW-related if things can't be discussed even at their fairly basic (and socially accepted) level? Please, if you hated it give a detailed response as to why. I'm genuinely curious.
I think of CFAR as having "forked the LW epistemological codebase", and then going on to do a bunch of development in a private branch. I think a lot of issues from the past few years have come from disconnects between people who having been using 'the private beta branch' and people using the classic 'LessWrong 1.0 epistemological framework.'"
This rings true, and I like the metaphor. However, you seem to imply that the Open Source original branch is not as good as the private fork, pushed by a handful of people with a high turnover rate, which could be true but is harder to agree with.
not a real error, comment, post or karma.
I assume that means you print them? Because I find pdfs to be the worst medium, compared to mobi, epub or html - mainly because I usually read from my phone.
All you were saying was "That’s not the question that was asked, so … no." so I'm sorry if I had to guess and ask. Not sure what I've missed by 'not focusing'.
I see you've added both an edit after my comment and then this response, as wellwhich is a bit odd.
while thinking about rationality / CFAR
for TEACHING rationality
You are saying those 2 aren't the same goal?? Even approximately? Isn't CFAR roughly a 'teaching rationality' organization?
Meditations on Moloch is top of the list by a factor of perhaps four
Is that post really that much more relevant than everything else for TEACHING rationality? How come?
"Current system < OP's system"
I think Tenoke things that we are talking about the usual post and comment vote system.
Isn't that what you were going to use initially or at least the most relevant system here to compare to?
Seems better than the current system which as far as I can tell is just 10 if
statements that someone chose without much reason to think it makes sense.