The case for the death penalty
post by Yair Halberstadt (yair-halberstadt) · 2025-02-21T08:30:41.182Z · LW · GW · 32 commentsContents
Objections But what about mistakes? But the death penalty doesn't prevent crime! But the death penalty isn't cheaper than incarceration! But executions are frequently bungled. But can't people change? But are you really going to execute a single digit percentage of all Americans? But what about mental illness? But won't this encourage criminals to take violent steps to prevent capture? None 33 comments
Epistemic status: this is an attempt to steelman the case for the death penalty rather than produce a balanced analysis, or even accurately represent my views (the case is presented as stronger than I actually feel).
In a sufficiently wealthy society we would never kill anyone for their crimes. We are not a sufficiently wealthy society.
There are those people whose freedom imposes such high costs on society that society should not suffer to have them free.
A murderer or rapist not only ruins the lives of their victims, not only causes immense suffering to their victims' families, but frightens people into staying indoors at night, or only going out in groups.
A shoplifter might only steal a few hundred dollars of goods, but they force shops to close or lock up all items, causing significant hassle to everyone in the area.
A bicycle thief steals a bicycle worth 5000 dollars, but as a result nobody in the area cycles to the train station, and parking within 5 minutes of the station becomes impossible.
A robber traumatizes the family he's robbed, but also forces everyone into an expensive attempt to have more security than their neighbours.
A wife beater causes misery for their wife, but also makes it far riskier for people to enter relationships.
I know a fraudster who was imprisoned in the USA for 9 years. Once released he betrothed someone in Canada, borrowed a huge sum of money from her brother, and fled to the UK. There he set up a small trading fund and defrauded a Czech company out of millions of euros. He offered to invest his local synagogue's money, then ran off to Manchester. This man has left a trail of misery and destruction behind him, and shows no sign of stopping no matter how many times he's caught.
A small number of people are responsible for the vast majority of petty crimes. Someone who has been arrested 3 times is extremely likely to be arrested again.
I do not believe in vengeance or justice. I do however believe in fixing problems. And it's clear the only way to fix this problem is to put such people in positions where they cannot do anyone any harm.
A sufficiently wealthy society would imprison those people in good conditions for the rest of their life. We are not a sufficiently wealthy society.
Imprisoning someone for one year in the USA costs in the order of 100,000 dollars. Scott Alexander estimated that making a real dent in crime rates would require incarcerating a low single digits percentage of the population. Each extra percentage locked up costs the government some 300 billion dollars, 4% of the combined State+Federal budget, and far too high a price to pay to give criminals a marginally positive quality of life.
Nor is it a price we are prepared to pay. With prisons full, judges err on the side of letting criminals go free, so police officers don't bother catching them in the first place.
A swift death penalty for violent crimes or repeated petty crimes would quickly remove the worst offenders from society. It would save the government billions, and encourage police officers to do their job which is actually the most cost effective way of preventing crime.
But what about mistakes?
Firstly, you obviously should not impose the death penalty if it's not at all clear who did the crime. Amanda Knox and possibly even OJ Simpson should probably be incarcerated instead of killed, but these are a tiny percentage of actual cases. In the vast majority of crimes we know exactly who did it, and the trial is just necessary bureaucracy we have to go through.
But yes, some innocent people will be killed. Just like some innocent people are killed by police shootings, and numerous innocent people are killed by the US Army, murderers who were let free, and mistaken medical diagnosis. We accept that innocent people die due to our actions all the time, and making a special exception here is an isolated demand for rigour.
But the death penalty doesn't prevent crime!
There is some debate about whether the threat of the death penalty discourages people from committing a crime. There is no debate that dead people commit fewer crimes, which is the purpose of the death penalty here.
Besides those studies are comparing a high chance of life imprisonment Vs a high chance of life imprisonment plus a small chance of maybe being killed 20 years down the line. I am extremely sceptical that when comparing a high chance of being caught and then released a few weeks later with a slap on the wrists Vs being caught and then swiftly executed we wouldn't see large changes in behaviour.
But the death penalty isn't cheaper than incarceration!
Yes, if you wait 20 years and go through umpteen rounds of court cases to finally elaborately kill a small percentage of the people you originally started the process with it's not going to save you any money. We would obviously have to significantly streamline the process, such that people are executed within 6 months of being caught or so.
But executions are frequently bungled.
This isn't particularly high on my list of concerns, but there is a reason most suicide victims use a gunshot to the head if they can. It is the simplest, most reliable, and quickest way of killing someone. But it blows brains all over the wall, which makes people feel squeamish.
So instead we inject people with a lethal combination of drugs which can take hours to work, if it works at all, often leaving them in agonising pain the whole way. The solution is to just use the gun.
But can't people change?
Yes, people can change. But we currently have no reliable way to stop shoplifters being shoplifters, or any way to distinguish those shoplifters who are going through a phase from those who will be in and out of prison for their entire lives. And until they change they continue to do society immense damage.
However I do hope that the knowledge the next time you get caught shoplifting you will be executed, would filter out those who are just in a phase.
But are you really going to execute a single digit percentage of all Americans?
This is the one that really gives me pause, picturing the rivers of blood that such a policy calls for.
Let's get some numbers here. Roughly 6% of the US population will be incarcerated at any point in their life, which gives us an upper limit. Now many of these won't meet the requirements for the death penalty but a large fraction most certainly will.
Of those who do, many wouldn't have committed the crimes in the first place if they knew the death penalty was the probable consequence, and those that would have are likely precisely those with such little self control they are the most dangerous to society. But either way we're probably talking of about 1% of the population. That's a frightening number.
But what you're probably not aware of is that 0.8% of the US population ends up dieing due to intentional homicide, and a larger, but impossible to calculate, fraction will experience rape. Removing violent criminals from the population, often before they ever work up to killing or raping someone would drastically cut this down.
At that point killing 3 million criminals to save the lives of 2.4 million mostly non-criminals, plus largely eliminate other violent +property crime, seems like it might well be a price worth paying, especially when the sensible alternative is not to let these criminals roam free, but to give them a pretty miserable existence in prison.
But what about mental illness?
As stated above, I don't care about vengeance or justice. I care about fixing things. If someone committed a seri us crime due to mental disease I have two questions:
- Is there a reliable way of stopping them committing such crimes in the future?
- If so, is there a reliable way to make sure it happens?
If the answer to either of those is no, then they are not safe to be released into society, and we are not a society wealthy enough to lock every such person up.
But won't this encourage criminals to take violent steps to prevent capture?
After all, might as well be hung for a cow as a sheep. Yes this is a likely cost of the death penalty. I do not think it comes near to tipping the scales.
Comments sorted by top scores.
comment by Viliam · 2025-02-21T13:36:58.588Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
While I don't necessary approve of the conclusion, there are many important points that people seem to underestimate. (Briefly, before discussing them, I suspect that what currently makes death penalty so expensive is all the legal processes around it, so if we replaced all death penalty with life sentence in prison, we would spend more money on the prisoners, but less money on the lawyers, potentially saving money on the net.)
The key part is: While the truly horrible people are few, they cause vastly disproportional damage, plus all kinds of secondary damage (the population living in fear, not trusting each other, spending more money on security, or just not trying many projects because of the perceived risk). Eliminating these people from the streets might change the situation dramatically, possibly in ways that many of us can't even imagine. It could change a low-trust society into a high-trust society, with various positive impacts on mental health and economy.
I have also seen similar dynamics in other situations. For example, in school, there is often one child in a classroom that constantly keeps disrupting lessons, frustrating the teachers and reducing the learning opportunities for all their classmates. Removing that one child can dramatically change the entire experience for everyone involved. I have seen incredible changes during a week or two when the disruptive child got sick; but after their return the situation reverted to the usual.
There is a related problem, that crime is often difficult to prove (beyond the shadow of doubt, without doing something illegal yourself, etc.). For example, rape is often only witnessed by the two people involved; we get a "he said, she said" situation. Another example, in Slovakia the law about illegal drugs was changed so that it is no longer illegal to have the amount of drugs you need for your own consumption; only selling drugs is illegal. Sounds reasonable at first sight (catching the dealers is strategically more important than catching the users)... until you realize that in practice, selling is almost impossible to prove. Because you would have to be there, at the exact moment. A police arriving five minutes later (which is already a super optimistic scenario) can't prove anything: all people involved will claim that no exchange happened, that everyone who has drugs on them has already arrived with them, that it is all for their personal consumption, and that all they wanted was to talk. So I have literally the situation that people are selling drugs on my street, they are not even trying hard to hide (other than making sure that no one is closer than 10 meters to them at the moment the money changes hands), and they do it with complete impunity. So again, we have a situation where worrying about being needlessly harsh to the users made the crime itself... not literally legal, but not punished in practice either.
Which suggest a need of another "tough on crime" approach, like: if X is a crime you want to prevent, but it is extremely easy to pretend that X is Y, and there is no good reason why Y should be legal... then maybe you should also make Y illegal, just to make sure that the people doing X actually get punished. Basically, when making laws about Y, don't think about Y in isolation, but also about all things that can be plausibly made into Y. Even if the punishment for Y is smaller than the punishment for X, it should definitely be nonzero, and if it happens repeatedly, it is very likely X in disguise, so the punishments for repeated Y should be comparable to X.
Replies from: yair-halberstadt↑ comment by Yair Halberstadt (yair-halberstadt) · 2025-02-21T13:57:19.424Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
I think for similar reasons trade in ivory from dead anyways elephants is severely restricted.
comment by Shankar Sivarajan (shankar-sivarajan) · 2025-02-21T22:37:46.148Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
My paraphrase of Gandalf: "Many that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do the next best thing, and deal out death in judgement to the many that live who deserve it."
comment by jmh · 2025-02-21T14:46:01.666Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
I'm a bit conflicted on the subject of death penalty. I do agree with the view some solution is needed for incorrigible cases where you just don't want that person out in general society. But I honestly don't know if killing them versus imprisoning them for life is more or less humane. In terms of steelmanning the case I think one might explore this avenue. Which is the cruelest punishment?
But I would also say one needs to consider alternatives to either prison or death. Historically it was not unheard of to exile criminals to near impossible to escape locations -- Australia possibly being a best example.
Replies from: satchlj↑ comment by satchlj · 2025-02-21T16:03:08.641Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Where on this planet could the USA cheaply put people instead of executing them where they
- Have the option to survive if they try
- Can't escape
- Can't cause harm to non-exiled people?
↑ comment by Dagon · 2025-02-21T19:36:46.805Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
In the medium-term reduced-scarcity future, the answer is: lock them into a VR/experience-machine pod.
edit: sorry, misspoke. In this future, humans are ALREADY mostly in these pods. Criminals or individuals who can't behave in a shared virtual space simply get firewalled into their own sandbox by the AI. Or those behaviors are shadowbanned - the perpetrator experiences them, the victim doesn't.
↑ comment by Alexander Turok · 2025-02-21T22:40:59.857Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
A fenced-off city that will inevitably be compared to a Holocaust ghetto.
comment by A1987dM (army1987) · 2025-02-21T11:39:44.106Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
> Imprisoning someone for one year in the USA costs in the order of 100,000 dollars
There surely must be some way to decrease that by *at least* a factor of 4 or so, possibly by an order of magnitude, if we wanted to? (The poverty line for a 8-person household in the contiguous US in 2025 is $54,150.) Surely that might involve treating prisoners in rather questionable ways, but still way less questionable than f---ing killing them, IMO.
Another objection I have is that [waaay too many things are considered crimes that shouldn't be]( -- what fraction of people in prison are there for reasons comparable to any of your examples?
Replies from: romeostevensit↑ comment by romeostevensit · 2025-02-21T22:51:02.240Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
There are the predictable lobbies for increasing the price taxpayers pay for prisoners, but not much advocacy for decreasing it.
comment by romeostevensit · 2025-02-21T22:55:22.513Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
"0.12% of the population (the most persistent offenders) accounted for 20% of violent crime convictions"
comment by Sancho · 2025-02-21T19:12:41.854Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Have we considered cryopreservation as an alternative solution? It could protect society from dangerous offenders without resorting to irreversible execution, while potentially costing less than long-term incarceration. If medical and rehabilitative technologies advance, this would also preserve the possibility of future reform. Worth exploring as a middle ground that addresses both societal safety and moral concerns.
comment by Dagon · 2025-02-21T16:06:56.746Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
In a sufficiently wealthy society we would never kill anyone for their crimes.
In a sufficiently wealthy society, there're far fewer forgivable/tolerable crimes. I'm opposed to the death penalty in current US situation, mostly for knowledge and incentive reasons (too easy to abuse, too hard to be sure). All of the arguments shift in weight by a lot if the situation changes. If the equilibrium shifts significantly so that there are fewer economic reasons for crimes, and fewer economic reasons not to investigate very deeply, and fewer economic reasons not to have good advice and oversight, there may well be a place for it.
comment by Jiro · 2025-02-22T00:05:57.280Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
We accept that innocent people die due to our actions all the time, and making a special exception here is an isolated demand for rigour.
This is also true for life imprisonment, actually. We'll be sentencing some innocent people to life imprisonment. And although perhaps some of them will be exonerated, it's a statistical certainty that not all of them will be, and a statistical certainty that therefore we will destroy some innocent people's lives piecemeal. But we're okay with that, or at least it doesn't get the ire that the death penalty does.
In fact, this is a general problem with all public policies. Anything you do that affects a large number of people is going to statistically kill a number of innocents, unless it's the absolute optimal policy. You can't avoid killing innocents whether you have executions or not.
comment by cousin_it · 2025-02-21T19:06:49.758Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
I think the US has too much punishment as it is, with very high incarceration rate and prison conditions sometimes approaching torture (prison rape, supermax isolation).
I'd rather give serial criminals some kind of surveillance collars that would detect reoffending and notify the police. I think a lot of such people can be "cured" by high certainty of being caught, not by severity of punishment. There'd need to be laws to prevent discrimination against people with collars, though.
Replies from: Alexander Turok↑ comment by Alexander Turok · 2025-02-21T22:21:17.794Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
"There'd need to be laws to prevent discrimination against people with collars, though."
Replies from: cousin_it↑ comment by cousin_it · 2025-02-21T22:32:20.913Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Because otherwise everyone will gleefully discriminate against them in every way they possibly can.
Replies from: Alexander Turok↑ comment by Alexander Turok · 2025-02-21T22:37:42.851Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
But why's that a bad thing?
Replies from: cousin_it↑ comment by cousin_it · 2025-02-21T23:36:32.340Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Because the smaller measure should (on my hypothesis) be enough to prevent crime, and inflicting more damage than necessary for that is evil.
Replies from: Alexander Turok↑ comment by Alexander Turok · 2025-02-22T00:05:01.605Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
IMO forcing law abiding citizens to associate with criminals is inflicting damage on them without a necessary justification.
Replies from: cousin_it↑ comment by cousin_it · 2025-02-22T01:07:14.269Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
No. Committing a crime inflicts damage. But interacting with a person who committed a crime in the past doesn't inflict any damage on you.
Replies from: SaidAchmiz↑ comment by Said Achmiz (SaidAchmiz) · 2025-02-22T01:13:20.211Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
It predictably inflicts damage statistically, however—and (and this is the key part!) it prevents you from affecting that statistical distribution according to your own judgment.
It would be as if, for example, you weren’t allowed to drive carefully (or to not drive). Driving is dangerous, right? It’s not guaranteed to harm you, but there’s a certain chance that it will. But we accept this—why? Because you have the option of driving carefully, obeying the rules of the road, not driving when you’re tired or inebriated or when it’s snowing, etc.; indeed, you have the option of not driving at all. But if you were forced to drive, no matter the circumstances, this would indeed constitute, in a quite relevant sense, “inflicting damage”.
Replies from: cousin_it↑ comment by cousin_it · 2025-02-22T01:23:09.193Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Replies from: Alexander Turok↑ comment by Alexander Turok · 2025-02-22T01:40:43.155Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
"But when you're on the receiving end of such "statistical" ostracism from everyone you meet, it feels quite different."
Do the feelings of the shop owners count?
In fact we already know how this works today, as many employers do not hire criminals and many landlords will not rent to them. Others do, money is money. The system works, criminals don't face ostracism from everyone, they have one another and many non-criminals who are willing to associate with them. (Many criminals are even willing to almost implement your suggestion with face tats.) It provides deterrence of crime and, more importantly, preserves the liberty of the non-criminal population.
comment by Gunnar_Zarncke · 2025-02-21T18:12:59.095Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
What do you think about exiling them to a zone where extreme criminals have to fend for themselves such as they did with Australia?
Replies from: Dagon, Alexander Turok↑ comment by Alexander Turok · 2025-02-21T22:23:25.697Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Yeah a massive walled city would be cheap to patrol and run. Put it where Pelican Bay is.
comment by Archimedes · 2025-02-22T05:55:19.079Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
We would obviously have to significantly streamline the process, such that people are executed within 6 months of being caught or so.
This is one of the biggest hurdles, IMO. How do you significantly streamline the process without destroying due process? In the US, this would require a complete overhaul of the criminal justice system to be feasible.
comment by James Camacho (james-camacho) · 2025-02-21T22:48:44.082Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Similar disclaimer: don't assume these are my opinions. I'm merely advocating for a devil.
If we're going for efficiency, I feel like we can get most of the safety gains with tamer measures. For example, you could cut off a petty thief's hand, or castrate a rapist. The actual procedure would be about as expensive as execution, but if a mistake was made there is still a living person to pay reparations to. I think you could also make the argument that this is less cruel than imprisoning someone for years—after all, people have a "right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", not a right to all their limbs and genitals.
Another thing we can do is punish not only the criminal, but their friends and family too. We can model people as having the policy to take certain actions in a given environment. The ultimate goal of the justice system is to decrease the weight of certain defective policies in the general populace, either through threat, force, or elimination. When we get good enough mindreaders, we can just directly compare each person's policy to the defective ones, and change the environment to mitigate defection. Until then, we have to make do with approximations, and one's culture, especially the shared culture among friends and family, is a very good measure for how similar two people's policies will be. So, if we find someone defecting, it makes sense to punish not only them, but their friends and family for a couple generations too.
Replies from: Jiro↑ comment by Jiro · 2025-02-22T00:02:45.640Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
The idea that we can pay reparations for a mistake is bizarre even considering just widely accepted punishments. You can't imprison someone for 40 years, discover they're innocent, and "pay reparations" for the mistake--there's nothing you can pay someone to give them 40 years. Never mind paying reparations for mutilation, you can't do it for imprisonment.
Also, in practice, societies which cut off the hands of thieves are not societies where justice is served even ignoring the punishments themselves. Tyrants like cutting off hands precisely because it's a punishment that can't be reversed, and you don't have to wait 40 years for it to become permanent.
Replies from: james-camacho↑ comment by James Camacho (james-camacho) · 2025-02-22T01:17:05.846Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
I don't understand your objection. Would you rather go to prison for five years or lose a hand? Would you rather unfairly be imprisoned for five years, and then be paid $10mn in compensation, or unfairly have your hand chopped off and paid $10mn in compensation? I think most people would prefer mutilation over losing years of their lives, especially when it was a mistake. Is your point that, if someone is in prison, they can be going through the appeal process, and thus, if a mistake occurs they'll be less damaged? Because currently it takes over eight years for the average person to be exonerated (source). Since this only takes into account those exonerated, the average innocent person sits there much longer.
I do agree that bodily mutilation can be abused more than imprisonment since you can only take political prisoners as long as you have power, but it's not like tyrants are using bodily mutilation as punishment anyway. They just throw them to the Gulags and call it a day. They don't have to wait 40 years for it to become permanent.
Replies from: Jiro↑ comment by Jiro · 2025-02-22T02:51:31.033Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
I would agree that eight years of imprisonment can be as bad or worse as mutilation. But the problem is that punishing people by mutilation has different incentives than punishing them with jail--at least among actual human punishers. When you look at the history of societies that punish people by mutilation, you find that mutilation goes hand in hand (no pun intended) with bad justice systems--dictatorship, corruption, punishment that varies between social classes, lack of due process, etc. Actual humans aren't capable of implementing a justice system which punishes by mutilation but does so in a way that you could argue is fair.
Replies from: james-camacho, shankar-sivarajan↑ comment by James Camacho (james-camacho) · 2025-02-22T05:20:59.057Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
So, you're making two rather large claims here that I don't agree with.
When you look at the history of societies that punish people by mutilation, you find that mutilation goes hand in hand (no pun intended) with bad justice systems--dictatorship, corruption, punishment that varies between social classes, lack of due process, etc.
This seems more a quirk of scarcity than due to having a bad justice system. Historically, it wasn't just the tryannical, corrupt governments that punished people with mutlation, it was every civilization on the planet! I think it's due to a combination of (1) hardly having enough food and shelter for the general populace, let alone resources for criminals, and (2) a lower-information, lower-trust society where there's no way to check for a prior criminal history, or prevent them from committing more crimes after they leave jail. Chopping off a hand or branding them was a cheap way to dole out punishment and warn others to be extra cautious in their vicinity.
Actual humans aren't capable of implementing a justice system which punishes by mutilation but does so in a way that you could argue is fair.
Obviously it isn't possible for imperfectly rational agents to be perfectly fair, but I don't see why you're applying this only to a mutalitive justice system. This is true of our current justice system or when you buy groceries at the store. The issue isn't making mistakes, the issue is the frequency of mistakes. They create an entropic force that pushes you out of good equilibriums, which is why it's good to have systems that fail gracefully.
I don't see what problems mutilative justice would have over incarcerative. We could have the exact same court procedures, just change the law on the books from 3–5 years to 3–5 fingers. Is the issue that bodily disfigurement is more visible than incarceration? People would have to actually see how they're ruining other people's lives in retribution? Or are you just stating, without any justification, that when we move from incarceration to mutilation, our judges, jurors, and lawyers will suddenly become wholly irrational beings? That it's just "human nature"? To put it in your words: that opinion is bizarre.
↑ comment by Shankar Sivarajan (shankar-sivarajan) · 2025-02-22T04:07:22.127Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Do you have an example in mind of a legal system that doesn't have "corruption, punishment that varies between social classes, lack of due process, etc."?